Chapter 3: Her Ambition

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Liliana left LFG in a big huff. "Ugh who does he think he is!"
Stomped down the stairs "How can people work with him!"
Liliana stopped and dug through her bag and pulled out her MP4 and put her head phones in and turned on.
(Fight Song-Rachel Platten)
"Like a small boat. On the ocean. Sending big waves. Into motion."She started to calm down. 'If I would've gotten madder I would've probably lost control of my evol. And I've worked so hard JUST to get it under control. Just relax girl.. Relax..' She thought to herself. 'I need to calm down and come up with a plan since I decided I would do four doll houses. Me and my big fat mouth.' She thought to herself and smacked her forehead three times. She decided to pull out her phone and dialed her grandfathers number, took her ear phones out and called him. Three rings. He always answers before it gets to the fourth ring. Grandpa was always good about that.
"Hey kiddo. How was the interview with Mr. Li?" She didn't know how to tell her grandfather
"Well-." Her grandfather kinda knew the answer already
"I'm guessing you got yourself wrapped up in something didn't you?" She sighed
"Kinda Popop.." She heard a chuckle
"It's alright kiddo; come on home. Worry about doing your shopping tomorrow. We can have a hot cup of tea and some of your favorite cookies your grandma makes. And we can talk all about it." She smiled. Hearing her grandfathers voice and his chuckles always made her day even better. Regardless if she was having a very crappy day just hearing his voice always brightened her mood.
"Alright Popop. I'll be home in an hour. See ya soon." They both said their
"Love you; miss you." Before hanging up.

Liliana decided she would take two buses home. They lived outside of Loveland City. Liliana preferred to live outside of the city. They don't like all the hustle and bustle of the big city. So living outside of the big city was always a bonus for Liliana. 

Liliana made it a little late in afternoon. Her grandfather waiting to greet her on their front porch with a smile from ear to ear. Liliana jogged to the front porch embracing her grandfather in a big hug. A hug she wished could last a life time. Memories of being a little girl and spending nights in a tent with her grandparents, catching fire flies and releasing them.
"Now tell Popop what happen." Liliana and her grandfather walked towards the back porch sipped on some tea and ate her grandmothers cookies.
"Well kiddo seems like you have stuffed your foot in your mouth this time huh." Liliana slouched in her chair and hunched over the table
"Yes Popop. I just don't know what to do.." He reached over and rubbed her back
"Kiddo you know what you have to do without me telling you. Look at me." He placed his hand under her chin and had her looking at him.
"Kiddo you have what it takes to fight. You have talent. You have your father and mothers fighting spirit deep within you." He kissed her forehead.
"Follow your heart kiddo. I will always be right behind you supporting you 100%." He pushed his chair back.
"Now if you would excuse me tonight is bingo night. And I feel like tonight is going to be my lucky night *Shuffling off the back porch* I will kick Ms. Changs butt you better believe it!" Before he left he turned to look at Liliana.
"Remember what I always tell you kiddo." Liliana realized that her grandfather was right as always and she knew she had a job and a goal to accomplish.
"I have no time to sit down and drink tea and eat grandma's delicious cookies
*As she is saying this she reaches down and picks up a cookie*
'Ooooh they're sooo good!'. "I have four doll houses to make within a week." She stood up turned on her MP4 and put her favorite song on repeat
"YOU HEAR THAT MR.LI I WILL EARN THAT FUNDING!" She went into her grandfathers workshop and got to work

Liliana had three doll houses in four days completed. She stayed up all night and all day. Taking breaks in between of course but she had a goal. An ambition. Her grandfather rooting her on. Liliana being very delicate with her work because each piece was very delicate. By the time she was half way finished with the fourth house she was about to snap. She was feeling very sore. Her fingers splintered. Bandaids around each knuckle. Her Popop decided it was time to come check on her.
"Hey kiddo. How are you holding up." She looked up at her grandfather laid down her tools, leaned up, and stretched.
"Popop.. I'm almost finished. I know I can do it. I just gotta work hard.. I. Have to finish this." Her grandfather looked at her with sadness in his eyes.
"Kiddo you don't have to work yourself to death.. I'm sure Mr. Li would want you to take care of your well being as well." When Liliana heard those words she shook her head.
"No Popop I-." She shook her head again.
"It's okay Popop." She mustered up her best smile she could give her grandfather.
"Just make sure I'm good on coffee and I'm good to go." Her grandfather kissed her on top of her head, rubbed her back, and went back inside.
"And I don't really care if nobody else believes, cause I still got a lot fight left in me." Her grandfather came back with a cup of coffee for her as she asked him to and she was able to get the fourth house done before the dead line. It was time to show Mr. Li all of her efforts. 'Hopefully I can stay conscious to present these to him.' As Liliana is getting ready to put the doll houses in her grandfathers van she gets a call from an unknown number.
"Hello? Who is this." Liliana said scratching her head.
"Hello Ms. Mitzuki. Checking to see if you are finished with the project?" 'Mr. Li? How did he get my number?'
"Uhm.. Yes I just finished this morning. Hope you are ready to see my work." She heard his chuckle.
"Oh? How bold of you. Alright I'm sending a car to come pick you up and the houses. Where is your location?" 'He is sending his employees to come pick me up? Thats a first.'
"Uhm I'm outside of Loveland City. At my grandparents-.." he cut her off 'god I hate when he does that'.
"Oh I know where thats located. Don't go anywhere. And DON'T act like a moron." 'So first it's idiot and now moron. This guy is really something else.'
"Alright-.." 'He hung up on me... What kind of bull crap is this?!?! Without even giving me a second to respond back!!'
Within an hour after the phone call two vehicles pulled up in front of her grandfathers house. One a dark mini van and another a car pool. A man in a luxury suit stepped out of the vehicle "Ms. Liliana Mitzuki?" Liliana shook her head yes.
"We are here to pick you up and the doll houses. Please step inside of the vehicle if you would ma'am." She shook her head no.
"I'm sorry these doll houses took me a full week to complete and I wouldn't want you or the mover there driving the mini van over there to drop these doll houses that I spent all of my hard work and effort on to be dropped. I will put them in the van myself but thank you anyways. But you can open the back of the van. If you wouldn't mind." The man in the luxury suit shocked.
"O-okay Ms. Mitzuki." Her grandfather chuckling and shaking his head.
"That granddaughter of mine is something else." Liliana put all of the doll houses in the back of the mini van.
Gave her grandfather a peck on the cheek "Wish me luck Popop. If I get this funding this could change everything for us."
Her grandfather smiled and shook his head placing a hand on top of her head. "No kiddo this will bring big changes not just for us but for you kiddo. Now go show Mr. Li why you never doubt the Mitzuki family."
Liliana gave a big grin, embraced him once more and stepped inside the vehicle to meet and show Mr. Li her ambition. Why she is so determined to reach her goal.

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