Chapter Twenty-Two

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Grace's POV

It was the end of September and I had been attending school for a little while. I loved it I was really glad to be going somewhere everyday where I could do the things that I loved.

Finding friends was difficult because a lot of them were in their cliques already, so mostly I tended to hang around on my own reading my book. It made me miss my friends back home really bad.

Mom was starting to show a little that she was pregnant, but to those who didn't know, they wouldn't be able to guess, instead they probably thought she was just getting fat for a role or something.

My relationship with Mom had turned pretty frosty since I found out that she was pregnant. I had fully implemented my coping mechanisms and I could tell that it wound Mom up.

No longer did she wake up with me next to her (which by this point probably didn't phase her because Holland had moved in), I didn't give her hugs unless she initiated one, our conversations were never long and I never went into much detail about what happened at school. We had had a couple of blow-ups because she thought I was being rude, but mostly we just kept our distance.

I was at school and it was a Friday morning. I had just finished algebra and was walking to my next class which was drama, brilliant.

I made it to the class and my teacher was stood outside with a boy, he looked new... and hot.

"Ahh Grace, this is Edward. Today is his first day, would you mind helping him out and showing him where things are?" my teacher said

I smiled "Of course, that's no problem" God he was so hot.

Edward was tall, probably 6ft something, blonde hair, blue eyes. Stop staring Grace. I snapped out of my trance and smiled at him

"Hi I'm Grace, I'm relatively new here too"

He smiled back and I followed his eyes as they took in the features of my face. I was dreading that he was going to tell me that I looked like that woman from American Horror Story, but to my relief he didn't

"Grace is a beautiful name, it's nice to meet you" he held out his hand and I shook it

We walked into class together and sat down. The teacher began the class and handed out scripts for the play that we would be acting out today. We were told to get into pairs and obviously because neither of us had any friends we ended up together.

We started acting the scene out, but soon conversation had taken over between us

"So what brings you to this school, Eddie" I took the liberty of shortening his name because it sounded so formal

"Eddie?" he laughed "I like that, in my old school it was all boys and too snobby for nicknames" he rolled his eyes and we chuckled "I moved here because acting is what I really want to pursue. What about you?"

"Oh yeah in love acting, but ballet is my thing" I shrugged

"I thought you might be a dancer, you've got a good body" he smirked

My cheeks flushed but I couldn't stop smiled at him. He was the first boy to ever compliment me, and on my body no doubt. I felt like this was a dream. The thing I'm most self-conscious about is the thing that he thinks looks good "Thank you, that's really kind"

"It's the truth. So, what are your parents like?" he asked

Oh god, how do I do this without letting out who my mother is?

"Uhh, I live with my Mom and her girlfriend. I don't have a dad"

"Hey I'm sorry, that really sucks"

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