Chapter Two

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December 2013 – Grace's POV

It was getting closer and closer to Christmas, my favourite time of year. My last day of school was hardly worth going to, we sat all day in all of my classes watching crappy Christmas movies. Well, the teachers put the movies on, but nobody really watched them, everyone was just on their phones or talking. As soon as the bell went, my friends and I sped out of school and congregated outside near the gates to say goodbye to each other until next year. We all went to private school and most of us went away over the Christmas period each year, meaning we couldn't meet up. As we gave our final goodbyes I looked around for Grandma's car expecting her to be waiting, when I didn't see her I frowned and went and sat over on a bench, pulling out the book I was reading and curling my legs underneath me. Why my school thought it was a good idea to make us wear skirts in the height of Winter, in New York I would never know. I flicked to the last page I was on and started to read until I was interrupted by someone standing in front of me. I read to the end of the line before looking up. In front of me stood my mother. I immediate slammed the book down and stood up to embrace her.

"How come you're back so early, I thought you weren't back until the 20th?" my eyes welled up as a surge of happiness spread across my chest from my Mother's embrace.

"Filming finished early and I wanted to come and surprise you" she smiled as I looked up at her

"This is so perfect, everything I had planned to do in preparation for when you came home for Christmas we can do together!" I bounced up and down like a little child in a candy store, seeing my Mother always elicited this response out of me, her presence relaxed me. I felt safe with her.

We drove home and as soon as I walked through the door I threw my coat off of myself and rolled up my shirt sleeves ready to start baking. I grabbed Mom's hand and pulled her into the kitchen

"We have to make a gingerbread house and sugar cookies and Pumpkin pie and pecan pie and..." I was interrupted by Grandma

"Sweetheart, calm down" she laughed "Your mother has only just got off her flight, let her rest for a little bit"

My heart sunk, it might seem selfish but because Mom isn't around a lot, the time I do have with her I want to do so many things to make sure I make the most of it. I felt a hand on my cheek

"You grab the mixing bowl and I'll get the ingredients from the cupboard"

I smiled a toothy grin at her, she never let me down. I heard Grandma sigh and let out a little laugh

"Don't say I didn't try Sarah" she chuckled before going to the living room

I grabbed the mixing bowl and jumped onto the counter-top, rocking my legs back and forth

"So baby, how has school been? Grandma told me you won an award for getting the highest grades this semester"

"Yeah I did" I looked down at my lap as my cheeks started to go red

"Hey" she put two fingers under my chin and our eyes locked together "That's brilliant, I'm so proud of you" She smiled wide

"I missed you so much, Mommy" I whispered to her, our eyes still locked

"I missed you too, baby bug" she brought me into a hug "But hey, I'm here until you go back to school again in January. That's so much time, and we'll do everything you want to do okay?"

I pulled back from her and nodded. We baked for the rest of the afternoon and finally at 6:30 collapsed in the living room next to Grandma

"You all done in the kitchen, babies?"

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