Chapter Twenty-One

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Sarah's POV

Around the middle of August I decided to ask Holland what she thought about me having another baby. Grace had made lots of improvement and I had been feeling really broody for a little baby. Every time we saw one on the street it would make my heart melt and a sadness grew within me that I didn't have my own little baby

We were sat drinking coffee one afternoon whilst Grace was having a nap and I decided to broach the subject

"Uhh, how would you feel if I told you that I wanted to have a baby?" I looked down into my coffee, afraid of her reaction

She looked up from the newspaper she was reading and stared at me "You're kidding, right?"

I shook my head "I'm serious about this, Holland. I've been feeling really broody and with everything that's happened with Grace I just feel like I need to have a second chance to make sure that I can be a proper mother"

Holland sighed and took my hand "You're already a fantastic Mom to Grace, I promise, and she knows that you are. But if you really feel like you want to have another go at it, then why not" she shrugged her shoulders "I love Grace and having another little baby would be lovely, especially once I move in, in September"

I grinned at her "Holland Taylor, I love you"

She leant over and kissed me gently "I love you too, Sarah Catharine"

I giggled, I was so happy.

We spent the next few weeks looking at potential sperm donors and talked about Holland adopting both the baby and Grace.

Towards the end of August we had chosen a donor and I had had my appointment to go and get it implanted in me. I had found out soon after that everything was successful. I was so excited I could barely wait to tell Grace.

Holland and I made a lovely meal one night and we all sat around, Grace wondering what the occasion was seeing as her birthday had been and gone.

"Mommy, what's going on?" she laughed "Why have you two gone to all this effort?"

I took her hand "We have something important and very special to tell you, baby bug"

"Oh my God! Are you two getting married?!" a wide smile formed on her face

"No baby, not quite" I stroked her cheek "We're going to have another baby"

There was silence. The smile dropped clean off of Grace's face and she pulled away from me.

"You're what?" she said it like she couldn't quite believe it

"We're trying for another baby" I repeated

Confusion ran all over her face and she sat for a while, unable to speak

"I've just been feeling really broody for a while now and I think it would be lovely for you to have a little sister or brother, don't you?"

She got up and left the room, I went to go after her but Holland grabbed my wrist before I could

"Let her be alone for a little bit, I thought this might upset her"

"If you thought that then why didn't you tell me?" I slightly raised my voice

Holland raised her eyebrows before saying "Don't get shitty Sarah, surely this was the reaction you were expecting. You're everything to her, soon enough she's going to have to share you with someone else who's even more vulnerable than herself, meaning you'll be tied up in looking after them more than you will be with her"

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