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Sapphire's POV

My butt is so sore after that. AND THEY WERE GOING EASY ON ME!!?? It makes me scared to think what else they could do to me if they were being serious. Right now I'm being cradled by Lauren as Camila applies cream.

"I'm sorry you went through this but it had to done baby, you need to learn this is the one rule you really cannot break, everything else we will give you warnings first but this one will not be tolerated, are we clear on that Sapphire." Lauren says. I nod still crying a little.

She gets up when they finish and we go to their room. We all get in bed and they cuddle with me. "Take a nap babygirl, you'll feel better after", I fall asleep quite quickly and now I'm waking up inside the crib. This time the crib seems bigger and I can't climb over.

I look around and I don't see them. I see a baby monitor and I go to call them. " Momma, Mommy" I stop myself before I earn another punishment today. Soon Camila walks in. "Hey babygirl, how was your nap?", she asks as she pulls down the sides of the crib and picks me up. "Good".

After changing my diaper she takes me to the dinning room where everyone was eating. Lauren sits at the head with one empty seat beside her, and......... Oh my God, a high chair and I know exactly who's it for. Camila puts me in and I didn't protest, my butt's sore enough. If I'm gonna be honest, it's really comfy, which I'm so thankful for right now. I'm sat in between Lauren and Camila.

"My girls are looking beautiful as always", Lauren says as she kisses both of us. A sippy cup of apple juice is placed in front of me but I don't get a plate. "Can I feed myself please?", I ask. "One of us will be feeding you from now on baby", Camila says as she snaps a bib around my neck. At least the food is amazing.

After eating I got to wondering, how are my days gonna be from now on. I barely get to walk by myself anymore they hold me nearly the entire time, I'm getting sick of it. "Well once you start settling in and we can trust that you know where you belong, you'll have more freedom to do what you want. For now we can't let you go", Lauren answers. I give a quick sorry. I didn't realise I said that out loud. She just rubs my back and leaves.

Camila sighs, "Don't mind Momma, she's been on high alert since last night", I kinda feel guilty. Apart from the punishment I got, all they've shown is that they care about me. To even kill one of their men that have worked for them for years because of me. I saw the look on their faces as they punished me. All I saw was pain, they didn't want it as much as I didn't.

Camila takes me out of the high chair. "We need to go shopping for your things but it seems Momma is not feeling quite up for it, I think you can do something about that, do you want her to come?", I think for second and I nod.

Camila brings me to their office. "I'll leave you two alone so go in there while I go pick out your clothes", she leaves and I slowly make my way to the door. I open it slightly and I can hear her speaking on the phone.

"No I don't want either of them knowing, yet ......She's behaving but only out of fear.........I don't know what else to do..........please just take her.......Camila will be pissed but she'll realise it needed to be done.......I'll handle Camila, just take her.......fine, I'll give it a few more days.......I'll see you soon, bye", wait what? that sounded like she's trying to get rid of me. Was she actually trying to get rid of me?

That hurt more than it should. She doesn't want me anymore. I don't know why but that thought stings. I fell to the floor and tried to keep my crying silent. I guess it didn't work cause soon Lauren was out the door and picking me up.

"Princess what's wrong?", I cling to her as she brings us inside and on the couch. "I'm sorry", she looks confused. "For what sweets?". "For being bad, I sorry I be good don't throw me away", I cry harder, "I'm sorry if it seems like I hate you, I actually love the attention and care you give me. I've always had to do everything for myself since I was small and I can't remember what it felt like to have a family. I just need time to get used to the babying but I don't hate it here. Please don't give me away", she gets up and starts swaying and shushing me.

"Shhhhhh please, you're making Momma upset. What on Earth gave you the idea that I would give you up?", I sniffle. "I heard you on the phone", I say clinging to her more. She sighs, "Baby I need you to realise something okay so I need you to pay close attention. Camila and I have spent nearly 3 years looking for the right little for us. Some were okay, some were not. But none of them made us feel the connection we needed."

"There were times where they would get themselves into dangerous situations and I'd help them out. But I did it out of obligation not because I was concerned about them. You on the other hand, I killed for you.

My mind is still going insane at just the thought of the different outcomes that could've happened last night. The moment you came into our lives I knew, we would never let you leave. So don't ever think we're gonna get rid of you. Even if you beg us, we won't." That oddly calmed me down.

"As for you enjoying this and still needing time. I'm so happy baby. We love having you and we couldn't be happier that you enjoy this too. You will get used to this one day and we're being patient about it so don't worry", she smiles at me and I smile back. "So what was the phone call about?"

"That was my sister. She runs a school/day care for littles. She normally doesn't take them until they've developed a headspace and a bond with their Doms but I thought that if you were surrounded by other littles, you'd feel more comfortable with being one." Oh that makes sense.

"Though I know Camila would be pissed cause we agreed to let you get used to this first but I felt it might be best. I see now, I was being hasty so please, don't tell Mommy", I giggle at her. "No I have to tell the truth." She widens her eyes. "Come on princess it'll our little secret, Mommy doesn't need to know."

"Mommy doesn't need to know what?", of course she walks in now, I'm laughing at Momma's expression. "Mommy", I make grabby hands at her and she takes me with he biggest smile on her face. "What is it that you and your Momma are hiding from me?", she asks as she tickles me. I look at Momma and see she pleading with her eyes.

"Momma said not to tell", Mommy smirks at me. "Alright I guess we'll just have a nap instead of going out since someone wants keep secrets", I gasp. "No mommy!!", I look at Momma again but she's still pleading. "Alright I tell you, Momma said she'd buy me a puppy if I'm good but not to tell you till we gets it." I look with the corner of my eye and see Momma sigh of relief but then playfully glares at me.

"Oh did she now? Well I'mma need a talk with Momma cause it said on your file that you're mildly allergic to dogs", damn it I forgot they read that. "That's right I forgot, sorry princess no puppy, you'll have to get something else", I pout. "It's only mild", I say hopefully. "Still no babygirl", Mommy says and I pout again. "Kitty?"

"We'll think about it, for now we need to get you some other things", Momma gets up. "I'll change her, you tell everyone we're leaving." Momma takes me up to their room and dresses me into a white shirt and pink overalls. "Thank you for not ratting me out princess and hopefully you realize how much we care about you. You can still take your time getting used to this, you don't need to force yourself".

I hug her, "I know Momma." She smiles widely at me and hugs me tight, kissing my forehead. "Also that's the only time you're allowed to lie to your Mommy, No more lies okay", I laugh nodding and let Momma change me.

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