04. We've got time on our hands

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RM was in his office, he was reading a book from his many shelves he had lined up against his office, most of them hundreds of years old, back when he was human he had a passion for learning and teaching. He was a scholar in his younger years. Now; He just reads to occupy his mind, unfortunately he couldn't live out his true passion.

Teaching the eager young minds of the world, he had to hide in the shadows and substitute his desires in a different way.

He had a glass of warm blood in a tumbler glass, with him being the eldest immortal. He learned to go years without blood, and still have his strength, but from time to time. It's nice to feel the sensation of food and liquid, even if he didn't have tastebuds anymore.

The only thing, any immortal body can taste is Blood, anything else is tasteless. Even alcohol.

He heard a knock on his door, he just continued to read from his book- not paying much mind to the other being. They knocked again, he sighed. Putting his book down.

"Come in.."

He said not really wanting to be bothered. It was Hoseok, his black hair was wavy and in his face. He smiled big, his fangs glisten.

"You smell him?"

He said in a frenzy tone, his eyes were brighter then usual. Jin's scent was lingering all through the halls of the mansion. By now everyone knew there was a human here.

"Yes, and he is not your next meal. He's Taehyung's older brother. And a guest."

Hoseok raised a brow. "Such a shame, Yoongi said he had a hot bod, I'd sink my teeth into that." Hoseok said with a sinister smile. RM was a bit disgusted by what the other said. One, he didn't even realize Hoseok swung that way. And two, Yes Jin was just a mere human. But if he was going to be under this roof he was going to be treated with dignity. Not just a piece of meat.

"So we're basically babysitting a human? How the hell could you agree to that?" RM sighed.

He couldn't even understand how he agreed to it. It was part of a deal Taehyung and Kookie made, Kookie would do anything for Taehyung. And RM seen Kookie as a younger brother, Hell even a son he'd never have. So he in return would do anything for the younger. But wasn't sure what to do with Jin, he'd have to talk to the older about ALL of this....


Jin stirred in his sleep, he groaned softly as he stretched. He started to flutter his eyes open, taking in his surroundings. His head was still fuzzy, from sleep. He had a terrible dream, his mind along with his body woke up. His vision was clear, he seen Taehyung. The younger had a smile of relief on his face.


Taehyung immediately hugged his brother, ignoring the fact the older was hooked to an ivy. Jin winced, he felt pain but he didn't know why? "Hyung! I'm so happy to see you! I missed you so much!" Tears flowed from Taehyung's eyes.

Jin felt something different about Taehyung, he was cold. Although he hesitated he still wrapped an arm around Taehyung, he looked around not finding the room familiar. His eyes widen. Finally looking down at his appearance, he was wearing a light blue pajamas. Who the hell undressed me? His cheeks were flushed, feeling violated he thought of RM. A fear struck him to the core. He pulled from Taehyung's hold.

"Tae, we have to get out of here? This place isn't safe, it's filled with demonic monsters!" Jin pulled the ivy from his arm as he tried to get out of the bed, thinking of a way out of this mad house.

Taehyung gulped, giving a sigh. "Hyung. You're not in any danger." Jin ceased all movements as he turned to Taehyung, thinking the male had three different heads speaking a totally different language.

"What-... what are you talking about Taehyung. Some psycho killed Joohyun, I have to go to the police!" He was yelling. "Not only did he kill my fiancé in front of me, he fucking kidnapped me! Do you not understand the dilemma I'm in Tae!"

Jin had a knack for overreacting, yes in this manner he had every right too. Only because he didn't know the full story. "Hyung you have to c-"

"No I will not stay fucking calm!"

A flash flew by as Jin felt an uneasy presences his body froze. Behind Taehyung was him, that monster. The one who took everything from him. His future wife, his sanity, his everything!

RM was standing by the door, his crimson eyes penetrated Jin's very soul with that stare alone. He shivered some, this man obviously wasn't human. He moved swiftly to Taehyung, as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't you fucking touch him, you beast!" Jin screamed out. Jin may have been- no completely weak against RM. But he'd fight to the death if he were to hurt Taehyung. He just reunited with his brother, and he wasn't going to let some soulless monster get in the way of that.

Taehyung looked back at Jin, surprised and disappointed at his brother's outburst. "Hyung, how could you say such a thing? He didn't kidnap you, he saved you. Yes, Joohyun died. But do you know why?"

Jin's confused expression went to RM then to Taehyung. He didn't understand why his precious Joohyun was slaughtered.

"She put a hit out on me, and you. That bullet that killed her was meant for you! She was going to run off with our money and kill you in the process. She never loved you Jin.."

Jin visibly flinched from the hurtful statement being thrown at him, he didn't believe his brother. Joohyun wouldn't do that. "No, no, no! You're lying! She loved me she wouldn't do such a thing!" Jin shook his head vigorously not believing the deceitful words.

"He's not lying. She hired one of my men to kill him and you." RM spoke in a deep calm tone, it was terrifying a little. But Jin was filled with too many emotions to pay attention. He leaned off the wall as he walked slowly to Jin, he wasn't going to sugarcoat the truth like Taehyung was doing.

"...The only reason why you're not chopped up; buried and or burn is because of your brother. If I were you, I'd get down on my knees and thank him until the day you die."

"Well thank god, I'm not you!" Jin was sick of RM. His face, his voice, and most of all his pretentious attitude. Jin passed by RM, as he stood in front of Taehyung.

"Taehyung, I'm going back home. If you were wise you'd do the same." Taehyung shook his head. "I've made a home here, hyung. I can't leave, I don't want too. I promise you I'm not in any danger. The guys here are nice once you get to know them." Jin turned to the side, seeing RM give him a death glare. Jin rolled his eyes looking back at Taehyung. Taehyung gave a small smile.

"Even RM, he's a really cool guy. And very smart too." Giving Jin a wink, Jin gave a disgusted look. He was not gay, every fiber in his being craved a woman.

Jin huffed, he hugged Jin tightly taking in his brother's scent. He smelled like strawberries, Taehyung loved strawberries. That's the only human food he misses the most. He let go. "Will I be able to visit you?" Jin asked.

"No." RM simply stated. Jin scowled.

"I'll visit you, but you can't tell anyone. As far as everyone knows I'm dead. And that's all they need to know." Taehyung said holding his brother's hand. Jin didn't understand none of this, he didn't understand why his brother wanted to live in this house filled with monsters. Sorry monsters, and one asshole!

"Fine. Can you at least take me home?" He asked his brother, wanting some alone time with him. Taehyung shook his head with a defended look. "Still too risky.." Taehyung's gaze looked passed Jin. "But he can.." he gestured his gaze behind Jin.

Jin already knew who Taehyung was talking about. He huffed, as he turned his head to RM. The creature, was levitating keys till they dropped in his hands.

"Wanna take a ride, princess?" That devilish grin appeared on his face.

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