Chapter 23: The Hardest Words to Say

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Warning: some language

Well, there's no going back now, I think to myself as I hang up my cell phone. 

I called my mom; I just told her that I was really unhappy here, and when she asked why, I told her something pretty close to the truth, actually. I told her that Peter and I had a big fight, and I can't talk to him anymore; then I lied and also said that MJ and Harry took Peter's side, and that Dad wasn't there for me.

I think that's what convinced her, the Dad-bit. 

I'm kind of in shock, though. In my haste to get away, I never thought about Dad and Ethan. What'll happen to them when I'm not there making ends meet? 

You're sixteen, it's not your problem. 

No, they're my family, I'm pretty sure that makes it "my problem".

You know what I mean. Sometimes you just need a break.

A break is not the same as breaking off several relationships. You're leaving your best friends, as well as your Dad, brother, and the guy who holds your heart, whether he knows it or not.

I shove all these thoughts out of my head, in hopes to be in good enough shape to concentrate for what may well be my last day at Midtown High.

And that's another thing, what about school? 

Easy, I'll just transfer back to my old school.

Oh, I don't know what I what I was thinking, of course it'll be easy.

Ah, screw it. I'm gonna do something impulsive today.

Peter's POV

Well, it's Valentine's day, but there's no way I can tell Y/N how I feel about her right now. She had a freaking panic attack yesterday!

She never even told me that she got those...

Apparently, there's a lot of stuff she doesn't tell you.

No need to rub it in.

The point is, I need to focus on her today. I'm not going to leave her side, which is very lucky since today is the day that we have the same schedule. I'm going to be there for her no matter what happens.

Wait, I think I see her!

Duh, you guys always get the same train. 

She didn't save me a seat today...

Well, I guess I'll just have to bother her.

"Hey Y/N! Is this overhead strap taken?" Wow, I know I'm usually awkward with her, but that was just terrible.

"Oh, hey Peter," now that was definitely disappointment that I heard in her voice, and I have to say, it doesn't feel that great on my end.

I stand in front of her in silence for the entire train ride, just staring at her. I mean, holy shawarma, she's just always gorgeous, isn't she?

"Umm, Happy Valentine's Day. I got you a chocolate bar, it's in here somewhere," I dig through my backpack to find her gift as we get off the subway. I'll admit, not one of my best ideas. I end up getting separated from her, but I catch up with her before she reaches the school. "Uh, it's a little smooshed, but it should still taste okay."

"Peter, I think we need to talk," gosh darnit, what a terrifying way to start a conversation! 

"Uh, yeah, sure, okay."

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