11. Lonely souls love the pain

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"You fucking bastard!"

Taehyung threw Jimin through the wall of the corridors, the other recovered as Taehyung appeared him in seconds. Jimin blocked his moves as he grabbed him throwing him through the window. Taehyung landed on the ground, Jimin was growing tired of this. He just returned home less then five minutes, being attacked by the newborn.

Jimin leaped from the window, as he was about to land. Taehyung grabbed his wrist, throwing the older into the fountain. Causing the fountain to collapsed due to the impact. RM pulled up to see the commotion, wondering why Yoongi or Hoseok or anyone was stopping these two from going at their own throats?

RM's demon surfaced as the black mist, wrapped itself around Taehyung and Jimin stopping the immortals from causing more damage.

"Let me go! That bastard needs to pay for what he did!" Taehyung was trying to pry the demonic presence from him. His canines emerged as he snarled at Jimin, he was in full vampiric mode.

"I told you I didn't kill your mom, you stupid cunt!" Jimin yelled back.

"Shut up, you dumb whore!" Taehyung remarked.

"Oh I'm the whore? I've only been with one man for the pass 20 years! How many men have you slept with you cum dumpster!" Jimin fought back against the demon that had his limbs bound.

"Enough! Both of you!" RM's voice went down low, sending a fear through both the young immortals beings'.

"Taehyung, Jimin did not kill your mother. She was murdered by another contract killer." RM said in a stoic tone. Taehyung calmed himself as he turned to RM, confused. "How do you know that?"

Jungkook was pulling up in a van, it had the faint smell of blood. Taehyung caught the scent, it was a smell he never wanted to come across. Jungkook noticed RM's demon had Taehyung and Jimin pinned. He was curious. He got out he had a black cap on, with a black hoodie and black pants and boots. He had a black mask on, only his eyes were visible.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked as he looked between the three males. "Taehyung believes Jimin killed his mother." RM smelled the blood, remembering the poor soul it belonged too.

Jungkook furrowed his brows. Looking to Taehyung, seeing the hurt in his eyes. "Let them go, I'll take care of it." He said to RM. RM did just that. The black mist evaporated as the two males had the use of their limbs now.

Taehyung ran to Jungkook, as he cried in the younger's arms. "He killed her Kookie." His sobs were muffled by Jungkook's shoulders, Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung. "Tae- baby... Jimin didn't kill your mother. He killed Choi Minho." He said. Taehyung knew he smelled that devil's blood. He smelled Minho's blood on Jungkook's hoodie.

"Did you help him?" He asked. Jungkook nodded. Jimin was dusting off, getting his new shirt dirty. He stormed back inside not wanting to deal with Taehyung. RM knew Jimin was a drama queen and the best thing to do is to give him space when he was like that.

"You know you have to apologize to Jimin." Jungkook said before he kissed Taehyung on the forehead. Taehyung smiled. The two walked back inside. "When you killed him, did he scream?" Taehyung looked to Kookie, biting his bottom lip. "Yeah, I cut out his tongue for a souvenir. Just for you." Kookie said with a smile. Taehyung kissed the younger passionately.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" He said. RM didn't understand how their relationship worked, and he honestly didn't want to know.

A window opened. "Are those two done fighting yet?" Yoongi hollered out through the window. RM blinked. "You were here the whole time!?" RM was in disbelief. "No, I was sleeping till the two brats started breaking the house!"

"Why didn't you stop them?" The leader yelled. "Too much work." Yoongi said as he closed the window. RM shook his head. "Unbelievable." He said looking at the damaged the two made. They were going to rebuild this, he proceeded to put an order in to Home Depot that night.


In further news South Korea mourns the death of Kim Soojeong, daughter of the famous Kim Jaebong. The last pillar of Kim Industries. With Kim Taehyung still being missing. Investigators found out that Kim Byungchul, had took out 5 billion won a week before his Shanghai trip. Further indicating he must of paid to have his wife killed. He has been apprehended at the airport minutes after his plane landed.

:::2 weeks later:::

He knew shit was literally about to hit the fan. He couldn't believe his father was responsible for his mother's death. Once he was given the news, he immediately went to visit this mother. She died within five minutes Jin seen her. He had to get away from all of this, he knew crying was a waste of time. But that's all he did was cry, he cried till it physically hurt him. His father was being arrested for the death of his mother, and his mother was dead, while his brother was a vampire. Life for Jin was gone, he hated having everything in his life fall apart. He had no way to fix it.

He was currently in Busan, he needed to get out of Seoul for a bit. He heard that Choi Minho was killed, he had little to no emotion about that. He knew that dumbass' shadiness would get him killed. He was currently in his kitchen. He loved to cook, it calmed him when his nerves were haywire. Jin still had thoughts of that day he kissed RM, the immortal must have liked it. He didn't push him away. Jin wasn't sure why he did it, did he perhaps like RM? No, He can't like him. RM was something unholy, he could never picture a future with that..creature.

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