One month later

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This month has been incredible!

James has his one month appointment today. I'm dreading this day because James has to get shots.

We were in the car on the way to the doctors. I was eating a sandwich and so was Zack we were running a little late if you can't tell.

We pulled into the drive way of the doctors. We both got out of the car and I got out James and Zack grabbed the bag.

We walked in and our name was called almost immediately.

"Hey I'm nurse Sam. Can you undress the baby and bring her to the scale." She said walking out of the room.

I undressed the baby and wrapped him in a blanket and walked him in the hall.

She took the baby and set him in the scale. " 10 pounds even. That's wonderful." She said excitedly. "That is the perfect weight she is a chubby baby. Okay take him in the back for his shots." I carried her to the room.

I set her down on the table and the nurse walked in with a hand full of syringes. and the other hand full of shot filling bottle things.

"Okay he needs 7 shots. Three in his left thigh and three in his right thigh than one in his butt. So set him in your lap and daddy come stand behind me." She instructed us.

I put him in my lap with the blanket wrapped around his upper half. The nurse poked the needle in his left thigh and James screamed out in terror. She quickly did the other two and put band aids on those than moved onto his other leg. James was still screaming out. His face was bright red from crying so much. She did the other leg quickly I didn't even realize she was doing them yet.

"Okay now we are gonna do his butt. Please just pull up the bottom of his diaper to reveal his left butt cheek." I did as she said and James was still screaming out in pain. "You can get him dressed now." I did as she said trying to sooth the crying baby.

She let us leave and I was bouncing James in my arms trying to get him to stop crying. When we got in the car James's crying quieted down a little. I pulled out the bottle with pre measured water and the formula. I made James a bottle and fed it to him while Zack drove home.

By the time we got home James was asleep thank god. We laid James down in his bed and me and Zack decided to watch a movie together. I fell asleep half way through the movie I'm not sure when Zack fell asleep but I woke up to James screaming from his crib up stairs.

When I got in the room James was laying in the bed just screaming his lungs out. I picked him up and he was burning hot. I felt his fore head and he had a defined fever.

"Zack come up stairs quick." I screamed from James room and I minute later I heard Zack running up the stairs.

"What's wrong, what happened, are you okay?"

"James is sick he is burning up." I grabbed the blanket that was on the rocking chair and wrapped James in it "call the doctor his number is on the fridge." I said and Zack ran back down the stairs. I sat down in the rocking chair and rocked James back and forth until he fell asleep.

"He said he would be here soon." Zack said walking in the room. "He said to put a cool towel on his head." He said handing me a wet wash cloth. I placed it on his head and he seemed to relax.

About 20 minutes later Zack came upstairs with the doctor.

"Hi how are you doing." He held out his hand and I shook his hand.

"He's really sick." I said referring to James.

"Yeah he doesn't look good can I hold him?" He said putting his hands out.

"Yeah." I said handing him my hot stiff baby.

"He's really I'll. it might be the flu. I'm gonna give you antibiotics than you have to bring him to the doctors in 2 weeks if his condition doesn't improve if it gets worse take him straight to the ER." He said as he scanned his head with a thermometer "101.89" he whispered to himself. "Okay we'll I'm gonna get going now. Here ya go." He said handing me the baby and a prescription. Zack led him back down stairs. I breast fed James and started changing him before Zack came upstairs.

"Hey baby." he kissed my head than kissed James head as I was buttoning James pjs up.

Zack picked up James and carried him to the rocking chair. "Do you got him cause I wanna go to bed it's getting late."

"Yeah go to bed I'll be in soon." He said kissing James head.

I kissed him and went into the bathroom to get ready. When I got out of the bathroom Zack was still sitting in the nursery rocking James. I climbed into bed and fell right asleep.

I woke up to the bed next to me sinking. I rolled over and cuddled with Zack. "I love you." I grabbed on his shirt and pulled my self into his chest.

"I love you too." he kissed the top of my head.

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