Chapter 9: The Unexpected Guest

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It had been two weeks since Mr. Li called and she had the plans written out to build the doll house. She was still ever so slightly nervous as time drew close for the meeting. Liliana was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying her first cup of hot coffee her grandmother made that morning before she had to leave to run some things. Enjoying the birds chirping. Taking in that sweet smell of the summer scent of Honeysuckle and Lavender. Liliana texting Kiro back and forth when she hears a knock on the door. She sits her phone down and walks to the front door "Yes who is it." Liliana peaking her head over to the window to see who it was "Liliana let me in! It's your Aunt." 'Aunt Lyn? Oh god what does she want? I haven't even finished my first cup yet! UGH!' Liliana sighed, mustered up her best smile and greeted her Aunt. "Oh Liliana it's been ages since I last saw you. You were this big when I last saw you!" Her Aunt throwing her arms around Liliana pulling her into a big hug. Liliana shaking her head "Aunt Lyn it's only been five years."Liliana patting her Aunts back. Her Aunt chuckled "Five years too long dear." She extended Liliana out and looked at her. "My sweetheart you really have grown into a beautiful young woman." She pulled Liliana into another hug. "Are your grandparents around?" "No Aunt Lyn but I'm sure Popop will be back soon." Her Aunt patting her on the back. "Come. Have some coffee with your Aunt." She smiled at Liliana 'Even though I was drinking my first cup of coffee this morning but SURE why not.' Liliana went to the kitchen and poured her Aunt a cup of coffee "Three sugars and four creams please." Liliana dropped three sugar cubs in the cup and put four creams in her cup "Here ya go Aunt Lyn." Her Aunt smiled "Thank you sweety." Liliana sat down across from her Aunt and drank her coffee "So Aunt Lyn what is the reason for you coming over?" Her Aunt taking a sip and placed her cup on the table "Well I have come to tell you that I have a suitable man for you!" 'Oh god not this again.' "Look Aunt Lyn. Like I told you before I am not interested in anyone right now. I have too much on my plate to be focused on a man. As much as I appreciate the kind offer but really I'm not interested." Her Aunt now having a disgusted look on her face "Look you haven't came around in five years much less asked me whats going on or how Popop and Memaw are doing? And you only came here to tell me about some suitable man who you think wants to be with me. I am not looking for anyone much less someone to take care of me. As far as I'm concerned I can take care of myself. Not only that I want a man who would love ME and appreciate me. Not some stranger who knows absolutely nothing about me much less spent any time with me." Her Aunt taking a sip of her coffee "Liliana you are 26 years old. It's time you put your-." Liliana stood up and slammed her hands on the dinning room table "Aunt Lyn you are drying my patients. If you say one word about the business, my parents, or anything of that nature you can go ahead and leave." Her Aunt sat the cup down and stood up "Liliana your parents have been gone for over 20 years and you have been holding on to a dead dream that'll never happen. It's time for you to lay that thing to rest and move on to bigger and better things." Liliana walked to her room and brought her Aunt some papers and a key-card. Her Aunt looked down at the table and looked at the papers and seen the key-card. "What's this?" Liliana folded her arms over her chest "Before you leave I want you to know something. Do you see those big bold letters on that key-card. What does that say?" Her Aunt read the front of the key-card out loud "Liliana...Mitzuki...LFG". "Now do you see the papers?" Her Aunt picked up a few papers and looked over them. Signature at the bottom that read "Victor Li." Her Aunt laying the papers down on the table "Liliana.. I'm sorry I-." Liliana turned and opened the door "Aunt Lyn it may seem like a 'dead dream' to you but to me this means everything to me. You not only disrespected me but my parents, their business, and their legacy and for that you can leave. Don't even bother coming around if you only want to tell me about some 'suitable man or bash me for finally making MY parents dream no MY MOTHERS dream a reality'." Her Aunt walked out the door and turned to look at Liliana "Liliana please I'm-." *Slam* Liliana slammed the door in her Aunts face and walked back to her cup of coffee and walked outside. She took a sip 'Damn. It's cold.' Liliana walked out to the wood working shed and looked down at her plans and looked at her folder "Am I really just holding on to a dead dream?" Liliana beside herself. 'Should I just forget about this..this doll house company and move forward?' She looked around the room. Looking at the many different projects stacked up and ready. She knows her Aunt means well but the only time her Aunt has ever came over was about some sort of bachelor or some suitable man and or about her parents dream. That it was some sort of dead dream that she needed to just let go. Liliana was deep in thought when her phone vibrated. It was a call from Mr. Li.

"Hello Ms. Mitzuki. Have you finished with the doll house yet?" Liliana could hear clicks of a mouse and keyboard in the background.
"Yes Mr. Li. I just finished writing up the plans yesterday. I'll have the project you need before the meeting." Liliana wasn't really interested in talking to Mr. Li. More than anything she wasn't in the mood for the name calling. She wanted to get off the phone with him as soon as possible.
"Good. I am counting on you to have this done. I'll see you at the meeting. Bye."
'FINALLY! And he didn't call me an idiot.' Liliana took a deep breathe "Okay no more distractions. Time for me to get started on this doll house!" She stood up and walked over to the radio and played Yiruma *River Flows In You.* And with that she got to work. Even though her Aunts words rang through her ears she felt that this company this business that she has now taken under her belt was meant for her. She knew if her parents were around they would be very proud of her.

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