Chapter 20: New year. New Beginnings

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After Christmas Liliana moved to her new apartment. Kiro of course helped her move into her new place. Liliana wasn't sure what to do. Just about all of her unpacking was complete but her mind was else where. She laid on her floor and looked up at her ceiling in her living room. She sighed and she turned to her side 'It's New Years Eve and I'm single. Most women around my age are either married, have someone, or hell at least have a date!' She rolled on her back looked up at the ceiling again. She sighed again. 'I'm sure Victor and Kiro have a date for tonight..' She brought both of her hands up to her face and placed them on her forehead 'God I'm hopeless.' She stood up and walked over to her window her window and watched the snow fall. 'Living in the city is so different compared to living on in the country. But, it is something I'm going to have to get use to I suppose.' She placed her arm on the window sill, placed her hand under her chin and leaned on it. 'I should pick me up a bottle of saki and the ingredients for dumplings. Why not start off the new year with a bang!' She pondered to herself. Liliana holding the pendant watching the snow fall. 'Well I guess Victor will be much happier to know I've moved to the city..' She held the pendant between her thumb and index finger. Her phone began to ring bring her out of her train of thought. She walked over to the end table and picked up her phone and looked at the caller I.D. 'Oh Lucien is calling?"
"Hello?" Liliana sat on her couch looking out the window.
"Hello Ms. Mitzuki. How are you holding up? I seen in the newspaper of what happened to your grandfather. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner. I figured you would need your space."
"I'm doing okay. I actually just moved to the city. Needed to get away from that house after what happened. There is no need to apologize. You only did what you thought was right and I understand that. Believe me I do." Liliana laid back on her couch. "So how was your Christmas? I hope you didn't stay in your office all of it." Lucien knocking a pawn over on a chess board.
"Actually I usually don't take time off. Even around the holidays. I just stayed in my office and worked. How was your holiday?" Lucien pulled out a notebook and started writing.
"It was honestly pretty good. Ate until I was stuffed and received many wonderful gifts. I'm sorry you spent Christmas alone. Next year you can spend Christmas with me at my new place." Lucien chuckled. "That sounds very nice Ms. Mitzuki." Liliana giggled. "Lucien you don't have to keep calling me 'Ms. Mizuki'. I told you that you can call me Liliana." Lucien chuckled again leaning in his chair. "I'm sorry if I offended you Liliana." Liliana blushed "N-N-No you didn't offend me Lucien. Just remember for next time." Lucien got up out of his chair and looked out of his office window. "Seems like someone is a little flustered." Liliana's eyes wide. "No! That's not true!" Lucien laughed. "Alright I'll stop teasing you. Well I have to get off of here for now. Happy New Year Liliana." Liliana smiled. "Happy New Year Lucien." She hung up the phone and looked up at her ceiling. 'I guess I was over reacting..' She thought to herself. 'He must've been just curious I guess.' Liliana pondered to herself. 'I wonder if he has a evol ability too?' Liliana sat up and clapped her hands. "Okay!" She jumped up and walked to her room. She got dressed and pulled out her notebook. "Okay what do I need.."

-Soy Sauce
-Unseasoned vinegar
-Hot Chile Sesame oil
-A head of Napa Cabbage
-Ground pork
-Fresh Ginger
-Vegetable oil

Liliana looked over her list. She grabbed her bag, coat, and keys and she was out the door.

Victor was sitting in his office rubbing his temples. His phone ringing next to him. He stopped and looked at the caller I.D. Victor picked up his phone and walked over to the window.
"Hello. Do you have the information for me that I asked for?" The man on the other line typing away at a keyboard.
"Yeah but look you aren't going to give me orders like I'm one of your employee's. I work for me and only me. Now what I found was pretty interesting." Victor looking out the window he scoffed. "Alright what do you got?" The man on the other end still typing away at his keyboard. "Well apparently there is a group called 'Black Swan'. They just started popping up again. There are no connections between the man who was murdered and the group but they do have something to do with your girl. As of this moment their whereabouts are unknown but once I find out more I'll call you. Cya." And with that the man hung up. Victor looking out the window he sighed and rested the palm of his hand under his chin. He felt as though there was a connection between him and Liliana but he wasn't sure as to how. "It can't be her.." Victor thought aloud to himself. He walked back over to his computer and sat down at his desk. He had received an email from Goldman. It was a news article about a new scientist moving to Loveland City. Victor remembering he heard something about that on the radio but he wasn't all too concerned about it at the time. Now wishing he would've paid attention.

