Sorry doesnt cut it

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*Zacks POV.*

I drove off our road and pulled into speedway parking lot. I put my head in my steering wheel and closed my eyes.

"Hey there beautiful." I heard my voice "hey. Baby." I heard her voice which is my ringtone.

"Hello." I picked it up.

"Bro did you see lex's video on Facebook? Is she okay?" my friend James sounded worried.

"No what video?"

"Go look fast and get to her house now!" I got on the Facebook app and searched her name. I pulled up her video. As I pulled out of the parking lot and on to the road.

Her face looked like she had been crying "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everyone I ever hurt. I'm sorry for what ever I did Zack. I love you and always will. I'm sorry. To everyone who is wondering I didn't have sex with Zack. But something that did happened he told me he would kill me if I ever said something. He raped me twice. He kept me locked in his basement till he let me go. I'm sorry if anyone ever thought I slept with him I'm really not a slut. I'm not blaming this in anyone but I'm just not feeling this life anymore. I love you Zack mom. I'm sorry to the baby in my stomach sorry you won't ever be able to meet your dad or grandma. I'm sorry but I can't survive these next nine months no matter how much I love you" I was crying by the end of the video.

I called 9-1-1 and had them go to the house. I pulled up to the house and ran inside. I ran through the rooms looking for her. I seen blood on the floor I front of her moms room. I opened the door really fast. I seen her laying there lifeless with a pill bottle next to her. I scooped her thin body in her hands and carried her to the couch down stairs. I sat her up and stuck my fingers in her mouth trying to make her throw up her pills.

"Come on baby." I whispered.

She gagged and threw up all over her moms floor. I heard banging at the door.

"Come in!" I screamed and the quickly walked in.

She started coughing and puking more and I pulled her into my chest. "I'm sorry." she cried

"No I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whispered petting her hair as the people got in the room.

"What happened?"

"We broke up and I left she cut and than downed a ton of sleeping pills she posted a video on Facebook so I rushed back here, I made her puke up some of the pills we learned to do that is 8th grade for over doses."

"We'll you did good she will be okay." She said putting lex on the gurney. "Do you want to ride with us?"

"Yeah I need to call her mom."

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