09. I don't know what it feels like, only know that it feels right

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9: I don't know what it feels like, only know that it feels right

RM pulled into the front of Jin's apartment complex. Jin had dried up his tears as he looked down. RM pulled out the small box Taehyung gave him earlier. "I almost forgot this is from Taehyung, he told me to give you this." Jin quirked a brow as he took the box, unwrapping the pink ribbon. He opened the velvet box. Inside was a charm bracelet with a Mario pendant hanging from it. Growing up Jin was obsessed with Mario. He took the bracelet in his hand as he placed it on. Jin couldn't help but tear up again, this time out of the happiness.

"You had this is whole time and didn't tell me?" He asked. "Yes. I wanted to see if you were going to behave first."

"So if I misbehaved you wouldn't give it to me?" Jin narrowed his eyes.

"No, I said if you behaved I wouldn't give it to you. I never said you behaved. You almost charged at Minho causing a scene. I don't call that behaving."

Jin chuckled some. He couldn't understand RM, his mind was miles away into the future where Jin was only present. "There's a surprise inside." RM pointed to the box. Jin knitted his brows opening a secret compartment of the box. There was a small piece of paper folded inside. Jin unfolded the paper.

Dear Hyung,

I know how much you love Mario, I just wanted to give this to you. I love you, here's my number! Call me xxx-xxx-xxx

Love, Tae-Tae ❤️

Jin looked to RM. "I told you, I'd get his number for you." He said. Jin looked at RM, he didn't know what to think. He didn't know how to reward the male for a thoughtless gesture. He leaned over as he took RM's glasses off. Seeing those brown eyes slowly turn red, the closer Jin got. He gave RM a kiss, he wasn't sure if the man was gay. He wasn't either, but his mind along with body was on auto-pilot.

Soon or later RM's mouth moved with Jin's, the two being introduced to something so unfamiliar. In RM's time it was forbid whereas in Jin's time it's so accepted, but so unacceptable in his world. Jin's hand ran down RM's cold smooth skin. Even with his skin being cold to the touch the temperature in the car was hot to Jin. He broke the kiss gently, looking at RM. Neither of them had words for each other, Jin just quickly left. He hurried inside as he didn't look back.

Out of all the things RM has seen and vision, he honestly didn't see that coming. Not knowing how to handle a situation like this, he decide to get advice from someone who knew this territory very well.

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