Liliana was walking around the store picking up everything she needed. Liliana's phone vibrating in her pocket. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at the caller I.D. She picked up the phone.
"Hello?" Liliana standing in the check out lane.
"What are you doing?" Victor looking out the window.
"Well I'm just getting some stuff for myself for tonight. I actually just got me a new place here in town and I don't really have much so I'm just picking up some Saki and ingredients for dumplings." Liliana placing her items on the conveyor belt. Victor placed his hand on his chin.
"So you finally moved to town. Well that's good your grandmother and yourself are away from there.." Liliana nodded her head. "Well at any rate what do you have planned for tonight?" Liliana thought to herself. "Well I was thinking about making dumplings, drinking saki, and watching anime. I'm sure you have a date tonight." Victor scoffed. "Dumplings, drinking saki, and watching 'anime'. Sounds like something an alcoholic idiot. Boring alcoholic idiot." Liliana rolled her eyes. "Coming from the same person who stayed at my house and drank saki with me. I'm not sure who is more of an idiot. Me or you." Victor scoffed. "Would you like to repeat that last line?" Liliana laughed. "I'm not sure who is more of an idiot. Me or you." Victor rolled his eyes. "Obviously you." Liliana laughed again. "Yeah yeah yeah." Liliana putting all of her items in her bags and walked out of the store. "Well do you have a date tonight?" Victor rolled his eyes again. "Because I'm single that doesn't mean I have some sort of date." Liliana rolled her eyes. "Well I only assumed-." Victor cut her off. "Well that's what you get for assuming. Bye." Liliana rolled her eyes and stuffed her phone in her pocket. 'Hmm I wonder what Kiro is doing?' Liliana pulled out her phone and dialed Kiro's phone number.
"Hey Ms. Chips! Happy New Year!" Liliana smiled.
"Happy New Year Kite!" Kiro smiled and plopped on his couch.
"So what do you have planned for tonight? A date possibly." Liliana shook her head.
"Sadly no. I'm making dumplings tonight, drink saki, and watch anime. Why not start off the new year with a bang?" Kiro laughed. Lounged on his couch.
"Sounds like fun! Mind if I join you?" Liliana widened her eyes.
"Are you sure Kite? I mean it might be pretty boring.." Kiro laughed. He sat up and put his shoes on.
"Heck yeah I am! I want to spend the New Year with my best friend! Where are you? I'll come pick ya up!" Liliana laughed.
"Alright, alright. I'm just walking out of the super market." Kiro grabbed his keys and walked out his front door. He locked the door.
"Alright I'll be there in 5 minutes!"

Liliana was standing in the kitchen making the ingredients for dumplings. Kiro was sitting on a bar stool in Liliana's kitchen. "So whataya makin?" Liliana turned and looked at Kiro. "I'm making dumplings." She smiled. "Wanna learn?" Kiro hopped out of the bar stool and walked over to Liliana. "Okay teach me!" Liliana took a piece of dough wrapper on a cookie sheet. "Okay here is what you do. You take a tablespoon of the filling and you put it on the wrapper. Next you gently take the dough wrapper with the filling in it and you dab the edges with water and you crimp it together." Kiro followed Liliana's instructions and placed the dumpling on the cookie sheet. "See easy right?" Kiro looked at Liliana smiled and nodded his head. "So why do you make dumplings for New Years? Aren't you American?" Liliana nodded her head. "Well I've lived here my entire life. My parents moved back to Loveland shortly after I was born. Growing up my grandparents would always make dumplings for New Years. I never understood why but I grew with that tradition and I see no reason why I should stop making dumplings." Kiro nodded his head. "Why do you ask?" Liliana pouring herself a glass of Saki. "I don't know just well was always curious. We've known each other for almost a year and I feel like I hardly know you." Liliana laughed doing in a 'shh' motion and patted his head. "You'll learn more about me as time goes on. We'll always be best friends Kiro. Don't forget that okay. Now it's time we wash our hands and make the dumplings." Liliana pulled out a large skillet and placed it on the stove. "So how do you cook these?" Liliana grabbed the vegetable oil and dropped two tablespoons in the skillet. "Okay what I'm doing now is I'll be cooking the dumplings until they are brown for 2 minutes. Then I have to take a cup of water and pour it in there and put a lid on it for them to steam cook for five minutes. Then dinner will be ready." Liliana washed her hands and started cooking the dumplings. "So what kind of anime are we going to watch." Liliana pondered "Hmm I was honestly thinking Clannad? Maybe even Ouran Host Club." Kiro got excited. "I love both of those animes!" Liliana got really happy as well. "Really!! Well which one?!?!" Kiro also pondered to himself. "Hmm I say Clannad!" Kiro nodded his head. "Good idea!"

Both Liliana and Kiro sat and watched Clannad and ate dumplings drinking saki. As soon as the opening song came on both Liliana and Kiro started singing. Half tipsy at this point. "Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango daikazoku. Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango, Dango daikazoku. Yancha na yaki dango. Yasashii an dango. Sukoshi yumemigachi na tsukimi dango. Osumashi goma dango. Yotsu ko kushi dango. Minna Minna awasete hyakunin kazoku." Kiro paused it. "Oh the fireworks!" Both Liliana and Kiro looked out the window. "Wait!" Liliana grabbed Kiro's mask and forced it on him. "Lord!" Kiro put on his mask and stood at the window. "Happy New Year Liliana!" Liliana looking out the window. Her mind now else where. "Happy New Year Kire." Liliana thinking to herself. 'Happy New Year Victor. I wish you were here to spend it with me but I'm sure you are busy with other things. Maybe next year huh?' Kiro reached out and hugged Liliana. Liliana taken out of her thought and she hugged Kiro back patting him on the back. Liliana was very happy she was able to spend New Years with Kiro but she was also sad as well. She wanted to spend the end and yet the beginning of the New Year with Victor but she knew deep within her heart that no matter how long it took she would wait for this man to look at her like she was his lover. She would wait for him even if it killed her she didn't care. She would wait until the day she died for this man to love her and see her than just some idiot, moron, or dummy. "Ms. Chips lets spend every New Years together! Lets hope this year will be better for both of us!" Liliana nodded her head, smiled, and giggled. "Now lets get back to watching Clannad until we both pass out either from drunkenness and or tiredness!" Both Liliana walked over to the couch to watch more Clannad. A great way to end and yet start off to the New Year.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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