Chapter Nine

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Grace's POV

The rest of Christmas and New Years was amazing. Everyone arrived at our house on Christmas Eve and that night we stayed up watching movies and Mom and I set out milk and cookies by the fire.

I woke up early on Christmas morning next to Mommy. I looked at the time and saw that it was 6am.

"Mommy" I shook her a little "Mommy, wake up. It's Christmas"

She groaned a little before turning to face me

"Merry Christmas, Mama" I said excitedly

"Merry Christmas, Baby Bug. What time is it?" she rubbed her eyes a little and tried to sit up

"Time to get up and go downstairs" I grinned before jumping out of bed and grabbing my robe because it was chilly.

"Hey, hey" Mom said as I went for the door. I turned around and smiled at her "Come back to bed for a little bit. I want some time just you and me before everyone wakes up"

I ran back to the bed and cuddled into her tightly

"I got you a few little presents for you to open now" Mom said whilst rubbing circles on my back

"Oh Mommy, you didn't have to – I saw how many presents you had wrapped up for me under the tree last night. I really don't need anything else"

"Nonsense, you deserve the world. Anyway these are gifts that I think will put you in a good state of mind"

She got up and made her way to her walk-in wardrobe and grabbed a stocking full of presents

"Mommy..." She spoilt me too much

"Hush, baby, just open them"

She sat by me as I began to open them one-by-one. There was bath salts, some of my favorite books in hardback form with pretty cover designs, art supplies like watercolours, chalk, oil paints, coloring books etc, a pack of dvds full of movies and tv shows that Mom was in. It was the perfect survival kit.

"Mommy" my eyes welled up as I looked at her

"No, no baby, oh I didn't want you to cry – I want today to be happy for you, I'm sorry" she was panicking

"No, Mommy, it's lovely. I love it, it's perfect. Everything in here is perfect, it will all distract me from my thoughts" I took her hand and she looked relieved

"I got the dvds so that when I'm away you can watch them and pretend that I'm there with you"

I hugged her tight "I love you so much"

"I love you too, baby girl" she kissed the crown of my head "Now, shall we go downstairs and see if anyone else is awake?" she asked and I nodded my head

We headed downstairs into the living room and saw Rachel, Liz and Grandma on the couch with coffee in their hands

"Morning, Baby" Rachel said and I ran into her outstretched arms

"Morning, Ru" I said and snuggled in next to her

"Shall we have some breakfast? I've made cinnamon rolls" Grandma said and her question was met with excited responses from everyone, not me though

We got up and went into the kitchen, but Mom pulled me back so she could talk to me

"What do you want to eat instead?" she said, softly moving hair behind my ear

"I'll have to eat one, otherwise Liz and Rachel will know something's up" I bit my lip

"You sure?"

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