The Real World

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The crisp autumn wind ruffled the trees' leaves and shook a few of them off. Mao Mao wrapped his crimson coat around himself and shivered. Slowly but surely, winter was creeping closer and closer to Pure Heart Valley, and the trees would be bare. He inched a bit closer to Badgerclops, who had a scarf wrapped around him and was currently holding a warm plastic cup of pumpkin spice.

"Kinda chilly, right?" Badgerclops asked.

"Yeah..." Mao Mao shuddered slightly as the two continued down the street. Currently, they were heading to Adorabat's school. Instead of the usual route of taking the aero-cycle, Badgerclops wanted to take in the fall beauty of the valley, as it seemed that it could pass any day now. Well, after a month, but still.

As the two took a sharp turn, they found themselves confronted with a bizarre and colorful scene. The plaza had been transformed in orange and mahogany as decorations were strung up and littered across every wall. Stalls and booths were selling a ton of autumn-themed merchandise, ranging from jack-o-lanterns, to some good ol' pumpkin pie.

"Oooh!" Badgerclops was immediately attracted to the pie, but Mao Mao yanked him back. "Dude!"

"We have to pick up Adorabat." Mao Mao reminded him. "We can get some for later-" He paused, as his eyes laid sight on something truly beautiful.

"Is that-" In a flash, he appeared before the stall, startling Farmer Bun. "Cobbler?!"

"Wha-Oh!" Farmer Bun yelped I'm surprise. "How did you-"

"Answer the question; is this cobbler?" Mao Mao asked impatiently.

"Uh, well, it's my own recipe of cobbler." Farmer Bun answered, still a little shook. "Pumpkin Cobbler! Because, you know, it's fall, and-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Mao Mao said. "How much does it cost?"

"Well, about ten dollars per serving." Farmer Bun replied, and Mao Mao rummaged through his wallet and drew out a handful of crumpled up dollars.

"We'll buy all of it!" Mao Mao thrusted the wad of cash into Farmer Bun's face, but Badgerclops quickly pulled Mao Mao's arm back.

"No, no, no," Badgerclops took the money, and after a bit of shuffling, Badgerclops held out three bills. "Three, please." He gave the remaining money back to Mao Mao.

"Well, here you go." Farmer Bun handed out three plates that were filled with that pumpkin cobbler.

"Thank you," Badgerclops replied. "Now, we gotta go because I think Adorabat's waiting for us."

"But we should eat the cobbler before it gets cold!" Mao Mao said, drooling a little, as he stared longingly at the food that Badgerclops held.

"Dude. I bought three for all of us." Badgerclops said.

"Well what if I eat some and you just buy more?" Mao Mao suggested, and Badgerclops protectively shielded the cobbler. Then, he had an idea.

"Well, you gotta catch me first." And Badgerclops took off sprinting, along with the cobbler.

"Hey! Badgerclops!" Mao Mao scrambled after his friend, who had a big lead and Mao Mao was struggling to catch up to him.

Badgerclops quickly took a sharp left as the chase continued down the alley, and Mao Mao narrowly avoided bumping into the sweetiepies as he chased after. "Sorry!" He quickly apologized as he almost crashed in Cluckins, and he continued pursuing Badgerclops and the cobbler. Badgerclops looked behind and saw Mao Mao hurrying after him, and he picked up the pace, however he skidded to a halt as he reached an intersection, and the sign was the orange hand, preventing him from going. He took a deep breath, only to notice Chubbum and Lucky staring at him concerned.

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