Chapter Twenty-Three

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AU: Okay so this is super long, but just you wait until the end. Massive thank you to @sarahsgirl for being a genius and helping me with this xx


Sarah's POV

My little girl is growing up. My heart swelled with happiness for her when she told me that she had been asked out by this boy. All I wanted was for her to be happy and to have someone who will always be there for her, especially when I eventually die.

I got her to tell me all about him and when she did her eyes lit up, and she squeezed her hands together in excitement as she told me about the day that she had spent with him.

I looked at her in admiration, I had created a human being who was not only beautiful on the outside, but also inside – she was so pure and innocent, considering what she had been through

"So, what did he say about you two going out?" I smirked

"Umm he said that he'd text me this weekend to arrange something" she smiled

"Awe baby bug this is so exciting" I pulled her into a hug

"Thanks for being cool about it, Mommy" she said, gazing up at me

I furrowed my eyebrows a little but smiled down at her lovingly "And why on earth would I not be cool about it, my darling?"

"Because you're my Mom, and we're close and I just thought that maybe you would think that I'm a bit young" she shrugged her shoulders

"Baby you're 15, you're not a baby anymore. I can't stop you liking boys, it's a part of life to find someone to love"

She didn't reply, instead just burying her head on my chest, hugged me tight.

Later on after we had eaten dinner, well I ate and Grace picked, we heard her phone go off

"Oooh is that Mr Lover-boy?" I joked

She looked down at her phone and blushed, nodding a little

"Well, what has he said?" I asked

Her face fell a little, my stomach dropped. Please, Mr Lover-boy, do not break my baby's heart before you've even made her love you

"Umm well he said about going to the movies tomorrow which is fine, that's cool... but then he's asking if I'd go and get pizza with him after" she nervously picked at her hands, a habit I sincerely wished would go away

"Baby" I took her hands in mine "You don't need to panic, I promise."

Her breathing started getting heavier.

"Listen to Mommy, look it's going to be okay. Knowing you, you'll wear a dress tomorrow and you'll go to the movies and he will probably buy popcorn, which is fine because you can just pick at it for a little bit and then pretend that you forget about it. That's one hurdle sorted, before you panic anymore. When you go for pizza all you've got to do is order a smaller one and maybe not eat it all if you don't want. Look honey, he obviously likes you, and likes the way you look with clothes on because that's the only situation he's seen you in. It's not like after having pizza tomorrow he'll take you back to his and make you try and take your clothes off, it's only the first date. He likes you with your clothes on and that's what he'll see you in tomorrow, he'll only be seeing what he's seen before"

Her breathing became normal "You always have the answers, I love you so much" she let out a sigh of relief

"Just on that note baby. I do just want to have a little talk with you. I know you're a big girl but just let me say this" I knew this would make her uncomfortable, but it was my job to protect her

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