18. Put blood on her dress pt. 1

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Namjoon was in the restaurant as he looked down at his IWatch he huffed, it was a nice setting. Very dim lights, lighted candles and violins playing softly in the background. RM pretty much paid for the night to clear this place out, the manger couldn't say no to the offer realizing their would be more zeros even if he had a full house.

Jin wanted RM to prove Hwasa was a mistake, he was doing just that. But Hwasa was also no fool, she wouldn't just fall into a trap. She hasn't seen RM in nearly 90 years and now he wants to just "talk". No she was coming armed. RM's sensed went off the moment he sensed a presence enter the restaurant, not human of course- but it wasn't Hwasa?

It was a slender woman she had orange shoulder-length hair she wore a black pants suit on along with boots. Namjoon was baffled by this, this had to be one of Hwasa's henchmen-well women.

She had a stone face, she was an immortal as well. Her movements were reptilian really, careful and thought out. She pulled out the chair in front of RM as it skid across the marble floor she took a seat. There was a silence, the woman observe RM as he did her.

"Who a-"


He raised a brow at her sudden interruption. "I'm only here for backup." She said as she crossed her leg over the other, she wore a pair of combat boots. There was clicking in the background, causing the two to look back.

Hwasa appeared in a black dress with long sleeves, backless along with beige heels. Her burgundy velvet lips curved into a smile the moment she stepped closer to RM.

"This is definitely long overdue, and yet so soon." She said. Taking a small seat on top of the table right in front of him. Crossing her legs, he resist the urge to look at them. Remembering may of times being wrapped up in them, finding heaven in the temptress he once called his wife. Now she's just a woman scorn.

"Hyejin." He said looking into her gold eyes.

"Namjoon." She said in that same tone. She leaned in close to his ear. "Two of my girls are at your mansion now. So any funny business, and everyone will die. Got it?" She pulled back seeing the look in his eyes, he seemed unfazed by her threat.

Same old Hwasa he thought.

"I know I seen them before they left. Plus I have my two best shooters. One is aimed at her.." He pointed to Moonbyul, on queue a red dot was illumination upon her forehead. Along with one on Hwasa's forehead. "And one at you." He said with a smile, his dimples showing.

"These bullets are made to kill immortals, one wrong move and both of you are dead." Hwasa had one hell of a poker face. "Then I guess you'll die with me.." Her lips only inches apart from his. RM chuckled.

"You can try." He said in a deep tone as his whole eye turned black. Slowly releasing the beast within.

If you get the chance check out my two new books out. Library Card & Sweet Solace! You won't regret 😏😉💜💜💜

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