Chapter 16: Liliana's plea

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After Liliana finished with the client for the Halloween themed doll house she took Victor's advice and took a much needed break. Since then the emails have stopped. Liliana sat in her room and read her book she looked out the window 'Damn the snow is really coming down now.' Liliana sat her book down and walked over to her window. She opened it and extended her arm out of her window catching snowflakes. She giggled and her head out trying to catch a snowflake on her tongue *ring, ring, ring* Liliana pulled herself back in and shut her window. She walked over to her nightstand and looked at the caller ID. 'Oh it's Kiro!'
"Hey Kiro!" Liliana smiled "How is everything going? Been busy?"
"Hey Liliana! Yeah everything is going pretty good. Been busy making this music video. I just want to be done with it already.." Liliana giggled.
"So are you coming home for the holidays?" Kiro sighed
"Sadly no. I'm still over here in America. I won't be back until after Christmas." Liliana sighed. "Thats too bad. Hopefully when you come home we can spend the day together." Kiro laughed.
"Yeah that would be great! So what are you doing today?" Liliana heard a loud thump. Liliana paused "Uhm Kiro let me call you back."
Liliana hung up her phone and walked out to the hallway "Popop? Memaw?" Reached the living when she seen her Popop laying in front of the front door. Front door wide open. She ran over to him "Popop.. Hey Popop.." she felt something wet and picked up her hand 'Blood..' she shook him "Hey Popop!" She rolled him on to his back. She ran and grabbed a towel and ran back to her Popop. "Hold on Popop!" Her Popop slowly opening his eyes "Lili" Liliana stunned "Popop what happen?!?! Who did this!!" Her Popop coughed up blood "I don' cloak..stab.." Her Popop slipped back into unconsciousness. Liliana panicking "HELP!! SOMEONE!!! PLEASE HELP!!!" Liliana ran and grabbed the house phone and dialed 911.
"911 Do you have an emergency?" Liliana running back to her Popop to try and stop the bleeding "PLEASE SEND HELP!!"
The 911 operator on the other line "Ma'am I need you to calm down. Now tell me what happen." Liliana crying holding the phone to her ear and holding the towel down on his wound "I DON'T KNOW!! JUST PLEASE SEND HELP!!"
The operator on the other line "Ma'am I can't help you until you calm down." Liliana getting mad "LOOK I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!! JUST SEND HELP!!" The phone went silent. "HELLO!! HELLO!!!" Liliana dropped her phone and cried harder. She remembered what Victor told her. She franticly picked up her phone. The phone slipping in her hands "HOLD ON POPOP!!!" She dialed Victors phone number 'Come on pick up pick up."
"VICTOR HELP ME!!" Liliana having a hard time seeing pressing on his wound.
Victor on the other line stood up. "Liliana whats wrong!"
Victor grabbed his keys and speed walk out his office "I'm on my way! Where are you!" Victor started running down the hallway to the elevator.
"I'M AT HOME!!" Liliana could hear Victor's deep breathing 'Victor is coming!'
"Tell me what happen. I'm on way. Just take a deep breath and try the best you can to explain to me." Liliana took a deep breath. "I heard a loud thump and I came out of my room to find Popop on the floor bleeding. I called the police but they hung up on me." Victor was fuming on the other end "Liliana I'm getting in the car now. I'm on the way." Liliana crying harder "Stay on the phone with me!" Liliana hoping Victor would make it in time. Her Popop opened his eyes a little and rubbed her arm "'s okay...kiddo *cough*." Liliana gasped "POPOP!!" Liliana looking at her Popop holding on his wound. Victor on the other line speeding. "Everything okay!" Liliana crying speaking through her tears "HE'S AWAKE!!" Liliana holding down "POPOP DON'T TALK!! IT'S OKAY VICTOR IS ON THE WAY!!" Her Popop still rubbing her arm "It's okay..kiddo.." Liliana franticly not knowing what to do "POPOP PLEASE!! YOU'RE LOSING TOO MUCH BLOOD!" Her Popop reaching up his arm and asking for the phone. "Young man *cough* do you..remember what I told you.." Victor still speeding "Sir hold on! I'm coming!" Her Popop managed a chuckle "You know just as well as I know..-" Liliana in the background "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME POPOP!!" Victor still speeding down the interstate "Yes I remember that promise and I will keep that promise. Just hold on!" He chuckled again "I'm sorry young man.." He dropped the phone. Liliana yelling "POPOP DON'T LEAVE ME!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!!"

