Chapter Six

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Sarah's POV

I was sat staring into space in my bedroom, my thoughts going over what I had done. When my heart started beating fast and I felt butterflies circulating my stomach. There was only one time when I felt like this, when something had happened to Grace.

I immediately got up and walked to her bedroom door. I knocked on the door and got no reply

"Grace, I know you hate me right now but can you please just let me know that you're okay. Please" I waited and got no reply

I tried the door and found that it was locked

"Grace!" I raised my voice and again got no reply "Grace, open this door, now!"

My heart was beating a hundred miles a minute and I suddenly got the urge to break the door open. I slammed my body into it again and again until the lock broke and I tumbled inside.

As I got up off of the ground I looked around, and then I saw her tiny body on the bathroom floor with blood pouring from her wrists.

I screamed and called out for my mom to ring an ambulance. I rushed over to her and grabbed her up into my arms, grabbing a towel to try and stop the bleeding. Her body was so small and she had lost all the colouring in her face and instead looked a grey colour.

Tears fell from my eyes and my eyesight got blurry real fast. I rocked her body back and forth, knowing that it was me who had done this to her.

"I'm so sorry Angel, I am. Please, please don't die on me. Not today baby, I've got so much to say to you and so much I want to do. Please" I kissed her forehead and cried into her like a baby. I had never been so frightened in all my life

When the ambulance came, they hauled her onto a gurney and I quickly grabbed my purse as I rushed out to join them with mom. We sped to the hospital and they patched up Grace's arm, giving her stitches because the cuts were so deep. The doctor talked to me about putting her into a rehab centre, but I refused and said that all she needed was me to look after her, because honestly that was the truth. This was my fault, nobody else's.

I sat by her side as she lay asleep, under heavy medication and stroked her hair and held her hand tight in mine.

"She's the spitting image of you" my mother said as she admired Grace's face "She always has been. It's been like having you all over again. She's so wonderful"

A tear spilled from my eye. My mother was right. She had always had my face. Everything about us was the same. She had my eyes, my hair, my face... My lisp.

I remember when she was a child and it was so much more pronounced than it was now. She had been bullied for it for a while when she was very small, because it was so bad.


"Hey Baby Bug, how was school?" I picked her up as she walked through the door with mom

She shook her head and put her little face into my neck

"What happened?" I asked softly, rubbing her back and sitting her on my lap on the couch

Tears fell down her face and she looked up at me, her brown eyes so beautiful.

"They made fun of my teeth again" she cried "They said I can't speak properly. I try so hard, Mommy, but I can't help it"

My whole heart broke for her, I had been bullied for the same thing when I was little

"And they said I was stupid" her mouth turned upside down into a frown and she rubbed her eyes with her tiny hands, curling herself into me

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