Two months later

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It's been two month since my mom came home. She hasn't gone back and when I ask her about it she says she took off but I don't believe that. What can I do tho.

"Hey." Zack said walking back in my room from the bathroom.

He climbed in my bed next to me. We woke up about 10 minutes ago but I'm not feeling too well so we are staying here today.

I felt like I was about to throw up so I ran to the bathroom and Zack ran after me. I puked and puked. Zack was holding my hair up and rubbing my back.

"Shh.. It's okay." he grabbed a hair tie and pulled my hair back. "It's okay baby." I puked again.

"Baby. You can go away. It okay I'm fine." I said sitting down on the ground.

"No it's okay I'm here." he said rubbing my back.

I shut the toilet seat and sat up against the toilet. "I don't think I can move." I said tears streaming down my face.

"Come here." he scooped me up in his arms and I laid my head on his chest. "Lay down. Do you want something?"

I crawled under the blanket "can you go get me some water and mouth wash?"

"Yes baby." He kissed my fore head. "I'll let your mom know I'm sick."

"Okay." I heard him run down the stairs and I turned on my tv. I watched The vampire diaries of course.

"I'm back." He handed me a water and a mouth wash and a empty cup I'm guessing for a spit cup. I used some mouthwash. He grabbed the grabbed the cup and walked it to my bathroom.

He came back and sat with me watching tv. I fell asleep on his chest. When I woke up later in the day I felt so much better.

"Baby.?" I whispered and shook him cause he was sleeping.

"Yeah? Are you okay?" He looked down at me.

"Yeah I feel better."


"Wait." I felt a surge of sickness and ran to the bathroom and threw up again.

Zack ran up to me and knelt down next to me rubbing my back. "I think we should take you to the doctor."

"Okay, go tell my mom."

"She left for work."

"Okay, I'll get ready."

I threw on a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt and we hopped in the car and drove to my doctor.

After a long wait "Alexis?" The nurse called.

They weighed me on a scale and I gained 5 pounds since last week.

We finally got in the room and I sat in the bed as the lady room my blood pressure and checked my heart. "So what's the problem?" She asked like a robot.

"I've been getting sick." She wrote something down "like I've been throwing up. A lot." She looked at Zack.

"Okay hunny lay down." I laid down and she slightly pushed on my stomach. "Have you had your period?"

"Uhh. No not in a month. But my periods always have been irregular."

"Okay u can sit up. I'm gonna have you pee in this cup." She handed me a cup. Se pointed to a door and I walked up and peed in the cup.

I came out and handed her the cup she took it and wrote something on it and walked out of the room.

"Zack?" I sniffled looking at him as he was looking at the ground.

He looked up and walked over to me as I was sitting on the bed. "It's gonna be okay." He wiped my tear with his thumb.

"What if I'm pregnant?" He hugged me

"We will get through it and give that baby the best. I don't think your pregnant we are so safe."

"True." I said as the nurse walked in.

"You guys are free to go they will call you back in, in te next couple of days till then take it easy." She said and walked out and we followed. We walked out of the hospital. She we got outside Zack got white as a ghost.

"Dad?" He looked at the car accident in front of the hospital drive way.

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