Halcyon Storm

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Rain battered at Mao Mao's fur as he, Badgerclops, and Adorabat fled from the oncoming storm. The sky was covered in dark, stormy rain clouds, and crackles of lightning streaked across the sky and lit up the tempest that raged on. Mud splashed as Badgerclops and Mao Mao ran, Adorabat flapped her wings at a rate in which she had never done before.

"Do you guys see anywhere we can hide?!" Badgerclops yelled over the rain.

"No!" Adorabat screamed. "I can't see anything!"

Mao Mao pulled his hood over his head and narrowed his eyes, trying to see any place that could shelter them from the rainstorm. But all he could see was just the driblets that poured from the sky nonstop.

Badgerclops clicked a button on his mechanical arm and it transformed into a flashlight, illuminating a bit of what lay ahead. It was through the light that Mao Mao saw their salvation.

"There!" He pointed. "A cave!" Without another word, the trio charged straight into the cave, finally out of the harsh shower.

"Ugh..." Mao Mao patted his clothes and his cape, which were all soaked through. "I'm so wet!"

"No kidding!" Badgerclops shook his fur, water flicking everywhere. "I'm drenched as heck!" He tapped his mechanical arm, and a few sparks flew out. "And my arm is a bit broken."

"Aw man," Adorabat groaned. "I feel so soggy!"

"Well," Mao Mao sighed. "We'll have to wait out this storm, and when we get home, we all have to take baths."

"Yeah, definitely." Badgerclops shuddered, wrapping his arms around himself. "Brrr...Hey, do you think you can make a fire?"

"But we don't have any wood to burn..." Mao Mao's eyes drifted to Adorabat's peg leg.

"Hey! What are you looking at?!" Adorabat shielded her wooden leg.

"Dude, we're not going to use Adorabat's leg." Badgerclops tried clicking a few buttons until one finally worked with an umbrella popping out.

"You had that the whole time?" Adorabat asked.

"Yeah, I kinda remembered that I had it." Badgerclops chuckled awkwardly. "Also, I thought that control was broken because of the rain." He turned to Mao Mao. "Hopefully this will help us get some wood."

"Adorabat, you stay here." Mao Mao instructed. "Your body needs

"Okay!" She shuddered and sat down on the cave's floor. "Just come back soon."

"Don't worry about it, dude." Badgerclops replied. "We'll be back in a jiffy."


Before the downpour had occurred, the day had been quite peaceful and idyllic. The trio had gone out to the meadows because of reports of a monster being seen nearby. The reports were made by Farmer Bun the most, as it seemed that the beast could easily trample his pastures.

However, to Mao Mao and Adorabat's disappointment, there was nothing except for an old warren and a pair of paw prints that lead away from the meadow.

"Well, that was a complete waste of time," Badgerclops commented. "Alright, let's go home."

"Fine," Mao Mao dejectedly replied. "But we should probably hurry." He gazed up at the sky, which was beginning to fill up with grey clouds, blotting out the blue sky. "It looks like it's about to rain soon."

"Eh, don't worry about it." Badgerclops started walking. "We should get there in time if we hurry."

Adorabat was about to speak, but suddenly, a raindrop splashed on her head. In a matter of seconds, the rain increased heavily and it drizzled with no intent of stopping.

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