Chapter 12: A little kindness goes a long way

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Liliana and Mr. Li stepped out of LFG and walked to Mr. Li's black tinted vehicle. Mr. Li walked to the passenger door and opened Liliana's door for her. She stepped in the vehicle and looked up at Mr. Li "Don't think nothing of it. Watch your head." She fully got in and watched Mr. Li walk around the vehicle and step in as well. Liliana thinking to herself 'Okay act natural. He's just taking you out to dinner to reward you. Nothing weird. I'm sure he has done this for all of his employee's.' She twiddled her thumbs 'Don't act weird. Just be yourself.' "So.." Liliana looking at Mr. Li "So.. where are we going?" Mr. Li started up the car "You'll find out. Now buckle your set belt." Liliana buckled her seat belt and looked out the window. Complete silence through out the car 'Should I say something? Maybe get to know him? He seems like not at all a bad guy. Maybe a little rough around the edges but I'm sure I can work around it.' She thought to herself 'No I'm sure he isn't interested in talking to me. Ugh it's probably going to be a boring dinner.' She sighed still looking out the window "So what do you like to eat? Are you picky?" She shook her head no "Not in particular. I usually eat whatever. I do like sushi though." Mr. Li nodded his head. 'And now back to silence. I guess he's not much of a talker.' "So.. do you have a favorite food?" Mr. Li keeping his eyes on the road "Not really." 'Short, sweet, and to the point.' She sighed "I'm not much of a talker. Sorry." Liliana looking out the window watching the trees fly pass "It's okay. I understand." Silence again 'Urg.. Well.. he is pretty cute. Especially when he isn't saying something rude.'

They arrived at a fancy sushi restaurant. Mr. Li walked over to Liliana's door and opened her door for her. She nodded her head "Thank you." He held out his hand "Well are you going to take it or not?" Mr. Li looking down at Liliana. She grabbed his hand and he shut her door for her. They both let go and walked into the sushi restaurant. They were seated at a booth and were given two menu's. Liliana looked at the menu 'Well it must be nice to be rich huh.' She skimmed through the menu "Mr. Li would you like to get a sushi platter and we can split it?" He closed his menu "Very well." The waitress came back with drinks and took their order "We'll have two sushi platters please." The waitress bowed "I will be back with your sushi platters." Liliana taking a sip of her drink. "So Mr. Li tell me about yourself." Mr. Li scoffed "What for? I'm sure you've watched my interviews and read news articles about me. What is there you need to know?" She nodded her head "True. But I feel like there is more to you than what most people know." He scoffed again "I don't think so. I think you are just an idiot who thinks that." Liliana laughed "Whats so funny." Mr. Li looked at her "It's funny. I've only known you for a month and I've already gotten use to you calling me an idiot." She swirled her straw around in her cup. The ice clanking on the sides of the glass. Mr. Li wasn't all to sure what to say "Excuse me ma'am?" Liliana looked up at the waiter "Those two men over there want to buy you a drink." Liliana shook her head "Tell them thanks but no thanks." The waiter nodded his head and went back to the bar "Anyways." Liliana looked up at Mr. Li "So do you have any likes or dislikes?" Mr. Li took a drink of his water "Well I don't like too many questions if thats what you are wondering." Liliana took a drink of her water "Well I'm only asking you questions because I want to get to know you." She smiled at him "Well why don't you get to know the two men at the bar. I'm sure they'd enjoy the company of a moron." She laughed "Mr. Li I'm here with you as an employee. I want to get to know you. Who knows we may end up becoming friends." She grinned at him "Sir, Ma'am here are your platters." The waitress came back with two sushi platters. Liliana pulled out her pair of chop sticks out of the package and broke them. "Thank you for the food." Mr. Li looked at her "Why did you say that." A piece of sushi between her chop sticks about to reach the inside of her mouth. "Well I say that because my grandparents always told me to thank the people for the food. Which in essence I am thanking you for the food." She smiled then took a bite of her sushi "No need to thank me. I only did it because I wanted to. Not because I have to." Mr. Li taking a bite of his sushi "Well I'm sure you do this for all of your employee's." Mr. Li shook his head "Nope. Only you." She looked at him in shock "What? Something on my face?" Liliana shook her head "No I just thought you took all of your employee's out. I guess to reward em for hard work." He scoffed "You thought wrong." Liliana took a sip of her water and ate another piece. 'He sure is cute.' Liliana thought to herself "Would you stop staring at me. It's very rude to stare." Liliana blushed and hid her face "Sorry Mr. Li." She ate another piece of her sushi. "I'll be right back." She got up and walked to the bathroom. She stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at herself "Get a grip of yourself! He's your boss!" She slapped both sides of her face "Okay!" She washed her hands and went back to the table. Her and Mr. Li ate the rest of their dinner in silence. "Excuse me Ma'am." Liliana looked up at the waiter. It was the same waiter from earlier "I do apologize for bothering you again but the gentlemen at the bar wanted to give you this." He was handing her a folded up napkin with their phone numbers written on it. She took it and put it in the remanding of her water "Tell them I said I am not interested. Give them this cup as well." She smiled and grabbed her back. "I'm ready to go." Mr. Li dabbed his lips and stood up. He left a tab and left with Liliana. He opened her door for her and they both walked out.

