The gift

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*Zacks POV.*

"You can have it after you get dressed." I teased her. She ran upstairs as fast as possible and came back down in black leggings and a white shirt.

"Can I open it now?" She squealed.
"Yeah." I said as she ran up to the box. She wast tall enough to open it. So I picked her up by her sides and she happily opened it.

"You got me another one!!" She squeezed.

"Yeah! So now u have one for both your houses!" She hugged me tight than got off me. I pulled her bear out of the box. She grabbed the bear which was taller than her and ran it to the living room and sat on it.

I pulled my phone out and snapped a picture of it and posted it on twitter. With this caption. 'For who ever hurt my girl. She gets treated like a queen when your just a peasant.'

My phone blew up with "she's so pretty" and "who would hurt her" I turned off my phone while me and lex and 'mr. teddy' she named it watched a movie. She picked out my favorite 'the fault in our stars'

We watched the movie by the time it got over it was 2 o'clock.

"Let's go out to dinner." I suggested.

"Okay. to where?"

"Obviously Taco Bell." She giggled at that. She loves Taco Bell.

"Okay, when?"

"After we get ready." With that she ran up the stairs and into "her" bathroom and I went into the other one.

My mom treats Lex like her own cause I had a sister named Chelsea but she died when she was 3 and I was five she got meningitis.


I jumped in the shower and quickly washed and shaved. I got out of the shower and threw on some makeup and put moose in my hair and ran to Zacks room in my towel and threw on some jeans and a sweat shirt.

"Lex. let me in." I walked Over to the door and opened it to reveal Zack which he was only wearing jeans. He had a shirt in his hands. "Ready." He asked I nodded and grabbed my black toms and we walked out the door.

We got to Taco Bell and ordered our food and sat at a small table. "So when do you start cheer?" He asked.

"Monday, I'm so exited." I took a bite of my taco and he did the same.

We finished our food in silence. I hear the door of the restaurant ding and I looked up to see Jackie and brad. Jackie walked away from brad. Zack must of seen the worried look on my face cause he turned around and seen brad. Zack got up really fast out of his seat and rushed to brad and grabbed him by his collar and shoved him up against the wall. "What did I tell you about staying away from her? And now your girl thinks you had sex with Lexie and than she got hurt. Jackie and he friends jumped Lexie behind me house." He yelled and pulled him off the wall only to shove him against the wall.

"U wanna know why I did it? Because I'm gonna have sex with your little virgin marry." He laughed and Zack punched him right in the nose and three workers ran over to him and pulled him off. I was on my feet and stepped in front of Zack and put my hand on his chest and he seemed to relax.

"Let's go." I said grabbing our drinks off the table and we walked out. "Why did you do that?" I asked him as we got to the car.

"Because he is the reason you got hurt." He half yelled.

"So?" He lightly pushed me up against his car.

"Because I love you and I have to protect you."

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