Chapter Fourteen

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Grace's POV

I was nervous to meet Holland because I hadn't had a great relationship with Cherry, Mom's ex-girlfriend. She was really possessive and clearly didn't want me around.

~ Flashback 2007 ~

I had been playing by myself all day while Mommy was entertaining Cherry. I came out of my playroom and walked to the living room and saw them both sitting down with glasses of wine. Mommy's hair was all ruffled at the back like she had been sleeping and her clothes looked like she had put them on in a hurry. I was so bored and I went and sat down next to Mommy on the couch and rested my head on her arm

"Hey momma" I smiled

She looked down and smiled at me, placing a kiss on my forehead, she went to say something but Cherry butted in and started talking loud.

Cherry and I didn't get along, and Mommy was mine, so I talked over her.

"Mommy, come play Barbies with me? We can get the bowl and put the water in it and play with my mermaid barbies and watch them go pretty colours" I bounced up and down, getting excited over my own plan

"Oh honey, that sounds like a wonderful idea, but hey let's save that game for Saturday when it's just you and I, okay?" she stroked my face and I nodded slowly, disappointed because she normally loved playing that with me.

"Hey you know what?" Cherry stood up and took Mommy's hand "I don't think we properly finished that thing upstairs, did we?" she smirked and mommy stuttered for an answer "Come on baby" she didn't even wait for mommy to answer she just pulled her up "Oh and Grace, stay in the playroom honey" she shouted to me

I sat on the couch for a minute playing with my doll, before walking back towards the playroom. As I reached the hallway, I saw at the bottom of the stairs Mommy's top. I frowned and picked it up, wondering how it had ended up there.

All of a sudden, I heard noises coming from upstairs in Mommy's bedroom. It didn't sound like talking, I wasn't sure what it sounded like. I walked slowly up the stairs trying not to make any noise and sat a little bit away from the door to Mommy's bedroom just in case they came back out.

"uhh, oh God" one of them was saying "oh oh yes... yes. Mmm, oh baby right there" Was that Mommy?

"You like that, honey?" that was Cherry, what was she doing to Mommy?

"Uhhh! OH! OH!" she started getting louder

"Faster, Cherry, please faster and I need more of you in me...three" her voice was quivery "God, yes that feels incredible"

I frowned again as I heard heavy breathing and then I heard a slap

"Hey! I told you, only good girls get to cum, that's not being a good girl is it?"

As soon as I heard that slap I got up, ready to protect Mommy from this monster. I raced into her room ready to attack Cherry...and found Cherry on top of Mommy, both naked on top of the bed. My legs stopped moving and my whole body froze as I wondered what was going on

They both gasped and Cherry quickly took her hand away from Mommy's private bits. They both scrambled for the covers and I heard Cherry start to yell

"SEE Sarah! This is what I mean, I can't even get 5 minutes alone with you without her needing you for something. It's ridiculous! She's 7 years old for Christ Sake! It's about time she grew up"

I was completely frozen to the spot, I couldn't believe what I had just seen. What even was that? My breathing was heavy, and my heart was pounding a hundred miles a minute.

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