Victor slammed on his brakes in front of Liliana's house with the door wide open. Leaning over her grandfather. Victor ran around his car. Liliana jerked up and seen Victor. She got up and ran to him "Victor...why..." she slowly fell to her knees looked up to the sky and continued to cry. Victor fell to his knees and held Liliana. Still covered in her grandfathers blood "Who...who would do this!!" Victor holding on to Liliana tight. "Victor.." she cried in his shoulder. Her Memaw not knowing what waited for her at home. Victor pulled out his phone and called 911.
"911 Do you have an emergency."
"Yes I need to report a murder."

Memaw running down side walk "Ma'am I'm going to need you to stand back." Memaw pushing the police officer "Get out of my way I live here LILI!" Liliana ran from the front porch to her grandmother. "Liliana what happen! Who's blood is that! Where's your Popop!!" Liliana began to cry again. "Memaw I have to tell you something.."
Victor was talking to a police officer when he noticed Liliana was talking to her grandmother "No! No no no no no." She was shaking her head and they both slid to the ground crying. Victor walked over to them and pat them on the back "I'm so sorry.. I wish I would have been quicker.." he leaned his head down. Liliana looked at Victor with tears in her eyes " got here as quick as you could." Victor thought to himself 'Even stopping time couldn't save him.. It was fate..' "I'll get you guys a hotel and I'll help you both with anything you need." Liliana agreed to the hotel room. Liliana walked to the back door and walked to her room to get a change of clothes for a couple days. Liliana trying to keep herself together. She walked to the back door police taking pictures of the crime scene putting up "crime scene" tape in front of the door. "Liliana I'm going to stay at Ms. Changs. We will get together to plan for the funeral.." Liliana gave her grandmother a hug. Both her and Victor left. Her grandmother blaming Liliana for the death of her beloved husband. A man who was cut short out of their old life.

Victor and Liliana made it to the hotel. 'Pretty fancy looking.' Thought Liliana. Victor and Liliana walked inside and paid for a room for a few days. People staring at Liliana and talking in hushed tones. Victor and Liliana walked to the elevator and took it up to the penthouse suite. When the elevator reached the top the doors opened to a penthouse suite. "This is my private suite. Uhm bathroom is down that hallway to the left and the guest room is to the right." Liliana nodded her head and walked to the bathroom without muttering a word. Victor walked to the couch and plopped down taking a deep breath and sighing.

After Liliana's bath she came out and seen Victor sitting on the couch. "Well I'll be heading out. If there is..-" Liliana dropped her clothes and ran to Victor "Please stay! I need you." Victor shocked looking at Liliana. He picked her up and carried her to the guest bedroom. He laid her in the bed and sat at the edge. "I'll stay.." Victor not sure what he should do. Liliana crawled to Victor and laid her head on his lap. Still in shock he placed his hand on her back "Victor.. Why did he have to go." She began to cry again. "Who did this? Why did they do this? And why him!" He listened. Not entirely sure what answer to give her. He rubbed her back "I don't know Liliana. But I will find out who did this." Liliana sat up and looked at Victor. "Liliana I want to show you something." He stood him and within moments time had stopped. Liliana ran to the window and everything had stopped. The cars, the people, everything, besides her. Victor looked at her. "I can stop time.. That is my ability." Liliana stammered back to the bed and looked at him "You have an evol ability too." Victor looked outside "Liliana I used my ability to try and get to you as fast as I possibly could. No matter how much I used my evol it still didn't save him.." Victor turned and looked at Liliana "I know you are blaming yourself for his death. It's not your fault. If I who can stop time could not reach you in time then it was fate. I don't know who did this and why but I will find who did this to your grandfather." Liliana stood up and snapped her fingers and a small flame appeared on the too of her index finger.  No words were said for a while.
Liliana and Victor sat in the guest bed for hours. Liliana laying her head on Victors lap and him rubbing het back. She could feel her eyes getting heavy. 'He smells so nice.' Liliana fell asleep on his lap. Victor chuckled "Dummy.." he moved her and laid her on her pillow, tucked her in, and slowly closed the door. He pulled out his phone and made two calls "Goldman find all who have been in and out of Loveland City. Find out anyone who is new to Loveland City." Gold nodded on the other end and Victor hung up. He called up another friend "I need you to do me a favor.."

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