Chapter 8: How Far Do You Want To Go?

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Liliana came home that night in high spirits. She made a new friend who happened to be a singer, actor, song writer, and musician. She was so happy to finally make a friend. Someone who seemed like they had a good heart. Liliana carrying her wood and bags to the back of the house "Hey kiddo. How was your day?" Her grandfather sitting on the back porch drinking a cup of hot herbal tea "Yeah.. it was a wonderful day *Liliana smiling at her Popop*. I made a new friend." Her grandfather took a hard gulp and looked at her wide eyed "A new friend?!?!?! MEMAW COME OUT HERE!" Her grandmother heard running to the back of the house "What! What is it dear!?!? Everything alright!" Her grandfather looking up to Liliana's grandmother over his shoulder. "Liliana made a new friend!" Her grandmother shocked and walked over to Liliana, grabbed Liliana's shoulders and shook her making her drop the wood and her bags "Liliana whats this persons name?!?! What do they look like!" Liliana realizing that both of them completely misunderstood "Memaw wait it's not like that. It's really a friend-." Her grandmother stopped shaking her "Liliana I do understand what you are saying but we are just both surprised that you made a friend. Usually you stay to yourself but.. look sit down and come have a chat with us." Liliana sighed and sat on the porch. Liliana told them about Kite not about his true identity but how she met him and how they spent the entire day shopping, talking, and laughing. Her grandfather knew she was hiding more details but he kept that to himself. "Liliana I am so happy you finally made a friend sweetheart. It warms my heart that my granddaughter has finally made a friend. Hopefully this friend is not some hoodlum." Liliana shook her head "And even if he was I wouldn't treat him no different than how I did with Kite." Her grandmother grinned. "Thats my girl. Now I have to get myself to bed. Ms. Chang wants to start some walking exercise every morning and I promised her I would do it. So night sweetheart. Dear you better be getting to bed soon as well. You need to see Mr. Lui tomorrow about-." He waved her off. "Yes, yes I know sweetheart. I'll be there soon." Her grandmother turned in for the night. "So I know Kite isn't his real name. You didn't want to tell your grandmother didn't you." Liliana shook her head "Yeah 'sigh' she would go gossip to Ms. Chang if I would've told her." Her grandfather chuckled "You're right. So tell your Popop all the juicy details." Liliana could tell her Popop anything and know their secrets would be safe between them. Liliana told him how she met Kiro in the park and how she split her sandwich with him. Picking up wood and the many other things. "Oh Popop! He also took me to Souvenir." Her grandfather shocked "Holy moly! I've heard that place is really expensive." Liliana nodded her head but she truly enjoyed herself. "The owner has no other workers. Just him and his waiter/host Mr. Mills; Popop the pudding! It was soo good!" Her grandfather chuckled "Did you get to meet the owner?" "Sadly no but I did leave him a note in the kitchen. I might have actually seen him but he moved too quickly before I could get a good look at him." Liliana swaying her legs in and out "Hmm maybe he's too shy." Her grandfather said placing his hand on her back "May be Popop. But what I do know is that this day was truly the best day I have had in a very long time." Liliana looking up at the stars. Her grandfather smiled at her "Kiddo I am so happy for you. Hopefully this friend will stay by your side. And be there for you when you need someone.." her grandfather kissed the side of her cheek. "Well kiddo I have to get me some sleep. Don't stay up too late." She nodded her head and wished her grandfather a good night.

It was dark and it was now just Liliana and the cicadas.
*Ring. Ring. Ring* Liliana's phone rang 'This late at night? Who would be calling this late?' Liliana reached in her bag and grabbed her phone. She looked at the caller ID and it was Mr. Li. 'Oh crap what does he want.'
"Hello Ms. Mitzuki. How is the doll house coming along?" Mr. Li with his snarky tone
She sighed 'Dang I haven't even started the plans yet.'
"Yes uhm.. About that Mr. Li-." He cut her off.
"Hmm you do realize that this meeting is within three weeks right? Or did you become even more of an idiot since we last spoke?" Liliana started to get angry at that point 'I really wish he would stop calling me that.'
"I understand Mr. Li and yes I know that the meeting is coming up. I just got all the wood I need and I will have the plans drawn out."
"Good. Don't make me regret giving you the funding. Bye"
"Wait one question."
He didn't hang up.
Liliana a little nervous.
"What is this meeting for? You never really explained why I am meeting the chairmen." Mr. Li took a deep sigh.
"This meeting is to show them that you are more than capable of running a business and making a profit off of the money we are funding you with. I'll see you at the meeting. Oh and one more thing you better take care of yourself. I don't want you falling asleep during this meeting with the chairmen. Bye." And with that he hung up. Liliana looking at her phone. 'I'm not sure if I should be angry, frustrated, or happy. This man is so confusing.' She ran her fingers through her hair and messed with her hair "URGH!" Liliana thinking to herself 'Well. How far do you want to go.' Liliana already knew that answer. She picked up the wood and her bags. She stepped inside of the wood working shed and placed all of her items down. She grabbed her notebook and started writing the plans for the doll house that was within three weeks.

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