Home again

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* Zack POV*

I don't understand how someone could hate her so much. She is so innocent and pure she wouldn't even hurt a fly. I love her I really love her. But she's my best friend and she needs me now more than ever.

We were in the car on the way from the hospital and she sat there quietly sobbing. Seen her look at me and I looked at her and she had tears dripping down her face. I grabbed her hand and held it.

We got home and she climbed out of the car and headed towards her house. "Where are you going?" I said to her.

"Home, I don't want to bug you anymore tonight." She said turning around.

"I want to be with you. Your place or mine?" I asked her

"Yours." She said walking to my house.

We walked in the house and my mom was in the kitchen.

"Hey kids... Oh my god Alexis what happened?" She obviously seen her nose.

"These girl jumped her in the back alley." I said to my mom than grabbed Alexis hand and dragged her to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" I asked her.

"Kinda." She whispered

"How about your favorite. Tacos?" I said cheery.

"Sure." She kind of life-less

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. she buried her face in my chest and quietly started sobbing. "Shhh." I pet her long brown hair. "It's gonna be alright." She stopped crying after like two minutes. My mom had made tacos earlier knowing we were coming over. She grabbed a plate and taco shell and started making her taco. When we got done eating we went up stairs and she went in one bathroom to get ready for bed and I went in the other. She pretty much lives here. She has a tooth brush here she has clothes here and make up the whole 9 yards.

I took shorter Time than her to get ready for bed cause of course she has to take off make up. (Which she really doesn't need.) and a ton of stuff I don't even understand.

I laid on the bed and turned on netflix and went to mine and her favorite show The Vampire Diaries. She climbed into bed next to me and laid her head on my chest so she could see my tv which is on the left of my bed and we watched tv till we fell asleep. (She fell asleep before me. But she likes to think we fall asleep at the same time ;))

*Alexis POV*

I wake up the next morning to my head on Zacks chest. His even breathing is very soothing. I just lay there and listen to his heart beat. He wakes up about 5 minutes after me.

"Hey." he says in his morning voice.

"Hey." I say while climbing out of bed and pulling a pair of his sweat pants to cover my underwear... Yes I do wear my panties to sleep even with Zack. Cause he is my best friend and we are completely comfortable with each other. He sleeps in his boxers.

"Zack you have a package here." His mom yelled from down stairs. He started running as fast as he could out of the room and down the stairs. I of course being me chased him down the hall way and slid down the stairs railing. He laughed as I got to the bottom. "Good morning guys" she said kissing both of our cheeks.

He looked in the big box as I tried to peer over his shoulder and he kept keeping it from me. So I jumped on his back. "Lex." he groaned "stop." He tried to get me off but I wouldn't get off.

"What is it." I asked him referring to the box.

"It's for you." He giggled as I tried to get to the box.

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