Honey And The Bee

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Mao Mao sliced his way through the beeswax, as Badgerclops and Adorabat followed him. They were currently inside a massive beehive situated near Pure Heart Valley. The hive's inhabitants, the Titan Wasps, were very aggressive, which posed a threat for the sweetiepies. Titan Wasps, true to their name, were gigantic, with big wings, enormous mandibles, and a behemoth of a stinger.

The trio waded through the thick honey stream, enveloped in the dark. Badgerclops' arm transformed into a flashlight that illuminated the shadows.

"Dude, seriously," Badgerclops said, "I
can eat this entire beehive ya know? I'm a badger!" His mouth watered and he went to scoop up some honey from a honeycomb.

"No Badgerclops!" Mao Mao slapped his hand away. "Titan Wasp honey is not safe for people!" Badgerclops ribbed his hand and rolled his eyes, but did not reply.

"Adorabat," Mao Mao turned to the blue bat, "Echolocate again."

"Okay Mao Mao!" She excitedly said. Adorabat took a deep breath and screamed. Bats were known to use echolocation to find objects. Adorabat did this by yelling or screeching, which worked perfectly. She lead the group throughout the maze of the beehive.

After she was done screaming, her ears perked up. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sound waves that bounced around the beeswax walls. Finally, she opened her eyes, and turned to Mao Mao and Badgerclops.

"Okay, so there's a split which makes the path go in two directions. We take the left one, and then we fight monsters!" She squealed in excitement. "Then, after we fight the monsters, we keep going and then we are at the queen bee!"

Mao Mao nodded. "Lead the way, Adorabat." She fluttered ahead, Mao Mao and Badgerclops right behind.

"So, we kill the queen bee and then I can eat this honey?" Badgerclops asked. Mao Mao sighed.

"Yes, Badgerclops. Whenever a Titan Wasp queen is slain, the rest scatter." Badgerclops was bending over again to pick some honey, and was promptly slapped away by Mao Mao.

"Ow, dude," Badgerclops grumbled, "A simple tap would've been nice." Mao Mao continued onward, with Badgerclops following.

True to Adorabat's words, there was a fork in the road, and the trio went through the left one. The entered a chamber that housed many Titan Wasps. They clicked their mandibles and charged, their jaws snapping.

"Alright," Mao Mao unsheathed his sword, a grin on his face. "Let's do this."

5 Titan Wasps converged on them, Badgerclops and Adorabat jumped out of the way, while Mao Mao confronted them head on. With his katana, he sliced at them, leaping under and over them. Badgerclops fired blasts of energy at the Titan Wasps that were right on Adorabat's heel. The blue bat didn't seem to care that she was in danger, laughing as the Titan Wasps snapped at her.

Soon enough, in a few minutes, the Titan Wasps were defeated, Mao Mao dusted his hands, and laughed.

"Good work team," He pointed to the exit of the room. "Now let's go get that queen Titan Wasp!"

Mao Mao and Badgerclops climbed the sticky honey covered walls, Adorabat flying upwards. Badgerclops was tempted by the liquid, but he shook his head and kept going, wiping the saliva dripping from his mouth. When they reached the top, Badgerclops let out a gasp.

"That...was...soooo...hard..." Badgerclops panted, sweat dripping off him. Mao Mao wasn't tired, as he continued onwards. Badgerclops sighed and stood up, going along with him, Adorabat hovering behind.

The group continued, and they happened upon a light shining within one of the spaces that the tunnel branched into.

"Is that it?" Mao Mao pointed to glowing room. Adorabat nodded.

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