Chapter 7: A new friend

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When Liliana stepped out the front door of her grandparents house she could feel that today was going to be a good day. "Ahh today is going to be a great day! I can just feel it." Liliana took out her list from her bag and went over it. She scratched her head trying to figure out what she should hit first on her list. "Hmm." She pondered to herself "I'll hit up LFG first and talk to the receptionist and see what idea she has for her niece's doll house." Liliana folded up the list and put it back in her pocket. She stood by the bus stop and waited for the city bus.

Liliana stood by the bus stop. "Did you hear?" Two teenage girls were talking amongst each other. "Hear what?" Liliana trying to not make it obvious that she was listening. "Kiro is in town!" One girl gasped and the other nodded her head with a big smile on her face. "How did you find this out?!?!" The other girl did a motion of 'shh' "I seen it on the internet. Someone leaked that he was in town for a new music video!" The bus pulled up. Liliana got on the bus, paid her toll, and found a seat. The two girls followed behind, paid their toll, and sat behind Liliana. "I also heard where he might be shooting at!" The girl gasped again and covered her mouth "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She nodded her head, they both giggled, and laughed. Liliana thought to herself 'It must be really hard to be such a big star like that. Never really getting time to yourself and not to mention the constant fans chasing after you.' Liliana pulled out her MP4 and turned on to BTS 'Mic Drop'.

When Liliana reached her stop in Loveland City she turned off her MP4, stuffed it back in her bag, thanked the bus driver and walked off. Liliana was walking to LFG when she heard someone running from behind "WATCH OUT! OUT OF THE WAY!" A man with blonde hair zoomed passed Liliana and turned a corner "SORRY!" Liliana stood close to a building and a crowd of girls running behind him. "SOMEONE GET HIM!!" Liliana scratched her head 'What was that all about?' Liliana shrugged her shoulders and continued her way to LFG. "Excuse me ma'am." A young teenage girl ran up to Liliana out of breath. 'Ma'am?' Liliana looked to the teenage girl and seen her pleading face "Are you alright. Did something happen?" The teenage girl still out of breath "Yeah..'Huff Huff'. I'm fine. Did you see 'huff' a guy who has blonde hair run past here 'huff huff'?" Liliana pointed to the corner "Yeah I seen him take a left around that corner. Why who is he? Is he okay?" The teenage girl shocked "Do you not know him? Oooh forget it thanks anyway. No sense in explaining to an old lady anyways." The teenage girl ran and followed the crowd of girls 'Old lady..I'm only 26.. Do I really look that old?' Liliana shrugged it off and continued to LFG.

After her stop at LFG it was around noon when Liliana finished with LFG. 'Hmm' she pulled out her list again "I'll hit up the wood shop after getting some lunch." Liliana put the list back in her bag and went to the small convenient store. She decided she would have herself a deli sandwich and a bag of Sun Chips. She paid for her meal and walked across the street to the park. She laid out her jacket and sat down. Liliana noticed some girls searching for something around the park. She shrugged her shoulders and opened her deli sandwich. A man in a white hoodie that covered half of his face sat next to Liliana. Liliana not paying the stranger no mind and continued to eat her sandwich. Liliana heard a deep and loud grumble. She looked at the man who seemed to be sulking. She split the rest of her sandwich and gave it to the man in the white hoodie "Here." She looked at the stranger with a smile "Take it. I'm sure your hungry." He took the other half of the sandwich and smiled "Thank you so much!" The stranger took a bite of the sandwich "Oh thank you so much *chew chew*! I haven't ate anything at all today *chew. Swallow. chew chew*." Liliana took a bite from her sandwich "Well eat it." She smiled "I also have Sun Chips if you would like some." She dug through her bag and pulled out the Sun Chips. She opened the bag and sat them on her jacket "Take some Sun Chips." The stranger not knowing what to say. "Thank you so so much!!" The stranger seemed very happy "Why are you being so kind to me? I'm just some stranger. I could be here to hurt you for all you know." Liliana looked up at the clouds "Well my grandparents taught me to always show kindness to others. Even if they are deemed to not show kindness and if you were trying to hurt me you would've done it when I was laying out my jacket." She looked at him and smiled. "So what's your name? Aren't you hot? It's a pretty warm day today. You'll get a heat stroke if you continue to wear that." Liliana could obviously tell the stranger was pretty warm. His white hoodie was damp and he had sweat running down the sides of his face "Oh my name is...Kite.. Yeah my name is Kite." Liliana could tell it was a fake name but she went along with it "No I'm not hot.. I'll be fine." Liliana knew that was a lie. "My name is Liliana. It's very nice to meet you Kite." She giggled "Whats so funny?" Kite asked Liliana. "Nothing. Just enjoying this beautiful weather. Do you have any plans today?" Kite looked at her with a Sun Chip in between his fingers "Nope. No plans. Why?" Liliana took a Sun Chip "Well would you like to go do some shopping with me?" Kite not sure what 'Shopping' meant for Liliana but he agreed "Sure I'll come with ya!" Liliana rolled up the Sun Chips and put them back in her bag. "Well we are going to hit up the clothing store first so lets stop there and get you something cooler to wear." Kite moving his hands in a motion 'No it's okay.' Liliana didn't care so she grabbed Kite by the hand and they walked to the clothing store. Liliana picked out a hat, sun glasses, shorts, and a t-shirt and gave them to Kite "Here go to the dressing room and try these on." Kite took the clothes from Liliana and went to the changing room. 10 minutes had passed and Kite stepped out of the clothing room "See I got your size right!" Kite walked up to the mirror and made sure his true identity was hidden "Yeah they fit perfectly! Thank you Liliana." Liliana was very happy to see that 'Kite' was happy, the clothes fit, and he looked cooler. Liliana paid for Kites clothes and they stepped out of the clothing store. "So where to now?" Liliana looked at Kite "Now we head to the wood shop." Kite not sure why they were going to the wood shop but continued to tag along with her.

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