Chapter 18: A New Home

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Liliana woke up that morning in her room. 'Did Kiro carry me in here?' She yawned and stretched. 'Well I guess I better get dress.' Liliana picked up her phone and looked at her screen. 'Oh Victor called me this morning.' She held her head 'Oh my head..' She sat up and looked at her window 'Oh sun's coming up. I guess I better call Victor huh.' She dialed his number.
*Ring, Ring,R-* "Hello?" Victor sounded annoyed.
"Hey Victor.." Liliana was prepared for the full blown ear full she was about to get.
"Do you not realize how worried I've been! You refused to pick up your phone, you wouldn't let me in, hell you wouldn't even let Goldman in!" Liliana looked down and rubbed the back of her neck smiling and let out a giggle.
"And-..Wait. Why are you laughing?" She could hear him tapping his finger on his desk.
"Victor I'm sorry. I'm just..happy to hear your voice for once." Victor scoffed.
"And what's that suppose to mean?" Liliana laid back down in her bed.
"Victor forget about that look.. I am truly sorry. I'm sorry I haven't said a word nor replied to anything. It's been really..rough the past month since my-." Victor sighed and cut her off.
"I apologize for snapping at you. I should've been more understanding of your feelings and needing time to recollect yourself. Have you *clears his throat* been taking care of yourself." Liliana giggled and rolled over. She could imagine Victor turned in his chair looking out his window over looking Loveland City. Liliana thought to herself 'Should I just be flat out honest and hear the ear full or just lie?'
"Well no.." Victor took a deep sigh and rolled his eyes.
"Do I need to take care of you myself?" Liliana sat up quickly and blushed.
"UHMMM NO!!! UH AH UH AH...GOTTA GO BYE!" Liliana hung up her phone and ran to her bathroom to get in the shower.

Victor looking at his phone screen and shook his head. He chuckled and turned back around in his chair looking at his calendar. 'Hmm Christmas is in a few weeks.' He picked up his phone and called up Goldman "Yes Goldman. I would like to schedule a Christmas party for the staff."
Goldman on the other end stammering "Uhmm sir are you sure?"
Victor looked at his phone screen then placed the phone back on his ear. "Did you forget who you are talking to you little shit?" Goldman sweating "Uhm S-SORRY SIR! I'll get right to it!!" Goldman hung up the phone.  Victor scoffed. And he texted Liliana.
"Hey I'm scheduling a Christmas Party in a few weeks. I'd really like to see you there." He deleted it. "Hello Liliana LFG is throwing a Christmas Party and I hope to see you there." He deleted it again. He sat his phone down on the desk and placed his palms on his forehead "God what is wrong with me?! It's just a simple text! It's not like I'm asking her out on a date!" Victor started to get flustered. Then he cleared his throat "Okay let's just try it again." He picked up his phone and typed out a message "LFG is throwing a Christmas Party for the staff. Feel free to come." Sent! "Okay short sweet and to the point." He turned in his chair and looked at his computer screen. "Now the question is what do I get for her?"

