Chapter Sixteen

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Grace's POV

So, she called the rehab center and 3 weeks later we were packed up to move to California.

Those 3 weeks had been unbearable. I wasn't talking to Mom, for obvious reasons, but leaving my friends and dance studio sooner than expected broke my heart. There was no real time for proper goodbyes and there was nothing to look forward to. Just the dread of getting fat.

It was the night before we were leaving and I had moved some of the living room furniture out of the way to practice some ballet and do some stretches.

Grandma was staying in New York and living in this house, I was sad that for the first time in my life I wasn't going to be living with her.

The twinkling of classical music filled my ears and practicing my pirouette took my mind off tomorrow.

I got down onto the floor to stretch my legs out a little bit and Mom walked in. She was still acting off with me because she was angry? I wasn't talking to her? She was just a bitch? Yeah, I have no idea why she wasn't talking but there you go, I wasn't really sure what she had to be mad about, she had succeeded in sending me away, what more did she want?

She looked around with a confused look on her face

"Have you seen my phone charger?" she stared at me. This is the most we had talked in ages.

I shrugged my shoulders

She huffed and walked straight out.

Honestly, her being this was with me really put me on edge but there was nothing I could do.

"Gracie baby, dinner's on the table" I looked up as I heard Grandma talk softly from the doorway

I smiled and got up "Let me just put the furniture back" she smiled and nodded her head

Ever since Mom booked the treatment place, she's been hounding me to eat more. I haven't been allowed to leave the table unless I eat my whole plate. It's just been night after night of me crying and her yelling.

I took a deep breath, tonight had to be different. It was the last one in the house I had lived my entire life. It had to be special.

I walked into the kitchen and sat myself down, looking at my plate.




I knew this was meant to be special, but oh my God did we have to make me put on 20 pounds before I left...

My breathing started to get heavier, I was in conflict with myself, I had to calm down before Mom came and sat down. In the last 3 weeks she hadn't shown me much sympathy, when I got like this she just ignored me now.

My heart was racing. Mom walked in and sat across from me.

I took a really deep breath and picked up my fork.

"It's not going anywhere, Grace. Eat it" I heard Mom snap

Jesus this must be what it's like having a mother who doesn't love you.

I began on my tomato, the only thing I was okay with eating. I took small chunks out of it and continuously drank water. I could see Mom was getting annoyed.

All of a sudden she dragged her chair back and stood up, grabbing my drink and throwing it down the sink

"If you think you're going to fill up on water, then you have another thing coming" she snarled

Endless LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora