Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It was quickly discovered that my call-back was on the same day as Mom had her scan.

"Honey, what are we going to do?" Mom was pacing around the room in a panic "I don't want to leave you to go on your own, I want to be there to support you, but I wouldn't be able to reschedule this appointment until after Fiji and that's a long time away" One hand was supporting the small of her back and the other was rubbing against her forehead

"Mommy, I promise it's okay. I can be dropped off and do the call-back on my own. You go with Holland to the appointment and then you can pick me up after. I can wait around, it's alright. I can just go and take a walk to the beach and message you where I am. You need to stop stressing, it's not good for you or the baby." I was sat on the couch, a multitude of DVDs spread around me as I tried to pick one to watch with Mom and Holland that evening

"No, Baby, you don't understand. I don't want you going off to this by yourself and hanging around by yourself, it's not safe... Look what happened when I sent you off to have lunch by yourself in New Orleans"

"Sarah, honey, calm down" Holland wrapped her arms around Mom protectively and directed her to sit down on the couch "We can get Rachel to drop over to the theatre to collect Grace and then drop her at the hospital to meet us when she's done her audition"

Holland was Mom's voice of reason, she seemed to make everything okay. Mom's face relaxed a little, but it was soon troubled once again with a look of sadness. She looked up at me

"I don't want you to think that I'm leaving you to do all of this on your own... I should be there to support you" Tears started grouping in her eyes

"Mommy" I sighed and got up off of the couch and sat next to her, wrapping my arms around her "It's okay. This baby needs a check-up so you can find out that she's all okay and nothing's wrong. Imagine if you didn't go on Saturday and then something, God forbid, was wrong with her and you didn't know about it? I would feel terrible if that was the case. Go to your appointment and then I'll just drive with Auntie Rachel and see you after"

Mom nodded "Okay" her body relaxed a little as her mind finally was at ease.

We sat and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas because I loved watching it at Halloween and Christmas, both.

Mom sat with her arms wrapped protectively around me the whole time. She had become more clingy since the pregnancy. No longer was it me always hanging off of her arm, but her constantly clinging onto mine and giving me an excessive amount of kisses and cuddles. Holland said it was just the maternal instincts in her being heightened because of the baby, but I wasn't about to complain, this is exactly what I had always wanted

Saturday came around quickly and Mom and Holland dropped me off at the theatre.

"You sure you're going to be okay, Baby?" Mom had gotten out of the car and we were stood outside of the building, her nervously moving her hands from my shoulders to straighten out my clothes and flatten my hair a little, which was near impossible because it constantly looked like I had a perm.

"Mommy, go" I pointed to the car and raised my eyebrows "I, will be absolutely fine and if I'm not then you'll be the first person I call. Now stop worrying and go and see that little bubba in your stomach"

She nodded and bit her lip "Good luck, baby girl. Remember that I love you more than life"

I smirked "It's ingrained in my head. You've told me so much lately."

"That's because it's true" she held my cheek in her hand and I rested my head on it momentarily and then went to walk off, but she grabbed my hand

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