Chapter 19: The Christmas Party

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Liliana was dressed and ready for the party. She wore a black dress shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of her nice black heels. Liliana threw on her coat and grabbed both Victor's and Lina's gift. She was over the moon excited for this party. She's never really been invited to these sort of things nor really been apart of something like this. She knew both Lina and Victor would love. Victor offered to pick her up but she refused. She didn't want Victor to see his gift or have any idea of her making/buying him a gift. So she decided she would just take the bus like she normal would.

Victor stood in the lobby of LFG and looked around 'Wow I honestly don't think I've seen this place look this great.' He held Liliana's gift in his hand and walked to the elevator. 'I really hope she likes this.' Thought Victor as he went inside of the elevator. 'Well she did say she wasn't too picky but still I hope I at least did a little good..' Victor rubbed the back of his neck. He reached 5th floor and walked to the staff meeting room where the party was being held. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her. From top to bottom he checked the room to make sure nothing was missing. "Mr. Li why are you so nervous? It's not like she's you're girlfriend." Victor stiffened and looked at Goldman. "Either you can go talk to the staff and enjoy the party or you can pack up your desk and go home." Goldman sweating and handed Victor a gift "MERRY CHRISTMAS SIR!" Victor put Liliana's gift in his pocket and took the gift Goldman was handing to him. Goldman got him a new pair of reading glasses. "Thanks Goldman.. And Merry Christmas.." Victor bought Goldman two tickets to go see Kiro live in concert. "Thank you sir!" Goldman took the gift and ran towards the other staff members. Victor shook his head and sat on a corner of a desk looking at Liliana's gift and smiled.

Liliana finally made it to Loveland City 'Damn I thought we would never make it.' Liliana hoped off the bus and wishes everyone a "Merry Christmas". She was making her way to LFG when a vehicle pulled in front of her. "Hey Liliana!" Lina hoped out of the car and walked over to Liliana "Here get in! I'm headed that way anyways so why not? And if you got sick I don't think none of us would hear the end of it." Liliana put the gifts in the back of Lina's car and got into the passenger side. They talked all the way to LFG. "So when we get to the staff meeting room where the party is being held I have a gift for you!" Lina smiled and looked at Liliana. Liliana smiled and looked at Lina "I have one for you as well! I also have one for Victor." Liliana looked down and smiled blushing a little. Lina looked back on the road. "Wait you got a gift for Mr. Li?" Liliana giggled "Well.. More like made him a gift." Liliana twiddled her thumbs even more. "I really hope he likes the gift.." They were pulling into the LFG parking lot. "Liliana I'm sure he'll love your gift." She turned the car off and hoped out. "Now come on the party is just getting started." Liliana and Lina walked to the back and grabbed the gifts and took the elevator to the 5th floor.

They both walked into the room the staff meeting room everyone wishing the a "Merry Christmas." Liliana looking around and didn't spot Victor. 'Hm I wonder where he is?' Lina stood in front of her and was handing her a gift "Merry Christmas Liliana!" Liliana took the gift and it was a cute basket of plushies. Liliana gave Lina a big hug "Now here's your gift!" Lina opened her gift and it was a basket of bath and bodyworks Lavender scented items. Lina gave Liliana a hug. "Thank you Liliana!" Liliana hugged Lina back "No thank you Lina! Merry Christmas." Lina extended Liliana out and looked out her "And now I think someone is waiting for you." Liliana nodded her head and went looking for Victor. "Goldman have you seen Victor? I don't see him here." Goldman turned and looked at Liliana "Merry Christmas Liliana. Uhm I think he went to his office. He said if I see you to send you to his office." Liliana nodded her head "Thank you Goldman and Merry Christmas!" Liliana left the staff room and took the elevator to the 10th floor.

Liliana made it to Victor's office and knocked on his door. "Come in.." Liliana could faintly hear Christmas music. Liliana opened Victor's door and walked inside. Victor was looking out the window. He was dressed in a black suit with a white tie. He had his hair slicked back and Liliana stopped in her tracks. She shook her head and walked up to him. He turned and looked at her. "Uhm.. I-I got you something." Liliana's face was flustered and a bright shade of pink. She extended out her arms and handed a wrapped up box. "What is it?" She smiled with her face still a bright pink. "Just open it." Victor unwrapped the box and opened the box. He sat the lid on his desk and pulled out a wooden pocket watch. "Liliana.. Did.. Did you-."Liliana nodded her head cheeks still a bright pink. Victor was shocked and was not sure what to say to her. He's never had anyone give him a gift much less a handmade gift. He placed the box on the desk and pulled out her gift and handed it to her. "Here." Liliana took the gift and looked at it. "What is it?" He sighed "Just open it." Liliana unwrapped the gift and opened the rectangular box. She looked inside and seen a beautiful necklace with a blue pendant. She pulled it out and Victor put it on for her. He held both of her hands and looked deep into her eyes "Merry Christmas Liliana." Liliana looking deeply into his eyes "Merry Christmas Victor." His eyes a never ending abyss that could swallow you hole. He pulled her into a slow dancing pose and they slow danced to the Christmas music in Victor's office. Where they could have their alone time to spend with one another. They weren't a couple no but slowly their feelings for each other were blossoming into a beautiful flower. Liliana could feel her heartbeat racing. She felt like her heart would burst out of her chest at any moment. Her hands were sweating and her cheeks flustered. Her hands looked very tiny in Victor's hands. She laid her head on Victor's chest enjoying this bittersweet moment. 'Popop if you could see this now you would be smiling and telling me I told you so.' Liliana thought to herself smiling into Victor's chest 'Popop.. I think I'm slowly starting to fall for this man.. Every time I see him or hear his voice I get these intense butterflies in my stomach. I've never been in love before but.. this man.. God this man.." They slow danced. Victor humming to the classical music of Christmas tunes. 'If this is what falling in love feels like.. I don't want it to stop." She smiled again. Victor also smiling taking in every moment he has with her. Even if it was for one night. This moment. This bonding moment. Was a tall tail sign for Liliana that this man even though he may seem unapproachable, rude, brash, disrespectful.. deep down. Deep down she knew in her heart and in her mind that this man does a have a soft side deep within him.

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