Chapter Eighteen

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Sarah's POV

Leaving my baby there was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Her cries and screams for me broke my heart, but in a completely different way to the way they normally did when I had to go away for work. This time her cries went straight through me and pierced my soul. I felt my heart shattering in my chest and every single emotion I had locked up in my body overcame me.

When I got to my car, I slammed the door and let out my cries, so loud and animalistic I had never let myself cry like this before.

My chest ached from lack of contact with her and I wasn't sure how either of us were going to cope. I suddenly realised that I had a maternal instinct and need to see my baby girl everyday, even just for a second. In that moment, I was sure I had made a mistake leaving her in there all alone, why, after everything we had been through did I think that this would be the right solution to our problems?

Grace's POV

After my therapy session I immediately made my way back to my room. I wanted to be away from everyone, the only person I wanted wasn't allowed to see me until Friday and I felt like I was dying inside

I grabbed my book from my nightstand and took out the picture of Mommy and kissed it gently, before grabbing my elephant and putting my glasses on to begin reading.

About 5 minutes in, I heard a knock at the door and Doctor Smith walked in

"Grace, you're meant to be in the common room now. We don't like our patients being by themselves for long periods of time, it's not healthy"

"I don't want to see anybody, I want my Mom, nobody else" I mumbled

"You know you can't see her until Friday. It might do you some good to chat with some of the others and see that you're not alone, everyone feels the same when they first get here"

"I know I can't see her, I'm not an idiot" I snapped, wishing she'd fuck off

"Come on Grace, I won't ask you again" her tone had changed and I knew I was treading on thin ice

I got up and walked towards the door, my book in my hand. She led me to the common room and there was a bunch of other people sat around playing board games and watching tv and reading, it seemed quite civilised.

I sat down in an armchair, trying to stay away from people as best as I could and opened my book, placing the picture of Mommy on the arm of the chair so every now and again I could look at it and pretend that she was there with me.

I read for a little bit before I felt movement close to me. I looked up and saw a girl holding the picture of Mommy. I reached and snatched it from her

"What are you doing?!" I yelled

She looked startled by my outburst "Uhh... I.. I'm sorry, it's just I thought you looked like Sarah Paulson, and then I saw the picture. Is she your Mom?" the girl asked

I nodded and held the picture close to me like a baby.

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