Liliana came out of the bathroom drying her hair off. She looked at her phone on her nightstand and picked it up. 'Oh a message from Victor.' She unlocked her screen and read Victor's text message "LFG is throwing a Christmas Party for the staff. Feel free to come." Liliana sat down on her bed. "Hmm a Christmas Party? It'd be nice to go. WAIT!" She looked at her phone screen again. "VICTOR IS INVITING ME TO A CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!" Liliana lost for words. "Well what do I say?" Liliana took a deep breath. "Okay." Liliana typed down a message for Victor. "Thank you for the invite! I'll be there!" Sent! "Okay now I need to get dressed to look for a place. Liliana walked over to her closet and pulled out a white top, with blue jeans, and white socks. "Oh! I need a coat! Don't want to catch a cold before this party." Liliana got dressed and walked to her front door. She heard a crunch and looked down. "Oh a note.." She bent down and picked it up. "Liliana before you go we need to talk.."
                        Signed- Memaw
Liliana was scared. She still wasn't sure how to face her grandmother. The fact with how her grandfather died and the last argument they got into. Liliana took a deep breath and walked out to the living room. Her grandmother sitting in the living room drinking a cup of coffee. A cup sitting on the table with her favorite pancakes. Liliana looked over to her grandmother holding in tears. "Memaw.." Her grandmother sitting on the couch sipping on her coffee. She turned and looked at Liliana. "Liliana..I'm..-" Liliana shook her head "Memaw I'm sorry. I'm sorry about Popop.. I'm sorry about the way I have been the last month!" She ran over to her grandmothers lap and cried. Her grandmother placed her cup down and held Liliana "No Lili.. Look at me." She placed her hand under Liliana's chin and looked at her "Lili you have no reason to apologize. For what happen to your Popop and everything else. I should be the one who needs to apologize. For what I said, what I thought, and what I felt. I was just so angry at the world and I took my anger out on you my sweet child. You aren't a freak. You are just so special my little Lili. *She cupped both sides of her face.* I love you sweetheart. Don't you ever forget that!" She pulled Liliana into her arms and embraced her. "I'm so sorry my sweet child. I am so so sorry!" both her and Liliana cried. "Oh Memaw!" Liliana embraced her grandmother tightly. "Memaw I'm still going to get my own place. You should do the same. It's not healthy and not safe!" Her grandmother nodded her head "Yes. I understand Lili. I'm moving in with Ms. Chang. She needs a roommate anyways." Her and Liliana laughed "You two just stay out of trouble." Liliana gave her grandmother a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back later to help pack. Me and Kite are looking at apartments today." Her grandmother laughed. "Alright Lili. You be safe now ya hear!" Liliana ate her pancakes and finished her cup of coffee. She put on her shoes and off she was.

Liliana met Kiro at the Love land City bus station. She waved Kiro down and he ran up to her. He was wearing a thick white coat with a white mask painted with a smiley face. She gave him and hug and he hugged her back with big ole smiles on their faces. "So since you like to look at the stars so much I found five apartments that have a nice opened ceiling. Lets go take a look." Kiro grabbed her and waited for the first bus to take a look at the apartments Kiro found.
The first apartment Liliana didn't like. Nor the other three. Kiro hoping and praying Liliana would love the last one.
"Okay Liliana this is the last one on the list. This one is near a the wood working shop so I'm sure you'll be happy with that." Liliana walked with Kiro up a long side walk. "Kite this doesn't look like a apartment.." Kiro nodded his head. "It is just come take a look." Liliana looked up the building 'Wow this is too big to be a apartment. Especially a two story.' Liliana and Kiro met a realtor "Hello I'm guessing you guys are here to take a look at the apartment?" Liliana nodded her head. "Alright follow me." The realtor unlocked the door. "Now this is the first floor. Nice and big for a party of 10. If you follow me I'll show you the kitchen." The realtor, Liliana and Kiro took the shoes off and slipped into slippers. They both followed the realtor to the kitchen. Liliana's eyes widened. "Now Sir and Ma'am this is one bedroom apartment it also comes with a master bathroom and a office." Liliana was more interested in seeing the room. "Ma'am can you show me the bedroom." The realtor smiled. "Yes follow me." Liliana and Kiro walked up the stairs behind the realtor and took them to the bedroom. Liliana looked up and seen the beautiful clouds and the sun slowly coming down for dusk. "So are you two a couple." Liliana in awe "No we're just friends. He's helping me look for a place." Kiro walked over to Liliana "So do you like it." Liliana nodded her head "Kite I love it!" Liliana looked at the realtor. "How much is it going to be?" The realtor told Liliana and she about fainted. Kiro looked at the realtor "I'll buy it for her." Liliana looked at Kiro shocked "Kite you don't have to do that!" Kiro smiled "It's okay. I want to!" He pulled out the money and gave it to her. "Oh are the bills in cluded?" The realtor nodded. "I can easily cover that with the money I make off of the doll houses." Liliana was so happy she gave Kiro a big hug. "OH THANK YOU KITE!! THANK YOU!!" Kiro pat her on the back. "It's no problem Liliana. Now lets go get something to eat and I'll take you home." Liliana shook her head. "If you wouldn't mind I'd like to just go home and be with my grandmother." Kiro patted her on the back. "So you and your grandmother made up?" Liliana nodded her head "Yeah we made up this morning." Kiro smiled and gave her a hug. "Liliana I'm so happy that you two were able to make up. Well let me call Eric and I'll get ya home." Liliana waved off the realtor. "Have a Merry Christmas! I'll see you after the New Year!" 

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