Chapter 1

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I'm Alexis I'm 17 years old. I live with my mom, my dad passed away when I was 15. My moms gone away at work all the time cause she's a doctor.

I go to Parchment high school I'm a junior. I don't have many friends. I have one her name is Kelly. I haven't ever really had a real boy friend either. I get "played" by a lot of boys but I am a virgin that's one thing I'm gonna keep for a while.

"Hey slut!" I heard someone say next to me. That's weird people don't ever really talk to me.

"Uh hi." I said back shyly.

I walked into my first hour class and sat in my usual seat behind Avery she's popular. She had chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. She has a skinny short figure.

I have light Brown hair and dark green/ hazel eyes. I wouldn't call my self skinny but I'm not fat and I'm pretty tall I'm about 5'10.

The teacher started talking and of course I zoned him out. It's only English.

I started reading and I got loss in my book call 'the simple time'

Before I knew it the bell rang and I was packing up my stuff.

"I can't believe you have the guts to sleep with Jackie's boyfriend" I looked up to see Avery was talking to me.

"Me?" She nodded "I didn't sleep with anyone."

"We'll she seems to think you did." She snorted an walked off.

I collected my stuff and walked to my next class. I got a few shoves.

This is nothing new. I get bullied all the time. people bully me for everything. I cut. I cut a lot but I haven't done it in a couple days.

My next class was wood tech. I pulled up my sleeves and pulled my hair back and put on my safety glasses and walked into the wood room.

I sat at my bench with my wood trying to screw a leg on my little stool. "You need some help?" A deep voice asked behind me.

"Yeah thanks." I said holding out the tools.

"Never said I was gonna help" he snickered.

Everyone started laughing. I just looked down and got back to work. I seen someone sit next to me. I looked up as a tear feel down my face. It was Zack he is the only nice person in this class

"Here let me help." he said holding out his hands.

I gave him the tools. He screwed the screw in my wood and handed it back. "Thanks."

"Don't let them get to you." He patted my shoulder and walked away.

I heard laughing behind me, I turned around to see a group of kids with a marker in their hand and had drawn lines on there arms holding a razor to their arm acting like they were cutting.

I got up out of my seat and ran. I ran down the hall. I hear foot steps behind me and I heard zack yelling at me.

I ran out of the school and to my house which was really close. I busted into my room and reached under my bed and grabbed my razor and started to cut, and cut and i bled on the floor and I cried and didn't stop till I heard the door bell.

I looked at the clock and it was 2:39 which means I must have fell asleep. I heard the door open as I started to feel tired. I seen Zack run in the room. He grabbed my arm and picked me up and carried me to the bath room. He grabbed my towel off the hook and pressed it to my arm.

I looked up at him with the tears filling my eyes. He was crying.

That brings me back to the time when we were 7 and he fell off his bike and scraped his knee and he started crying.

I guess I never told you. Me and Zack have lived next to each other since we were little. We have been best friends. He knew everything about me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Shh, it's okay." he kissed the salty tears off my cheeks.

"No I'm sorry, I'm horrible." I sniffled.

"Shh." he hushed me and took the towel off my arm and say down on the ground with me with a wet wash cloth and band aids.

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