Chapter Ten

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Grace's POV

On Mom's first day back of shooting, we ventured to the set in the middle of New Orleans. I was nervous because I hadn't met any of the cast before. American Horror Story was something I had never had the chance to experience in real life time, until now.

Mom and I walked hand in hand to the set and as soon as we were indoors I heard a man's voice

"Sarah! Wonderful that you're back, I've missed you" he gave her a hug and then looked down at me "Uhh! This must be Grace. She looks exactly like you" he gasped at Sarah and turned to me "Oooh, I've got so many ideas running through my head of projects I could use you in" he narrowed his eyes at me and I blushed a little "Mini Sarah, this means beauty and no doubt talent" he mused

"Well she definitely has both of those" mom chimed in "But I think she's a little young to invest her time into one of your traumatic shows" they both let out a laugh and started talking about what the episodes would entail and how the day would run. My mind started to mull over what a life like my Mom's would be like. Imagining how proud she would be if I became an actress and was even half as successful as she was. I began thinking about how possible it would be for me to move to LA with Mom and join a performing arts high school. Then I could carry on my dance and pick up some acting. I could even take singing lessons, because although Mom didn't know, I could sing a little. I thought it would be best to keep it quiet for a bit, and not mention it to Mom at the moment.

Suddenly I felt Mom take my hand, we were walking again. This time towards the cast. I felt the pit of my stomach fill with butterflies at the thought of having to meet all of these people.

One by one they all filtered my way after greeting Mom and all started commenting on how much I looked like her, how pretty I was. They petted my brown curly hair and pinched my cheeks in a friendly way. I smiled a little, but wasn't really sure what to say, except for thank you.

"Girls, girls come on lets get into places" I heard Ryan shout

Mom wrapped her arm around my waist and kissed the side of my head

"You going to be okay?" she asked

"I'll be fine" I said taking a seat near the camera crew so I could watch her. I smiled at her before she walked to get into her place.

They shouted action and I saw my Mom transform into Cordelia immediately. It was so strange, yet utterly unbelievable. She looked so so strange with the blind eye prosthetics, but her performance was incredible. When they shouted cut, Mom immediately piped up

"Can we do that again, I need to do that again. I messed up like 3 times"

I couldn't believe my ears, from where I was sat it looked like Mom had pulled off a perfect shot in one take, but I guess her expectations where higher than mine and she knew a lot more than I did

I watched her all day as she did take after take of different scenes, I was mesmerized entirely. Seeing her do this in real life made me really want to pursue my own career. I wanted to be just like her.

When lunchtime came, Mom walked over to me

"You're incredible" I exclaimed

She laughed a little and walked with me to her trailer

"Thank you baby girl" she sat on the couch and pulled me onto her lap "So, I'm going to read over some of my lines during lunch and try to perfect everything before I film again, so I don't know if you want to pop down to the café down the street and grab yourself something to eat?"

"Okay" I tried to hide my disappointment of not spending lunch with her

"Thank you, baby" she stroked my cheek with her thumb and kissed my nose before picking up her script

I got up and started walking towards the café. When I entered there was hardly anyone in there apart for one guy sat on his own and a couple having lunch together. I walked up to the counter and ordered a coffee. I wasn't going to eat, I wasn't hungry, I didn't want to eat, coffee would be fine. As I paid and turned to start walking out, my path was blocked by a man. I looked up and raised my eyebrows wondering what he was doing

"Umm, Grace, right?" he said

I was taken back by his knowing my name

"How do you know my name?" I asked, scared about who this could be

"I know your name, because I'm your dad" he said nervously

I let out a laugh "You can't be my dad, my dad is dead. He died before I was born"

"She's lied to you Grace. Sarah has lied, I'm your dad let me show you" 

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