Chapter Twenty-Five

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Grace's POV

Monday morning came around fast, and to say that I was worried was an understatement.

After what happened that weekend I was terrified to see any of my friends again, I wasn't even sure if they'd want to be my friends.

My alarm went off at 7 but I had slept terribly through the night. I hadn't woken Mom because the baby was always making her tired and I knew she needed to sleep.

I turned over and turned it off, hoping Mom wouldn't realise I had to go to school and would leave me to sleep.

At 7:10 Mom opened my bedroom door and came and opened the curtains

"Time to wake up, sweetheart" she said gently

I tried to bury my head further under the covers, ignoring her

"Gracie, time to get up, I know you're awake – you have school"

I opened my eyes and exposed my face to her "I'm tired" I moaned

"Sorry baby" she pulled the covers off of me and I felt a cold breeze hit my skin and I whined before getting up.

I got ready and went downstairs where mom had made me some toast and peanut butter. I took one bite of it and got up

"Eat more of that please" Mom said

I sighed and sat and ate the whole of one piece, leaving the other

By 8:15 I was at school and my stomach felt like I could throw up

"Grace" I heard someone call. I turned around and saw Tamara coming towards me

"Oh hey" I looked down, embarrassed

"Hey, I hope we didn't get you into too much trouble with your Mom" she bit her lip

"Oh no, that's okay. I was actually worried that you guys might not like me, I did lie to you after all"

She let out a laugh "the only person you've got to worry about is Edward. I think he was hurt a little, but the rest of us understood – we thought it was quite funny"

Relief fell off of my shoulders "Thank god, I was so worried"

"Don't stress so much, come on we're sat over here"

I followed her and saw the rest of the group. Edward and I made eye contact

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked shyly

He nodded and followed me around the corner

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