Chapter 21: Stood Up

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Peter's POV

It's Monday, and do you know what Wednesday is?

Well, I guess there's no stopping time. Not even if you're a superhero.

The day will come, no matter what. There's nothing anyone can do to stop that.

Valentine's Day is coming, and I can't just disappear! It's movie night with the gang at my place, and I made a promise to never ditch Y/N again, and I'm already ditching our study session right now. I can't keep doing this to her.

But it'll be hard when I know that Ned, MJ, and Harry are all planning on getting "sick" on Wednesday, just to make sure I'm alone with Y/N!

I'm not ready for this. Ned dared me to give her a Valentine, but isn't that, like, a middle school thing? There's no way I'm brave enough to give her one of those!

But Spider-Man is...

That's not actually a bad idea. Ned said that I have to give it to her myself, but he didn't say which part of myself had to do it. I can give it to her, without her knowing that it's me!

What am I even saying? Valentines!? This stuff is for Kindergartners.

I'm just going to man up, and tell her how I feel.

As Spider-Man.


It's Monday, and you know what that means? Wednesday will come, eventually. And Wednesday is Valentine's Day.

My least favorite day in the entire year.

Why, you might ask, is that?

Well, for starters, Valentine's Day is the feast day of Saint Valentine and we remember what he did. Under Roman Emperor Claudias, an edict was in place preventing young soldiers from marrying because it was believed that they would fight better if they "had nothing to lose". So, being a Catholic priest who believed in marriage, St. Valentine began marrying lovers in secret. Eventually, he was caught, tortured, and martyred for his "crimes".

And how do we remember St. Valentine?

With cupids (which are Pagan, so...), sappy greeting cards, and over-priced chocolate.

You know, a tree had to die for that Hallmark card you're thinking about right now, and it won't even be for a noble purpose like the pursuit of knowledge or justice.

No, it died because you didn't have the guts to talk to your crush yourself.

If I had voiced this to anyone other than MJ, they probably would've said something along the lines of, "Yeesh, this chick is BITTER."


And maybe, just maybe, my opinions would change if someone even gave me a second thought on Valentine's Day. Until that very unlikely day, I will be single and bitter and there's nothing you can do about it.

If only Peter would stop being so stupid and take a hint, oh my gosh. I really don't think I could be more obvious.

I need to calm down, Peter will be here any minute to study. I'm waiting for him on the roof, it's kind of our spot now, so we decided to move study sessions up here to enjoy the weather.

It's 4:30, meaning he should be here by now. He's been less and less punctual lately, and he won't tell me why. I'm really getting sick of all the secrets.

I know I promised that I would give him his privacy, but this is just insane. I've known him for over a year, we're practically inseparable, and he still won't tell me!

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