The day after.

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Lexis POV

I wake up the next morning feeling very sore and I'm sad it's already Sunday. I rolled over to see Zack sleeping. I put my hand on his cheek and kiss his lips and it took him a couple of seconds but he grabbed my face and kissed me back.

"Best way to be woke up." He kissed me again. "By a beautiful girl." I giggled

"I'm definitely not a beautiful girl." He grabbed me and wrapped me in his arms

"You are too beautiful." he kissed my hair.

I sat on the edge of the bed and stretched. "I'm getting in the shower." I said while standing up and walking quickly a crossed the hall realizing I'm wearing only his shirt. I quickly stripped my close and hopped in the shower. I let the hot water relax my mussels and when I got out of the shower there was a note and two pills and a glass of water on the counter 'going on a run! Be back in a few take these they will make the pain go away. Relax while I'm gone. love you -Zack'

I took them and walked in the room throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper and getting a clean pair of sweat pants and one of Zacks big shirts. I laid on his bed and turned on the tv it was on a show The Vampire Diaries which I gladly left it on.

I jerked awake when the door open and I looked up to see a sweaty Zack standing there.

"We'll hello u look comfy." He smiled grabbing a change of clothes so I assume he's going to get in the shower. "Do you maybe wanna go on a date tonight?"

"Yeah! Where to?" I smiled at him

"A fancy place." He walked out the door.

I slumped back on the bed. I eventually drifted back off to sleep and woke up to Zack shaking me awake. "Hey." I sleepily said

"Hey sleeping beauty." He hugged me "I'm going to the store really fast I'll be back." He kissed my head and walked out of the door.

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