Chapter 17: Misery Loves Company

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Since Popop's death Liliana and Memaw barely spoke to one another. Liliana hadn't answered her phone neither for Kiro nor for Victor. Liliana felt dead, alone, and bitter. When her phone would ring she would let it just ring. She sat in her wood shop for days not coming out for anything. She was too depressed to even face her grandmother or anyone. She hated the world, she hated everyone, and she hated herself. 'Why couldn't I save him..' holding an empty bottle of saki 'Why did he have to leave me.. Popop..' Liliana broke down in tears again. She threw the empty bottle of saki at the door and shattered into pieces 'Why didn't he just listen to me! If he would've just stopped talking he would still be here!' She pulled her knees up to her chest crying. 'I think I'll move to the city...' Liliana thought to herself 'I think it would be best for the both of us if I wasn't here.' She held her knees 'But I can't leave Memaw alone.. What if that person comes back.' Liliana crying.

*Knock, knock, knock.* Liliana threw her second empty bottle of saki at the door. "Go away!"
*Knock, knock, knock.* "I said go away!" Liliana didn't want anything to do with anyone.
"Liliana it's me Kite! Let me in!" Liliana threw a glass cup at the door "Go away!" He knocked again "Liliana please let me in.." Liliana crying "Why?" she held her knees tight to her chest "Why should I let you or anyone else in for that matter?! My grandfather is gone and my grandmother hates me?! Why should I allow you or anyone in?!" Kiro sighed. He turned his back to the door and slouched down and leaned against the door. "Liliana just please let me in. I am here for you and only you. I don't hate you. Why would I hate my Ms. Chips?" Liliana sighed, crawled to the door and unlocked it. "You can come in just please lock it when you come in." She sat next to the door taking a drink of her saki. Kiro stepped inside and locked the door. He looked around the room and seen the damaged doll houses, wood completely destroyed, empty saki bottles all over the floor. He sat next to Liliana looked at her. "So why haven't you answered my calls? Whats going on Lilly?" Liliana sighed "Have you not seen the news or read the newspapers?" Kiro shook his head no "Lilly I just got home from America.. Now tell me whats going on." Liliana looked down to the floor holding her bottle of saki. "My Popop... He's dead.." Tears slowly streaming from her face and falling to the floor. "Wait how?" Kiro looking at Liliana "I thought everything was okay?" Liliana closed her eyes and leaned her head on the wall "Someone stabbed my grandfather in the door way of our home. He..*she pulled her arms up and looked at her hands*he died in my arms..I..I..I." Kiro pulled her into his arms and held her tight "Liliana I am so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." Liliana cried on his shoulder staining his clothes with her tears "Kiro I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how I can continue to live my life without him. He was my moral support. My everything. And I." He held her even tighter "Shh it's okay Liliana. I'm here. I would never hate you nor blame you for something that wasn't your fault nor in your control." He extended out his arms and looked at Liliana "I think your grandfather would want you to continue doing what you were doing before he died. He will always be there for you Liliana. He may not be there for you physically but he'll always be here *he pointed at her chest*. He'll always be here in your heart. No matter where life takes you he will always be there for you. I will always be there for you." Liliana cried even harder and cried on Kiro's chest.

Later on that night Liliana and Kiro sat and drank saki. Kiro listening to Liliana talking about the memories she has with her grandfather. "When I was five years old my Popop and Memaw took me camping. I remember my Popop held out a jar and we caught so many fire flies. Of I wanted to keep them in my room and release them in there but my Popop told me that they would miss their families if I took them home. I was sad but I was happy after releasing them. My Popop couldn't cook to save his life. He about burned the whole forest down." They both laughed "So whats going on between you and your Memaw Ms. Chips?" Liliana sighed looking at him with puffy eyes "She blames me for his death. If I wasn't here that he would still be alive." She wiped away her fresh new tears. "She thinks it's best I move to the city.." Kiro pat her on the back "I'm sure she doesn't mean it." Liliana shook her head "No she does.. She had a look on her eyes I've never seen before.. Before she left the wood shed she...she..never mind it's best I don't tell you." Kiro completely turned and looked at her. "Liliana tell me what did she say to you." Liliana looked down. "She called me a freak..She..she said she never wants to see me again after this week. She said I have two weeks to leave.." Kiro trying to hold back tears "So thats why you said what you said earlier.." Liliana nodded her head. Kiro wiped away her tears "Liliana I'll get you a nice place in the City. I know you aren't going to like it but living in this house after your grandfathers..well ya know.. It just isn't healthy and isn't good for you!" Liliana nodded her head. "So why did she call you a freak? You seem pretty normal to me." Liliana slowly looked up at Kiro. "Kiro when I was a little girl something happen to me and my parents. I remember the car accident but after that is a big blur. I have these scares all over my body and I don't know where they came from. All I remember is waking up in a hospital bed with my Popop holding me. The doctors say that it must have been from the accident but they aren't even so sure themselves. Fast forward to when I was in 3rd grade I was sitting at my desk and doing my work when this girl and two of her friends knocked my crayons over and started to pick on me. She was saying that I made my parents disappear. That the reason why they left and I survived is because they just didn't want me so the accident was just a means to get rid of me. And so I got mad and I..I..I burned her." Kiro looked at Liliana shocked "How did you burn her?" Liliana brought up her hand and snapped her fingers. A tiny flame sat upon her index finger. "It's taken me a long time to get control of it but in the last two years I've gotten better at controlling it but since my grandfathers death it has started to get out of control *she made the flame disappear*. If I concentrate I can keep it under control but-." Kiro cut her off and his eyes were shimmering "You can control fire!! That's so cool!!" Her grabbed both sides of her shoulders "I don't think your a freak!" He shook her rapidly "I THINK YOUR AWESOME!!" Kiro looking at her and he stopped shaking her. "I have an evol ability too!" Liliana's eyes got wide "Really!! Can I see?" He did a motion of 'shhh' and patted her on the head "Maybe next time. Look I don't care what anyone says. You. Are. Perfect! Don't sweat it too much. We can look at places together in the morning. But I think I best be getting home. Try and talk to your Memaw. I'm sure you two can talk things out. And I'm sure your Popop wouldn't want you both to end on a bad note." He leaned and gave Liliana a big hug. "I'll be back for ya in the morning. Don't be up too late."

Ares sat in his office playing a game of chess a newspaper sitting next to him. "So I see the job is done." The man in the black cloak walking out of the darkness "Yes,  Ares the job is done." Ares chuckled knocking over a pawn. "Excellent." His long slender fingers curling around his piece. "Would you like me to take care of the other subject?" Ares shook his head "No. It's too soon. She'll be moving in to town soon and that's when we make our next move. You must take it slow. You can't just jump. You have to wait patiently for her to take her move." The man in the black cloak shook his head and bowed "Yes. As you wish Ares." The man in the black cloak stood up and walked into a black abyss. "So what are you going to do next my delicate flower? I can't move until you take your next move.. Liliana Mitzuki." He chuckled, stood up, and turned out the lights in his office leaving just a lowly chess board on his desk.

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