As they were walking to the car two men approached Liliana "Hey you!" Liliana stopped and turned around "Yeah you! The cute girl with the black and white dress on." It was the same two men that were sitting in the bar. One of them threw his arm around her "Hey why don't you leave this chump and come home with us." She shook her head "No sorry I'm not interested." Liliana could smell the alcohol on their breathe 'Boy these guys are way too drunk.' "Oh come on baby just come home with us. We'll show you a really good time." Mr. Li turned and grabbed the man's arm that was around Liliana "She said she isn't interested." Mr. Li looking at the man frustrated. "If she says she isn't interested then leave it." The second man coming in between the first man and Mr. Li "Who asked you punk. We just want to take the little lady home. I'm sure she'll have a better time with us." The first man trying to kiss Liliana's cheek "I said I'm not interested! Get off of me!" Mr. Li giving a right hook to the first man. Liliana fell to the ground with the first man "Mr. Li!" She scoffed "Stay out of it. You'll just be in the way." Mr. Li gave a left hook to the second man. The first man stood back off wiping the blood off the corner of his lip "I show you!" He punched Mr. Li on the left side of his face. The second man stood back up as well and joined the fight. Liliana not sure what to do she ran up to the second man and jumped on his back and started punching him in the head "You get off of him!" She grabbed him by the hair and pulled "Ahhh you bitch!" Mr. Li fighting the first guy. Liliana grabbed her pepper spray out of her bag and sprayed him in the face "AHHHH MY EYES!!! I CAN'T SEE!" The first man paying no attention to the fight at hand and Mr. Li hit him harder than the first time. First in the gut then a right hook to the face. The first man fell to his knees and kicked him in the face spitting out blood and a tooth in the process. Liliana took the chance and held the guy for Mr. Li "MR. LI!" Mr. Li quickly walked the the second man and gave him a left hook. Knocking the man unconscious. Liliana fell with the man and stood up wiping off her dress "Well some dinner date huh." She laughed. Mr. Li walked up to Liliana and held both of her shoulders. "I thought I told you to stay out of it! What would've happen if you got hurt?! What then huh! You idiot!" She looked up at him "I had to do something! If I didn't what would've happen then?!" He wiped the corner of his lip "Well at any rate lets get you home before you do something else. He opened Liliana's passenger side door. She stepped in the car. She looked out the window. Mr. Li stepped in the car and drove Liliana home.

"My name is Victor." She looked at him. "You probably already knew that but my name is Victor. Don't call me 'Sir' or 'Mr. Li' call me Victor." She smiled "Then call me Liliana. Not Ms. Mitzuki." He nodded "Deal." She smiled again and looked out the window "So I need to know where your house is. I know the area just not anyone who lives out here." Liliana pointed to the red and brown house off in the distance. "That's where I live." Victor nodded and drove to Liliana's house and stopped in front of her walk way. Victor got out of the driver side and walked to Liliana's side and let her out. She stepped out and looked at Victor "Thank you for dinner tonight and thanks..for fighting off those guys." He scoffed "Don't think anything of it. I'll call you tomorrow." He walked to the driver side and stepped in and drove off. She waved to him and slowly brought her arm down 'Victor you aren't so bad after all.' She smiled and walked up her walk way and turned in for the night. Feeling like big changes are coming.

Later that night a dark figure stood outside of Liliana's house "So this is where you have been all this time.. my little delicate flower.."

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