Filler chapter: Christmas Morning

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Liliana woke that morning in high spirits. "It's Christmas morning." Her phone vibrated on her night stand. She sat up in her bed and reached to grab her phone. She tapped on her home screen button. She had three new messages. One from Kiro, one from Victor, and one from Lina. She unlocked her phone screen and opened Kiro's message first.
Liliana smiled "Merry Christmas Kiro!" She closed out of Kiro's message and pulled up Lina's message.
"Lina: MERRY CHRISTMAS LILIANA!" Liliana smiled again.
"Merry Christmas Lina!" She closed out Lina's message and saved Victor's for last.
"Bossman: Merry Christmas Liliana.. And Have a happy new year." Liliana felt her heart swell even more. She felt that everything from a month prior was just a dream. She had friends who truly cared about her and her well being. She knew that having feelings for your boss was not the best idea especially as popular as Victor was but she no longer cared. She didn't care how long it took for Victor to feel the same for her but she knew deep down inside of her that she was falling ever so deeply for this man. Six months ago she didn't care if the man disappeared. But now.. Now things were different. She felt she could rely on this man. He was there for her when her grandfather died and was there for her afterwards. He shared the same fate that she has. An evol ability. He truly didn't know about her past but if he was to find out she felt that he would just run away. She felt that Victor would leave her side and end up calling her a monster..a freak. She snapped herself out of her train of thought and replied back.
"Merry Christmas Victor! Have a happy new year!" Liliana threw her blanket off of her and put on her robe and slippers. She opened her bedroom door and seen her grandmother sitting on the couch holding a present in her hands. "Lili Merry Christmas. I bought you a present come here and open it sweetheart." Liliana smiled at her grandmother and grabbed the present and sat on the floor. "Merry Christmas Memaw." She leaned over and gave her grandmother a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Liliana unwrapped the wrapping paper around the present. It was a white box. She opened the box and started to cry. It was a medium sized portrait of Liliana and her grandfather when she was a little girl. "Oh Memaw." Liliana traced her finger around the picture. She got up and hug her grandmother really tight "Memaw thank you! Thank you so much *sob*. I will cherish this always." Liliana stood up and walked to her room. She walked out with a basket. "Memaw I got you this." Her grandmother got up and walked over to Liliana holding the basket. She sat the basket down and went through it. Smiling and taking sniffs of each fragrance in the basket. She turned and hugged Liliana. "Lili thank you so much. I will be sharing this with Ms. Chang when we go to the spa." She gave Liliana a kiss on the cheek. "Lili why don't you invite Victor or for Christmas dinner? I'm sure he has nothing planned besides working. The young man needs a break! He may be a business man but business men take days off as well. Oh and tell him that I don't take no for an answer." Liliana laughed "Alright, alright Memaw I'll go ask Victor. But if he says no don't be upset with him." Her grandmother clapped her hands "Lili if he says no you tell him *repeating herself* that your Memaw does not take no for an answer. Now I have dumplings to make!" Liliana laughed and walked to her room. She closed the door and sat on the edge of her bed. She pulled out her phone out and dialed Victor's number.
*Ring, Ring, R-* "Merry Christmas Liliana." Liliana smiled.
"Merry Christmas Victor. So I have a few questions for you." She could hear typing in the background and classical music playing 'Hm sounds like Yumira: River Flows In You.'
"Nothing in particular. Besides work really. Why?" Liliana heard all typing stopped.
"Well that leads up to my second question. Would you like to come and spend Christmas with my Grandmother and myself? She said that she doesn't take no for an answer." She heard Victor's deep chuckle. "Sure. Tell her I'll be running a little late. I'm bringing dessert. I'll be there in a few hours. Dummy." Liliana shocked that Victor actually said he would come but smiled in the same sentence. "Hmm I wonder what he is bringing? I wonder if it's going to be homemade?" She bent over "I didn't even get to eat the pudding Victor gave me." She stood up and walked out to the living room. "Memaw Victor said he is going to need a few hours. He said he will be bringing over dessert as well." Her grandmother gave Liliana a thumbs up. Busy making dumplings. Liliana walked to her room and got dressed. She wanted to look nice but comfortable as well.

