Chapter 13: A new Professor in Loveland City

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A few months had passed since the meeting with the chairmen and Liliana was busier than ever. Liliana woke up that early Saturday morning with her phone ringing out of a nice dream. Liliana reached out her hand and picked up her phone
"Good morning."
Liliana yawned "Do you know what time it is..?" She yawned again.
"It's 7:30 in the morning. I have another client for you." Victor on the other line typing away at his keyboard.
"Look Victor it's Saturday and I have barely slept." Liliana rubbing the sleep out of her eyes still eyes closed "Victor I'm exhausted.." she yawned.
He chuckled "Is this coming from the same person who stayed up for five days straight. You have two weeks to get it done. Bye." He hung up. Liliana sat up and yawned. She scratched her head and kicked off her blankets "Man and I was having such a good dream too." She stood out of bed and walked to the living room. "Morning Memaw." She walked to the kitchen and poured her a cup of coffee. "What are you watching Memaw?" Liliana walked out of the kitchen and sat on the living room floor "A new professor has came to Loveland city. Now shh." Liliana took a sip of her coffee and watched the live news meeting.
"Today we have a new professor joining Loveland University. Everyone meet professor Lucien." Every in the audience clapped. A tall man wearing a white lab coat, brown hair, and square glasses walked on the stage. He shook the speakers hand and sat in front of the microphone. Camera's flashing taking pictures of the man sitting. One news reporter pulled up her microphone "Yes  Mr. Lucien why are you here in Loveland City? Are you researching something?" He shook his head yes "More of like searching for something." He smiled. A reporter from the back "Sir what are you searching for." The professor smiled again "I'm searching for a delicate flower. A very rare flower indeed." Liliana took a sip of her coffee "Isn't he handsome ah look at that smile." Her grandmother now in awe over the professor 'Lord you would think she was some high school girl.' Liliana laughed "Memaw just watch." She shook her head and went back to watching. A woman in the middle row took the microphone "Mr. Lucien how long do you plan on staying in Loveland City?" He placed his hand under his chin "Hmm until I find this delicate flower. Now if you would excuse me." He got up and waved to the camera and the reporters and left the stage. Liliana took another sip of her coffee and stretched "So what do you think of the new professor Lili? He seems intelligent and handsome too." Liliana shrug her shoulders "Looks can be deceiving Memaw." Her grandmother looked at Liliana puzzled "What do you mean Lili." Liliana took the last sip of her coffee and stood up "Memaw because he looks handsome on the outside that doesn't mean he is on the inside." Her grandmother confused "Explain?" Liliana walked to the kitchen and her grandmother followed behind her "Well Memaw. People may seem like they are sweet, kind, and thoughtful but people are different behind closed doors." Liliana remember the night when two men attacked her and Victor fought them off. How heroic he looked protecting Liliana "Liliana." Liliana snapped out of her day dream "Huh?" Her grandmother shook her head "Well I have to go get my daily run in with Ms. Chang before she loses her mind." Liliana waved "Alright Memaw you both be safe!" Her grandmother waved back and left out the front door. Liliana went to her room and sat in front of her computer 'Lets see what project Victor lined me up for this time.' She turned on her computer and pulled up her email. One from Victor and one from a anonymous email. She opened Victors first:
From: Victor Li
To: Liliana Mitzuki
        Here is the plans for the doll house. You have two weeks to get it completed."

He sent her plans from a client that wanted a Victorian Doll House for a Halloween party. Liliana shook her head 'Victor this is NOT what I had in mind. If she wanted a doll house for a halloween party why not buy one at the store.' She sent Victor a reply back:
To: Victor Li
From: Liliana Mitzuki

             Hey Victor got the plans. I'll have it done before it's due. But please send someone who actually wants the doll house instead of just for a Halloween party."
She press sent and backed out of it. She went to the second email and pulled it up:

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