Chapter Eight

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Grace's POV

The next few days after coming home, were wonderful. The evening of the 19th came around fast. I was backstage curling my hair and putting my makeup on, my friend Elisa looked at my wrist. It was still bandaged up, I hadn't told a single soul about what had happened. Normally when I cut I was always able to hide them with concealer.

"What happened to your wrist, thought you were just sick?" she asked

"Oh its just a bit of a sprain, just bandaged it to give it some support" I lied, applying a last coat of lipstick.

She narrowed her eyes, but let it go when I smiled at her

"You look beautiful, your mom is going to be so proud" she said

"Yours is too" I said and grabbed her hand "Good luck"

"Break a leg" she laughed

I smirked and got ready to go onstage. I had performed onstage many times, but it was rare my mom had ever been around to see me. Same with theatre productions at school. My heart was beating fast, and I could feel it in my chest. I listened out for my cue and stepped onto the stage. The performance had begun.

Throughout the whole thing, it was like I had left my body and someone else was inside of me. I danced like I had never danced before and put all my effort into it. The stage lights were beating down on my face, but I didn't mind. The only thing I concentrated on was the dance routines.

As I finished my last dance, I took the first breath I had taken in a while and then made my way off the stage as everyone clapped.

My dance teacher approached me and took me into her arms "You were outstanding" she said hugging me tight

The cast then had to one by one go back on stage to take a bow and once onstage again, I was gifted with a bouquet of flowers. We stood for a little longer as people continued to clap and then we were able to make our way backstage again to the dressing rooms. I placed my bouquet down on my dressing table and started to take my costume off, changing into sweats and a cropped t-shirt. I heard a knock on the door. I walked to it and opened it to reveal my mother, grandmother, Liz and Rachel all standing outside. I raised my eyebrows in shock and smiled wide, letting them all inside.

"You were fantastic, Baby Bug. I'm so incredibly proud of you. Everytime I see you dance I swear you're better than the last" mom said coming over and picking me up and setting me on her hip

"Thank you" I blushed

"How about we go and get some dinner at that fancy restaurant, near 5th avenue?" Mom said

"I would love to but I only have this to wear" I said referring to my sweats

"You have this too" Liz said pulling a beautiful black dress out of a bag she was carrying

I slid off my mom's hip and walked over to Liz "Oh my God, this is beautiful. Thank you so much" I said to her, pulling her into a hug

"No problem, baby. Early Christmas present" she kissed my forehead and I went to the bathroom to change.

When I emerged I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that I didn't look half bad, even for me.

When I walked back into the dressing room, everyone's eyes were on me

"Look how grown up the baby has got" Rachel joked, coming over and pinching my cheek playfully "I remember when the baby only wanted to run around the house in a diaper, cooing for her mother and playing spontaneous hide and seek before bedtime because she hated sleep. Now look at you"

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