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Sapphire's POV

After the dolphins, Lauren brought us to a restaurant on the beach. I'm eating my pasta while they're preoccupied with something else. They're currently watching videos of me swimming with the dolphins that they took earlier.

"Oh my god, how did I not notice that", Lauren says laughing at the video. "Aww my baby girl is so tiny compared to the dolphins", Camila says. I soooo love how they're attention is on video me but not actually me. This goes on for 5 more minutes. I'm not completely little right now but I still want attention.

Trying to get some attention, I make the biggest mess possible with my pasta. Helloo pasta is going down my shirt, still nothing. I huff and cross my arms. I hear a giggle come from my side, a look over to see the waitress lady smiling down at me.

"My what a messy little girl, here let me help with that", she begins wiping my face and that's when Camila FINALLY notices. She quickly gets up and goes to my side.

"What on earth? How did you get this much pasta everywhere?", She takes over cleaning me off while Lauren talks to the lady. "Sorry about this. Thanks for the help, we'll take it from here", she says with an awkward smile.

"It's alright, I have two littles of my own. I swear you take your eyes off them for one second and they'll have their heads stuck in a bucket", you tell em lady. They giggle and at nod at her.

She goes back to work and Camila finishes with me. She sits me on her lap and begins to feed me what remains of my food. "See this is why it's better for mommy to feed you", she says. I roll my eyes at that, well next time give me attention.

Lauren notices and smirks at me, "Was someone upset that her mommies' attention wasn't on her?", She says knowingly. I smirk back at her and look around. I shrug my shoulders, "What mommies?". I question and Camila gasps behind me.

"You take that back right now little girl", she says looking straight at me. Lauren's just amused by this all. I giggle and shake my head. She continues to pout as another waitress brings our dessert.

I was about to grab mine when Lauren pulls it away. "Ah ah no, we bought this for our little girl. Which is apparently not you, so what to do?", now it's my turn to gasp. She looks around like I did earlier, "She's not here, so I guess Camila and I will just have to eat it ourselves", she says taking a spoonful of my strawberry sundae.

Fully going little, I pout and whine. "No momma I here!! I wants it!!", she smirks at me and releases my sundae. "Ah there she is, my little cutie. Who am I again princess?", she smiles at me. I pout and give in, I want my icecream.

"You my momma", she smiles and hands me my sundae, but then Camila takes it. "My turn", she says. I pout again, such children. "You my mommy, icecream pleeeaaassse", they laugh at that as I pout more and finally get my icecream. This is not the attention I wanted.

We eat the rest of our food and quickly go home. Mommy's eager to get me into a bath.

The next day - Camila's POV

"You know we could just tell them Sapphy is sick and we can go out instead", Lauren suggests while changing Sapphy's diaper. My little girl's excited for her first playdate. Complete opposite of her momma.

"No babe, she's having this playdate. Besides, weren't you the one who suggested last night that we ask Julio to mind the kids while we go for a spa day?", I said while making lunch.

"I wasn't thinking straight with you in that sexy lingerie last night. Now I'm positive we should just have another family day", she says finishing up with Sapphy who's blushing and hiding her face. Oh dear.

"Lauren not the time", I say hinting at Sapphire. She quickly dresses her and picks her up. "There princess all done, ignore momma you can still have your playdate", she says smiling. Sapphy thankfully just giggles at her.

After awhile Julio and Toby arrive. We greet each other and Toby gives us a gift basket. "Wow another gift", Lauren says smiling but doesn't sound too enthused by it. "Yes and it's for all of us this time babe", I say while nudging her.

"Hey babygirl, why don't you take Toby into your room and play together while we catch up with his Daddy". She nods and they run off. Lauren goes to follow them but I stop her.

"Ah ah ah, Laur let her have fun. Seriously let's just talk with Julio", I tell her. "I said I'd be supervising her playdates and that's what I'm doing", she tries to leave again and I keep yanking her back.

"Laur seriously just let her have one playdate alone or else you'll spending the rest of the trip alone. Which includes when you're sleeping", she groans and gives in, "fine ONE playdate", I can hear Julio laugh in the background as we walk towards the living room.

"So I heard you found a little girl but I didn't think it was true, considering how picky you were about littles. How'd you find her and what makes her different?", He asks.

Lauren answers, "Well actually Sapphy wasn't planned. She was basically brought to us", we tell him how it all went down when she first arrived at our office.

We talked for a while longer about our lives and how they've been since we last saw each other. Which was last year. Even though we had plenty of other things to talk about. Most of our time was spent talking about our little ones. "I'm glad for you two, having a little one is amazing", we all agree, smiling at the thought of our babies.

"How's things anyway on your end". He lets out a huff, "Things have been hectic. My place is fine but I mean the rest of Europe. People have been disappearing all over. All of them have been on the sub side, Littles, pets, slaves, any type of sub they've all gone missing. It's making me anxious about my little one", he says.

"Shit, I'm sorry about that. What's being done about this?", I ask. "On our end nothing yet, I decided I'm not getting involved. I'm not risking my boy", he replies. "That's the authorities' job anyway. It's not your problem", Lauren says. "Yeah for now".

We sit in silence, not knowing what to say. Until we hear Toby yell out, "Daddy!!!!". All three of us bolted towards Sapphy's room.


A/N: Sorry it's been awhile, things just didn't get any better for me with college and everything like I hoped. Still isn't great but I'm getting through it better now so I'm back at it. I have the next few chapters done so expect that but I'll take my time publishing sorry.

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