Chapter 14: A surprise visit from the CEO

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That night Liliana got home still sweating bullets. She leaned against the front door looking at the ceiling. She slid to the floor puzzled and confused  'If he is here looking for some sort of delicate flower why did he.. Maybe he watches Miracle finder. But it was odd the way he asked about it. It won't do any good to just think about it. Maybe I'll ask him next time IF I see him.' Liliana stood up and was greeted by her grandfather "Hey kiddo. Are you okay? You look pretty sweaty. Did you run home?" She shook her head "It's nothing Popop just glad to be home." She smiled and gave her grandfather a big hug. Her grandfather hugged her back "Everything okay kiddo?" She nodded her head "Yeah I'm fine Popop. I promise." He smiled "So I want to talk to you about something. Come have a drink with your Popop." Liliana smiled and walked with her grandfather. "So do you remember a couple months ago. The day of the meeting. Did that Goldman fellow take you home?" They both sat down and her grandfather poured her a cup of sake. "Well Popop I'll be honest with you. Goldman didn't take me home." Her grandfather choked on his sake "Who took you home then?!?!?!" Liliana giggled waving her hands "No Popop.. Mr... I mean Victor took me home." Her grandfather smiled and gave her a look "See I told you. Just be patient with him and he'll warm up to you." Liliana smiled "He also took me out to dinner." She took a drink of her sake "So wait he took you out on a date. WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST!!" Her grandfather dropping his jaw "No not like that just a little reward is all. I'm sure he see's me as nothing more than some idiotic employee." Her grandfather shook his head "Does he take anyone else out as a reward?" Liliana shook her head "What he said he doesn't do that but only for me." Her grandfather smiled and poured more sake "Well was dinner good." Liliana nodded "It was until two men came and bothered us. They bothered us during dinner then came and tried to force me to go home with him. They really both very drunk." Her grandfather put his cup of sake down "Then what happen?" Liliana got up and showed her what Victor said and did her grandfather's eyes wide open and clapped "I have to meet this young man and thank him for protecting my granddaughter." He placed both hands on his hips and puffed out his chest "Popop.. thats not necessary.." her grandfather chuckled "Of course it is! He made sure you were safe and brought you home. And he opened your door. That kiddo is a young man who was brought up the right way." She took a drink of her sake "Popop I don't think meeting him will ever happen." Her grandfather puzzled "Why do you say that?" Liliana took the last drink of her sake "Popop you know he is a busy man who runs a multi-million dollar company. Victor getting time off is very rare especially if he wants a day off and thats if it's a for real day off." Her grandfather nodded "You got a point." Liliana stood up "Well at any rate I gotta get some sleep Popop. I have a doll house to build for some sort of Halloween Party." She face palmed her forehead "I don't understand why not just buy one or make one out of cardboard." She shook her head "Liliana Victor see's the potential in you. He wouldn't sign you up much less even give you funding if he didn't see that." He grandfather stood up and walked to Liliana placing both hands on her shoulder "Lili I am very proud of you. And I know your parents would be proud too." He pulled her in gave her a hug and pat her on the back "I love you kiddo. Go get some sleep." She nodded and walked to her room. She dressed in her pj's and sat in her bed. 'Oh I forgot to close the computer screen. Oh an email.' She pulled up her email and seen thousands of emails saying "We Know" with a picture attached to it. Liliana closed her computer screen and stood up out of her bed and walked to her window. She opened it and looked up at the stars. Confused and worried who would know about her past. Who would know her evol ability and why did the Professor ask her that weird question. Did he know? She shook her head 'No I'm sure it was just Miracle finder.' She sighed 'But still. I'm going to have to watch for any clues pick up any signs about him.' She shrugged her shoulders and laid in her bed. She rolled over and faced the wall slowly drifting off when her phone rang she rolled back over and picked up her phone.
Still silent.
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
Liliana heard a click and the call was dropped. She placed her phone back down and rolled over "I'm sure it was just some random number." Liliana now feeling her eyes heavy and her body becoming lightless she drifted off to sleep.

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