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Sapphire's POV

We've been in Disney for a few hours now and been on a lot of rides thanks to our fast passes. "Sapphy it's time for lunch. What do you wanna eat?", Mommy asks. "Hmmm Ice cream and pizza!!", I yell. "Good choice Babygirl", Mommy and I high five. We all go to Giovanni's and I eat way too many pizzas.

"Momma my tummy hurts", she shakes her head. "See this is why you need to listen when we say that's enough", she picks me up onto her lap and rubs my back. "My poor princess", we stayed like this for awhile. They're all talking together with Maddie while I'm silent. "Babe I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, alright", Mommy says.

"That's fine, I'll go after you", Momma says. "It's okay, you both can go. I'll look after Sapphire", Maddie tells them reaching for me. "Are you sure? I don't know how she'll react to being alone with you", Momma says still holding me. "Baby girl, Mommy and Momma are gonna go to the bathroom real quick. Are you okay with staying with Maddie?", Mommy asks.

I just nod not feeling energy right now. Momma hands me to Maddie and they kiss my cheek before leaving. Maddie rubs my tummy and it makes me feel better. "Thanks Maddie", I say. "No problem little one". After a little while I start to feel better. I stay sitting on Maddie's lap. "Hey little one, wanna play a game?', I quickly nod my head.

Camila's POV

After awhile, Lauren and I finally come out of the toilet. That line was ridiculously long. We walk back to the girls and I can hear Sapphy's adorable voice. "Stop Maddie, that not fair", she whines. Sapphy looks up and I see the most adorable sight, my baby's face was covered in lipstick.

"And what is going on in here?", I say. Sapphy jumps off Maddie's lap and runs to me. "Mommy Mommy, Maddie's cheating", Sapphy whines. "I was not, I'm just good at the game", Maddie says pretending to be cocky.

"We were playing song association and whoever doesn't get it, gets a smidge of lipstick on their face and as you can see, Sapphy got quite a few wrong." Sapphy whines again, "you was giving me hard ones". We all just laughed at my baby's silliness. I took a quick picture before wiping her face with baby wipes.

"Okay seems we're all good to go. You wanna go see the parade princess?", Lauren says picking her up. Sapphy nods her head quickly and leave for the parade.

Hours later

The day was great and now we're on our way to the Disney hotel. We go in and Sapphy starts getting excited again. "Momma look there's a swimming pool can we go?", she asks. "Princess, we have a swimming pool at home. Besides its bedtime and you didn't even have a nap today,  I don't know how you're still so energetic". Sapphy pouts but listens anyway and we go to our room.

Lauren booked out the best room for us. "Princess we're here, you wanna go in first?", Lauren says. She nods and quickly opens the door.  Once inside Sapphy's eyes went wide. "Momma it's beautiful", she says. We all walk in and admire the decor. "It is very beautiful babe, thank you for this", I say giving Lauren's cheek a kiss.

"Only the best for my girls", she says smiling. "Umm......where will I be staying?", Maddie asks. "Oh right, this room connects to the one next door. I'll show you", Lauren and Maddie leave. "Okay babygirl, bathtime". I pick her up and take her to the bathroom. I do my normal routine when washing Sapphire while she plays with her toys. However something feels off this time.

She's normally very talkative and makes a mess with the water. "Is there something wrong babygirl?", I ask. She quickly looks up at me and shakes her head. "Nothing's wrong Mommy", she replies not sounding very little. "Are you sure? Cause my little one was super excited until now. This is first time I've seen Fangs (her toy shark) not chasing Nemo".

"Fangs is just tired Mommy, he's sleeping", she says still not sounding like herself. "Hmm....alright", I finish washing her hair and begin cleaning her body when she flinches. "Okay, there's definitely something wrong here little girl. Come on tell Mommy what's wrong." She shakes her head again. "Nothing's wrong, I just got chilly", she says. 

"Babygirl, the water's the same temperature I wash you with every night and it's also warm outside so what's really going on?", she doesn't answer me. "Okay stay here, I'll be back", I tell her. I get up to go find Lauren.

Back to Sapphire's POV

I'm an idiot, why the fuck did I react like that!? It's not like this is the first time Camila's given me a bath. But after watching them this morning, all I can think about is them and how they could make me feel. It was easy to forget until I was butt naked with her hands touching me.

"Princess, Mommy says that something's wrong with you and you won't tell her",  I hear Lauren coming into the bathroom with Camila. I keep my gazes down until Lauren lifts my chin to face her. "Now what's gotten my princess so upset that she won't even tell her mommies? Baby you know that whatever it is we'll be here to listen and do everything we can to make it better", she says.

Both of them look at me with very concerned faces but I can't possibly tell them what I'm really thinking. I shake my head again. Lauren sighs heavily, "princess if there's something wrong, we need to know. Otherwise it'll get worse if we don't fix it and we don't want that", she moves to pick me up and I do my absolute best to stay still.

They take me to the bedroom and Lauren sits me on her lap, drying me off with the towel. As she moves downwards it gets harder and harder to stay still and when she accidentally flicks my nipple I can't help but gasp and shut my eyes. This stops her movements. Oh no, did I just give it away!!?? I slowly take a peek and see them glance at each other then back at me.

"I see now, our little girl may be little on the inside but still has the body of a 20 year old", Lauren says. I shut my eyes again feeling beyond embarrassed. I hear Camila move, "Babygirl, it's okay. You don't need to be embarrassed. We understand you still have adult needs and we forget that sometimes." I open my again and see Camila kneeling in front of me.

"Everything's okay Princess. If this is something you need, we'll provide. But only if you're sure this is what you want", I look up at Lauren and she nods. "I think so", I say quietly. "You need to be sure babygirl, cause once we do this. Today won't be the last", Camila says. I gulp just thinking about getting to do this with them all the time.

"I.......I do want this", I say a little louder. Camila puts her hands on my knees and Lauren kisses my cheeks. "Definitely sure you want this? Last chance sweet pea", Lauren says in my ear. I nod my head quickly. "Yes Momma".

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