02. So here I am, and I will not run

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:::8 months later:::

"Jin please come back to bed, you've been searching the web for at least 5 hours now?" Joohyun said, she was standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She had a pink robe wrapped around her thin frame. Joohyun was Jin's fiancé, Jin had been on the web researching more information of his little brother's disappearance. 

Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung was the rebellious kid, he came from money and yet still wanted to seek out risk-taking thrills. Jin was afraid this was Taehyung's last thrill. He didn't want to accept it, after two weeks the police called off the search, at that time they start bringing in the search dogs. But came up empty handed. Jin still wasn't satisfied, he didn't want to believe his only brother was dead.

"I will be in a bit, yeobo." He said in a bit of an annoying tone. Joohyun sighed, she walked up to Jin, she rubbed his back knowing he wouldn't sleep until he finds answers. But she knew it was pointless. Jin ran a hand through his black locks, exhaustion was written on his face. But he still pushed through.

All of a sudden Jin's phone vibrated, his attention was on the laptop. He absentmindedly answered, swiping finger across as he picked up.

"Hello?" Jin too tired to focus.

"Yes, is this Kim Seokjin?" The voice said in a perky tone. It was 2:30 am on a Tuesday, who the hell is this happy?

Jin blinked at the mention of his voice, the tiredness vanished from his tone- he was more alert now.

"Yeah- who's th-..."

"It doesn't matter who I am. Just do me a favor, and move more a little to the left. Kk?"

Jin looked around, Joohyun watched as she questioned Jin's weird movements. "Jin honey, are you okay?" She looked at him with concern in her eyes.

"Look I don't know who you are bu-"

"More. A little. To. The. Left." The voice was serious, Jin was fearful. He gulped and he did just that.

It all happened in a span of milliseconds, but it felt like a hundred years in slow motion. He was greeted with a loud bang, blood was everywhere, it splatter the walls of the kitchen. Jin's voice went horse from the screaming.

When reality set in. Jin was met with a bloody Joohyun, there was a perfect bullet hole on her forehead. He cradled the corpse in his arms, her body was slightly warm. Who the hell would do something so heinous to Joohyun? She was a sweet woman.

Jin wasn't sure how long he stared out into the blank space, he had no emotion. After the intense shaking; still having Joohyun's blood on him, he heard his door knock. He didn't get up.

"Jinnie? I know you're in there."

That voice. It was him, he did this.

Jin's sadness was replaced with anger. Obviously this man had a weapon and the upper hand, But Jin was going to fight with his life in honor of his fiancé. He stumbled up walking to the kitchen counter finding the biggest knife he could find. He panted hard, going to the door. He went to the peephole, but it was covered, he scoffed. Really?

He turned the knob and swung the door, he was about to charge but was tackled down as the door shut and locked behind him. Jin opened his eyes, he was met with a blurry man, he inhaled a scent that was unfamiliar. Within seconds he was unconscious.


"You think you'll be okay here?" A tall-platinum blond man said to Jungkook. Jungkook's gaze went to the corpse of Joonhyun. He stared at the body with little to no emotion. "Yeah." Was the last thing he said before he grabbed his black duffle bag, walking to the body. The tall platinum-blond male nodded; picking up Jin's unconscious body off the floor with ease. He carried him as if Jin was a drunk friend that needed to get home, in case of nosy neighbors.

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