Chapter 11: A sales pitch to remember

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Liliana woke up that morning very nervous realizing that it was time to have the big meeting with the chairmen of LFG. Liliana quickly walked to the bathroom and took a shower. She could barely contain her nervousness. She kept dropping her shampoo bottle, her soap, she even dropped her bath scrunchy "Ugh get a grip already!" She quickly cleaned herself and hopped out of the shower. She brushed her teeth and went to her closet "Hmm" she pondered to herself "What should I wear?" She spoke to herself "Maybe I should wear my normal attire?" She shook her head "No I wouldn't hear the end of it from Mr. Li 'You wore over-all's and a t-shirt to a meeting who wears that to a meeting? Obviously someone who is as moronic as you.' Ugh!! What do I do!!" She flopped onto her bed and looked up at the ceiling. Liliana heard a knock on her bedroom door "Come in!" Her grandmother opened the door "Everything alright sweetheart?" Liliana still looking up at the ceiling "Memaw I'm so nervous I can't even think straight. I simply have no idea what to wear." Her grandmother closed the door behind her and walked to Liliana's closet "Hmm ah here we go." She pulled out a white and black dress with a pair of white heels. She laid them on the bed "Here ya go sweetheart. I'm sure these will look great on you for the meeting. Now go get dressed and we can do your hair and makeup." Liliana sat up on her bed grabbed the clothes and she went to her bathroom to get dressed. She came back out of the bathroom "See what did I tell ya sweetheart? Beautiful and professional for the meeting. Now take a seat and lets get started." Liliana sat down in front of her mirror and her grandmother started with her hair first. She carefully brushed Liliana's hair and sighed with a smile on her face "I remember I use to do this for you all the time when you were a little girl. And now my little Lili has finally grown up." A little tear fell from her eye "Memaw.. Don't cry." Liliana rubbed her grandmothers arm "I'll always be your little Lili no matter how old I get." Her grandmother looked at Liliana in the mirror "I know sweetheart. Now if I cry it'll just ruin your important day. Now lets get back to the task at hand." Her grandmother left a few strains to both sides of Liliana's hair and pinned the rest to the back of her head. She grabbed Liliana's makeup "Now let's do something about your make up." She decided on a slightly bright red lip gloss, a shade of dark blue with black eye liner and mascara. "Now take a look." Liliana opened her eyes and seen all new person. A person she has never seen before. She stood up and walked around the chair and gave her a big hug "Memaw thank you so much! I don't know what I would do without you." Her grandmother smiled hugging Liliana back "Now your Popop has the doll house on the trailer with a cart and is waiting outside in the car for you. Good luck sweetheart! Show them what you are made of." Liliana let go of her grandmother shook her head yes agreeing with grandmother. She grabbed her bag with the baby blue folder and her key-card and left with her grandfather to go to LFG.

Liliana made it to LFG earlier than what she was suppose to but no matter Liliana wanted to be there as early as possible to show them that she is wanting this more than anything. Her grandfather stepped out of the vehicle to help unload the doll house onto the cart when a man walked up to him "No sir allow me to take this." Goldman came to meet Liliana outside to help with getting the doll house up to the 8th floor.
"Thank you sir for helping my grandfather." Goldman nodded his head "Please call me Goldman." Liliana smiled "Alright Goldman. Thank you." He nodded again "It's no big deal. By the way. You don't look too bad for your first meeting with the chairmen." Liliana twiddling her thumbs. "Yeah my grandmother helped me." Goldman smiled "Well she did an amazing job. Now come you don't want to be late for the second time. Oh sir you can go home. I'll be taking her home tonight." Liliana looked at Goldman in shock "Are you sure? You don't have to do that ya know." He looked at Liliana "It was Mr. Li's orders." Liliana's grandfather gave her glance of 'See I told you..' "Well kiddo good luck and knock em dead." He gave her a hug and got into the car and left 'He didn't even leave the cart for him. Oh Popop.' She face palmed her forehead "Are you sure you can carry that?" He nodded "Yeah I've already been warned by Mr. Li. 'If you drop it, break it, chip it, even if you accidentally hit a wall I'll fire you so fast you won't know what to think. Understand.'" Liliana was not sure what to think about Mr. Li anymore 'Mr. Li you prove me wrong more than what I thought you would.' She smiled and they walked inside of LFG. Ms. Tucker waiting for them at the elevator. Ms Tucker happy to see Liliana again. They both stepped in the elevator and went up. Ms. Tucker giving Liliana and big hug with a smile on her face. "Liliana I know you are nervous but you got this! You were able to show Mr. Li who is hard to please! If you can show him then I know you can knock this meeting out of the ball park!" Liliana no longer being as nervous as she was "Thank you so much for your support Lina! I'll do my best." "You have now reached the 8th floor." Liliana and Ms. Tucker stepped out of the elevator "Ms. Tucker you can go now." Both Liliana and Ms. Tucker turned and it was Mr. Li with his arms crossed "Yes Mr. Li" she waited for the elevator to come back up. Goldman finally came up and stepped out of the elevator. 'Seems like Mr. Li is pleased with my attire.' She took a deep breathe and sighed "What are you sighing about?" Mr. Li looking at Liliana with his arms still crossed "Well considering you haven't complained about anything so far makes me feel glad." He chuckled "Don't get your hopes up. Now lets go the chairmen are waiting." All three walked down the hall to meet the chairmen of LFG.

