Hot Air Balloon

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The broken down church that existed near the edge of Pure Heart Valley was a bit of a mystery. No one in the valley knew who built it or when it was built. But recently, reports of small creatures that terrorized Farmer Bun in the dark of night. This warranted a search by the Sheriff and his companions.

Mao Mao's cape fluttered slightly in the evening breeze. The sun set behind the horizon, and the stars emerged. Badgerclops used his mechanical arm to produce a flashlight. The trio made their way through the dark.

"Don't you think that maybe Farmer Bun is just imaging things?" Badegerclops complained. "I mean, the dude's a FARMER. He's probably making this up."

"Badgerclops," Mao Mao said, "We don't know if it is real or not. If it is, it may pose a real threat to the citizens. If we solve this issue, then our reputation will grow!" In his head, he imagined King Snugglemane giving him a medal and people cheering.

"But like-" Badgerclops started, but Mao Mao quieted him.

"Shush! We're here."

Farmer Bun rushed towards the trio. The bags underneath his eyes showed that he spent many nights awake.

"Sheriff! Thank goodness you're here!" Farmer Bun exclaimed. Quickly grabbing Mao Mao's hand, he dragged the cat towards the broken church. The walls had decayed a lot, along with the roof, which contained a few holes. The bell that was strung on top seemed to have fallen off, and it possibly was inside the run-down building.

"They're in there, the little demons," Farmer Bun said. "They harass me and destroy my crops. They even stole some cobbler!"

"WHAT?!" Badgerclops gasped. "THAT'S TOO FAR!"

"Exactly," Farmer Bun agreed. "That's why I need your help."

"Say no more, Farmer Bun." Mao Mao said. "We'll deal with this." With that, they walked inside.

Adorabat sneezed. "It's so dusty here!"

"Yeah, no kidding." Badgerclops replied.

Mao Mao's ears were perked up, and he was on alert for the tiniest sound. From behind one of the pews, something scurried along. Tensing up, the group followed the noise to a door on the other side. Reaching for the handle, Mao Mao thrust it open and everyone charged.

"WAIT!" Adorabat yelled. "LOOK!"

Mao Mao and Badgerclops lowered their weapons and looked at the monster.

"It's just a-"

"Small Raptor baby!" Badgerclops squealed. With joy, he grabbed the creature. It cooed as he hugged it. Adorabat flew over and examined it.

"It's so adorable!" She smiled. "Like me!"

Mao Mao scratched his head. "But I thought there were more of-"

Suddenly, 5 more emerged from the shadows, and leapt all over Badgerclops, who laughed in delight.

"You guys are tickling me!" He laughed.

"Well then," Mao Mao said. "I guess our work is done here."

"But what about them?" Adorabat asked. "I think they're lost." She petted one of them. "We should return them to the wild."

"Awww," Badgerclops groaned. "Can't we keep them?" He scratched one, and it purred.

"No, we can't Badgerclops." Mao Mao said. "We have to return them to the wild." Picking one up, he beckoned the rest to follow.

"Adorabat c'mon!" Badgerclops called. She was examining the thing that the creatures were hiding in.

"Coming!" She yelled. She hid it beneath a pile of junk, and flew away.

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