The girls

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Camila's POV

"Now that we have that settled let's get you into something cuter", I take Sapphire into her walk in closet while Lauren leaves to take care of a few things. We don't have very many clothes for her yet but this'll do for now. I first try to put a diaper on her, which she refuses. "I'm potty trained I don't need that", she tries to stop me but quickly stops after I popped both her thighs, hard. "That was just a warning Sapphire, don't fight me."

I finally put the diaper on then changed her into a cute yellow dress with white sandals. I just brush out her hair and place a white bow in it. "You are so adorable I've waited so long to dress up a little girl this cute, luckily Sofie's clothes fit you."

"Who's Sofie?", she asks. "She's my little sister you'll be meeting her soon", I picked up the bracelet tracker and attach it to her wrist. "This bracelet has a tracker in it. It won't come off without the key and is made out of titanium so don't bother trying to break it off. We decided on this rather than inserting one into you which would've been painful so don't push us to do it".

I pick her up and bring her to mine and Lauren's office. I open the door to see Lauren on the phone. She smiles at us as I walk in. "Okay just do everything I told you to do for now and I'll call you back later", she hangs up and opens her arms. "Oh my god, you are way more adorable then I imagined, come to Momma".

I hand her over to Lauren who puts her straddling her lap. "Camz babe you did such a great job she looks absolutely adorable. You wouldn't believe she's 20", I smile and Sapphire finally speaks again. "How did you know I was 20?", Lauren responds, "After we put you to bed last night we got some people to find us your files, we got them this morning and looked through them before we woke you up." She nods slowly, "How old are you two?".

We giggled, "Normally you'd get slapped for that question, I'm 23 and Camila is 22, we're quite young for Mafia leaders but my dad retired early due to a nasty injury so I had to take over", the phone goes off and Lauren answers it. I take Sapphire again and leave Lauren to do business. "Baby we're gonna have a welcoming party for you tonight to introduce you to all the members so they know who you are and who you belong to." I get another nod.

"But for now you'll meet a few people that are quite close to Momma and Mommy so you'll be seeing them quite often", I bring Sapphire down to the private training room that's meant for Lauren and I but we let the girls use it too so I know they'll be there. I open the door to see Dinah throwing knives while Ally and Normani were lifting weights.

"Hey girls", they all look at me with smiles at first but then turned to confusion except for Ally who already knew. Dinah speaks first, "Um Mila who's the girl?", I was going to answer but I felt Ally yank Sapphire out of my arms. "She is so CUTE I want one can I keep her", she holds Sapphire tight and I just laugh, "No she's mine and Lauren's, and this is Sapphire, she bumped into our men last night and had to take her here. We decided to keep her as our little."

I'm not sure if Normani's paying attention as she's also just gushing over Sapphire's cuteness. "Well whatever you want boss she is a cutie", Dinah says and resumes training. "Can I have my baby back now?", they continue to ignore me and coo over Sapphire, "Alright fine just bring her to our office in 1 hour, also she has a diaper on so don't let her use the toilet and if she needs a change bring her to our office." I kiss my baby on the cheek and leave to go do some work.

Sapphire's POV

I don't know how I'm feeling right now. Still scared but also relieved that they're not treating me badly. I hate the fact that they're babying me and I have to use a fucking diaper but I like that they're nice. I'm mostly nervous, is this gonna be my life now?

I wanna get out of here but how the fuck am I meant to do that. I even have a fucking tracker on me now. I haven't been fighting much cause I know already that they're way stronger than me so there's no point I'm just gonna end up getting hurt, but I still don't wanna do this. After Camila leaves I relax a little bit and turn my attention to these two who are getting on my nerves. "I'm Ally and this is Normani, the tall one over there is Dinah", the one holding me says.

"Okay Ally can you put me down?", I ask and she complies. They take my hands and bring me over to the bench and ask me a few questions, all the basic things, what do I like to do, favourite food, etc. "Hey guys I think maybe we should lay off she's been through a lot in a short time. Her life has changed against her will so give her a break before she has to go back Camila and Lauren", Dinah says and I thank her.

"No problem you're technically family now, so I'll look out for you, also don't worry too much about Camila and Lauren. I know this isn't what you want, but they'll treat you good, they've waited too long to treat you like shit so don't worry, too much anyway", I just nod and they go back to training while I watched them.

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