There were six men in black suits with black ties sitting around a oval shaped table. Goldman sat the doll house on a separate table "You can go now Goldman." Goldman bowed and left the room.

"Hello Ms. Mitzuki Mr. Li tells us you want funding for your doll house company. Why should we support him on this decision? Tell us a little about your company." The first chairman said looking at Liliana.
She stood up straight and laced her fingers in front of her and took a huge gulp. Feeling her nervousness welling back up "Yes gentleman, what you see here is the doll house that I made especially for you all and this meeting. My doll house company was not mine originally. It was my parents dream to have a doll house company. So I decided to take on their dream and make it my own. What you see gentlemen is my dream and my parents dream. I believe the funding will help with my doll house company. I can't tell you why he made that choice. You all would have to see my work for yourselves." All six men stood and walked over to the doll house "Ms. Mitzuki do you have paperwork with you to show your previous work?" Liliana reached in her bag and pulled out the baby blue folder "Here you go sir. Please look at it as much as you want." The six men looked at the doll house "Wow!" Said the sixth chairman "Did you make this all by yourself?" She shook her head yes "How long does it usually take you to get it done?" She looked at the third chairman "It takes me a total of two days to fully complete a doll house sir." The fourth chairman in astonishment "Look at this craftsman ship! The detail in the wood porch is remarkable! How long have you been building doll houses?" Liliana smiled "Since I was 10 years old sir." The fifth chairman pulling Liliana aside "Would you build a doll house for my granddaughter?" The first chairman cleared his throat "Gentlemen. What do you guys think?" The chairman laid out all of her papers on the table. "Honestly I say we should agree with Mr. Li and give her the funding." Said the second chairman. "I agree with him. She is clearly very talented." Said the fourth chairman. "I think we should give her a shot. She's clearly been doing this for almost all her life. It would be a waste to just let her go." Said the third chairman. The fifth and sixth chairman both agreed with the gentlemen. The first chairman looked at Liliana "Ms. Mitzuki welcome to LFG. Don't let any of us down." Liliana holding in her excitement. "Do you mind if I take this home to my granddaughter?" Said the first chairman "Sir you can do whatever you wish with it." He smiled and extended out his hand "Again welcome to LFG." Liliana shook his hand and bowed to the gentlemen. The six chairmen leaving the room with doll house with them.

As soon as the chairmen left Liliana was jumping for joy. She was so happy and proud of herself "No need to get THAT excited." Liliana still jumping for joy "Mr. Li I can't honestly thank you enough! Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!" She hugged Mr. Li. At that moment he wasn't entirely sure what to do. "Well good job. I'm proud of you. You did well. As a reward I'm taking you out to dinner tonight." Liliana stopped and let go of Mr. Li shocked "What? Repeat that one more time." He scoffed "Are a hard of hearing? I'm not repeating myself." She laughed "Okay Mr. Li. Ya know you aren't so bad after all." She looked up at him and smiled "And what is that suppose to mean?" And brought up her hand and wiggled her finger in a 'no no' movement "Can't tell ya. You gotta wait for that." She giggled "At any rate where are you taking me to?" He looked at her with his arms crossed. "You'll just have to wait and see 'Can't tell ya. You gotta wait for that.' Isn't that what you said." She blushed Mr. Li throwing her words back at her "Well I'm following you." Liliana followed Mr. Li to his car to be rewarded for her efforts.

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