Liliana was sitting and watching the news when she heard a knock on the door. She walked to the front door and it was Victor. He was holding a glass tray of pudding. "Here let me help you with that." She carefully took the tray from Victors hands and placed it on the dinning room table. "Come on in Victor!" Her grandmother shouting from the kitchen. "Dinner will be done in a few hours! Please make yourself at home." Victor untied his shoes and neatly placed them by the door. Liliana gave him a pair of slippers and he walked to the living room. Victor noticed the little shrine stand they had for her grandfather. Victor walked over to the shrine, knelt in front of it, lit an incense stick and prayed. He placed the incense stick in the holder and walked over to the couch and sat down. Liliana looked at Victor. "Do you like games?" Liliana sitting in front of the coffee table. "Depends on the game." Liliana crossed her arms on the coffee table. "Hmm I'm not sure of any games. Got any ideas?" Victor asked "What about Majhong? Have you ever played?" Liliana shook her head. "I watched my grandparents play but I could never really understand it." Liliana stood up and got the pieces. "Now come here." Liliana walked over to Victor and he pulled her in his lap. Liliana's grandmother peaking around the post of the kitchen. "There are four types of tiles: Wind, Dots, Bamboo and Characters. The Wind tiles include East, South, West, North, Red, Green and White." He laid out the tiles for her as he explained. "Now repeat that back." Liliana took a deep breath 'Boy I hope I get this right..' " There are four different types of tiles: Wind, Dots, Bamboo..." he looked at her. "And?" She facepalmed her forehead "I forgot the last one." Victor took a deep sigh "Oh your hopeless. Look just play the game." Liliana got off of Victor's 2lap and sat across from him and watched him shuffle the tiles. "Liliana while Victor is a little busy why not get the man something to drink." Liliana stood up "I'll take a small glass of saki please." Liliana went to her room and grabbed a bottle of saki and two glasses. She poured them both a small shot and watched him shuffle. Her grandmother took off her apron and sat at the table. "Well the duck will be done in an hour so I'll join in a game. Victor prepare for me to beat your butt." Victor chuckled. Still shuffling the tiles. Her grandmother looking at Liliana and Victor. "Truth or dare decided by Mahjong. Loser either takes a drink or tells the truth." Liliana of course lost the first game. Her grandmother looking at Victor. "Alright it's your turn to ask Victor." "I'm not interested in hearing truths from an idiot." Her grandmother looking at Liliana "Okay Lili truth or dare?" Liliana looking at her grandmother "Truth." Her grandmother smiled the widest grin she could make. Liliana was a little nervous knowing her grandmother she would throw some question out there. Knowing her and how blunt she was Liliana knew it would be enough to make her blush. "Okay. Truth." "Lili who do you like?" Liliana flustered... "Uhm.. Uhm" Liliana picked up her glass and took a shot. "Okay question time is over on to the next game." Victor shuffling the tiles "Oh your no fun." Her grandmother pouted. "Oh the duck is ready! Don't start another game until I get back." Liliana whistling and twirling her thumbs. Victor took a quick glance at her and went back to shuffling. Her grandmother came back. "Alright on to the next game!" 'Ugh I lost again! Memaw won this time!' Liliana looking at her grandmother waiting for her to ask. "Hmm I'm thinking." Victor pipped in "Actually you took my turn the last time so I'll take it." Her grandmother lightly poking Victor in the hip "Make sure it's a good one too." Victor looked at Liliana with his steel grey eyes "Alright Liliana truth or dare?" Liliana gulped. 'Oh if I choose truth he's going to ask me something crazy. If I choose dare probably something even worse!' "Truth." Liliana looking at Victor. "Did you really like the necklace I got you for Christmas?" Liliana nodded and showed him the necklace "I haven't taken it off since you put it on me.." She blushed. Her grandmother cleared her throat. "Okay my turn to shuffle." And of course Victor won. 'UGH I'LL NEVER WIN A GAME!' Her grandmother looked at Victor. "So I have a question for you young man. Truth or dare?" Victor chose truth. "Alright young man. Tell me. What do you think of my granddaughter?" Victor picked up his glass and took the shot. "Okay next game." Her grandmother crossed her arms and pouted "You both are no fun." Liliana giggled and stuck her tongue out at her grandmother. *Ding, Ding, Ding* "Oh the duck is ready! Don't start the next game until I get back!" Victor shuffling the die "So just for fun.. What do you think about me?" Liliana giggled and poured more saki in their glasses. "Do you really care about what others think about you?" Victor scoffed. Liliana looking at his face while he was shuffling the die. Victor cleared his throat. "Is the answer written on my face?" Liliana snapped out of her train of thought. "Do I have to be honest? Or can I just lie my way through this?" Victor scoffed again still shuffling the die. "Do you honestly think I can't tell when you're lying?" Liliana took a deep breath. "You are overbearing, unreasonable, most of the time, and sometimes vicious..." Victor stopped mid-shuffle and looked at Liliana. Liliana's grandmother looking at Liliana with her jaw dropped to the floor. Liliana looking at Victor's expression. An instant change from a poker-face to shock. "But I was only teasing." Liliana giggled holding the pendant between her thumb and her index finger. Victor still in shock "Are you an idiot?" Liliana still holding the pendant smiling at Victor. "Now hold your horses. I was not finished yet." Liliana continuing where she left off. "That's how you appear on the outside, but you're actually kind, thoughtful, generous, compassionate, and thoughtful on the inside. You came to help me when no one else would help me. You've listened to me spout nonsense, you've listened to me about my problems and was there for me as a shoulder to cry on." Liliana closed her eyes and smiled. "Thank you for always being there for me Victor." Victor still holding the deck in his hand now stunned "Are you..being serious?" Liliana still smiling and nodded her head "Of course! What reason do I have to lie?" Victor nodded his head "I guess it's credible." Liliana could see the corner of his lip slowly curl into a smile. "Alright kiddo's time to eat!"

