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(Warning! Possible spoilers for the show! After the new episodes air, you can read this, but if you haven't seen them; DON'T READ THIS!)

"You ready Adorabat?" Mao Mao asked, looking through the side view window. The entire group was dressed formally, which was appropriate, as today was a very special day; Adorabat was graduating. Instead of riding the aero-cycle, Mao Mao decided to go the extra mile and rented out a ruby red sleek car, which glistened in the sunlight.

"DUDE!" Badgerclops exclaimed as Mao Mao revealed the luxurious car to them. "How did you-"

"Saving money really does pay off in the long run." Mao Mao answered. "Besides, anything for my favorite deputy." He patted her head. Along with the new car, Mao Mao had also bought her a beautiful blue and yellow dress which popped out. Adorabat tugged at the little frills at the edge of her dress, not hearing Mao Mao's voice.

"Adorabat?" Mao Mao repeated, jolting Adorabat from her little trance.

"Uh- y-yeah?" Adorabat asked. "What is it?"

"Are you ready for your graduation?" He asked again.

"Yeah, just...a little nervous." Adorabat replied, fidgeting a little.

"Why?" Badgerclops asked. "I thought you'd be happy about, y'know, graduating bro."

"Well, I am...but..." She tugged at her frills again. "I feel...weird."

"Weird?" Badgerclops turned to her. "Like what kinda weird? And for what?"

"Well, I'm...I don't know!" Adorabat let out a frustrated groan. "It's hard to explain, and I don't know why!"

"And we're here!" Mao Mao interrupted, and Adorabat looked ahead to see the school towering over them. Many cars were parked, and outside, sweetiepies, both children and parents, were milling around in anticipation for the event to begin. Mao Mao parked the car and leapt out in style. Adorabat exited the car, but the indescribable emotion she was feeling still lingered, although it was replaced by anxiousness.

The trio walked up to the crowds, and two sweetiepies emerged from the rabble. "Hey Adorabat!" Chubbum greeted her warmly. "You're here!"

"We thought you weren't coming!" Lucky exclaimed.

"Well she's here, and she is fantabulous!" Badgerclops said. Mao Mao smiled and was about to speak up before someone tapped him on the shoulder. Turning around, he found himself face to face with Adorabat's teacher.

"I presume you're Adorabat's guardians, yes?" She asked.

"Yeah," Badgerclops nudged Mao Mao. "We're her guardians."

"Well, I'd like to tell you that your daughter has improved quite a lot over these past few months." She said. "Before your arrival here in Pure Heart Valley, Adorabat was having trouble with grades, friends, and a lot of other things." She smiled. "But now, I see why and how she became better."

"Well, if you must know, she got all the expertise from me." Mao Mao said in a attempted drawl.

"Pfffft. Right." Badgerclops chuckled. "Don't listen to him; I'm kinda the one who helped her."

"Ohohoho! Really?" As Mao Mao and Badgerclops chatted with her teacher, Adorabat was talking with Chubbum and Lucky.

"Man, I can't believe we're leaving school." Chubbum said. "It's pretty weird."

"Yeah," Adorabat mumbled. "It is..."

"But it's still exciting!" Lucky exclaimed, "Goodbye school!"

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