Later on that night Liliana finally won her first game. She had to rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming or all that food wasn't playing tricks on her "It's just a fluke." Victor pipped up. Liliana excited. 'Yes now it's my turn to ask!' Liliana thought to herself. She glanced up at Victor's face to try and get an idea of what she should ask him. "Do you have anything you'd like to tell me from your heart." Liliana snickered. "I always speak from my heart." Victor stretched back. feeling the saki starting to take full effect. Liliana rolled her eyes. "Oh who'd believe that?" Victor crossed his arms over his chest. "Why is that not plausible?" Victor ignored Liliana's protests and started shuffling again and went into the next game. The sun was slowly starting to come up. Liliana yawned and stretched her arms out. Liliana was starting to feel her eyes becoming heavy. Victor laid the deck on the table and stretched his arms as well. "Alright. Bed time. I'm tired too."  Her grandmother turning in for the night as well. Waving both Liliana and Victor off before she hit the bed. Liliana slowly got up and sat on the couch looking out the window. 'It's snowing again..' Liliana tiredly thought to herself. Liliana slowly closing her eyes as she yawned. Victor sat next to Liliana. She could smell his refreshing scent. She tiredly smiled and thought to herself. 'He smells nice..He always smells nice..' Liliana yawned again. "Why didn't you tell me you were sleepy?" Liliana slowly opened her eyes and looked at Victor in a half daze "Well..we were all having so much fun. Both my grandmother and myself needed it..*yawn*" Victor looking at Liliana "You were having fun? You were losing so many games." Liliana giggled. "I did have fun. We haven't shared laughs like that since before my Popop was killed.." Liliana could feel herself slowly drifting off. "It was..*yawn*..great spending..Christmas with you Victor." Victor chuckled "I guess you are easy to satisfy." Liliana tiredly laughed "I won't lie I am..*yawn*..this has been.*yawn*..the best Christmas in a long time." Liliana could no longer fight it and gave in. Before she completely fell asleep she muttered these words to Victor "Merry Christmas...Victor." Liliana was now in a soft dream land.

Victor looking at Liliana by his side asleep he suddenly felt like getting closer, and closer. He could feel her warm breath and smell a sweet fruity scent. All that could be heard was Victor's light footsteps as he was blowing out the candles. He turned and seen it was just him and Liliana in the room together. There were still some things that were still undone, but they didn't need to be done right now. Both Victor and Liliana would have plenty of time in the future. The next time Liliana would look deep into Victor's steel grey eyes it would be with affection. Victor stretched out his hand to stroke Liliana's hair gently. He lightly pinched her cheek, expressing a tenderness and care for her he had never had felt before. He let out a smiled and could no longer hide, and his eyes were beaming with light and tenderness. He could hear his own heartbeat. It was sounding for Liliana. Liliana started talking in her sleep and Victor pulled back his hand to not wake up Liliana from her deep sleep. He took a blanket that was left out by Liliana's grandmother and threw it over both of them. He looked out the window and and saw a ray of sunlight shine through it, landing on Liliana's lively face. He slowly took off her glasses and sat them on the coffee table. He looked at Liliana and smiled resting his hand on his chin. "I want to be with you always.." He lowered his hand and scooted a little closer to Liliana and whispered in her ear. "Now I've held up my end of the bet.. That's what I most wanted to say to you." Liliana smiled in her sleep and scooted closer to Victor laying her head on his shoulder. He was stunned at first but decided he would wrap his arm around her and hold her. Liliana mumbled in Victor's shoulder heard what Victor said as if it was in her dream. "Merry...Christmas." Victor yawned and leaned his head on Liliana's head. His eyes starting to feel heavy as well. After a while his response was heard " Same to you.. Merry Christmas..*yawn*..dummy."

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